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Ron Paul Liberty Report

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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Recent Episodes of Ron Paul Liberty Report

War With Iran Should Not Replace War In Ukraine

War With Iran Should Not Replace War In Ukraine

Do you see the narrative shifting? We seamlessly went from years of covid tyranny to the Ukraine war. And now that the Ukraine war has been lost (with American taxpayers losing hundreds of billions of dollars) the narrative is shifting again; this time to Iran. This is how the U.S. has been bankrupted by endless war(s) for 100+ years. The senses of the American people are relentlessly bombarded, from every angle, in order to be enthusiastically led into the next major disaster.

Episode 26 July 2024 29m and 18s

Biden Quits...To 'Save Our Democracy'? With Guest Jeff Deist

Biden Quits...To 'Save Our Democracy'? With Guest Jeff Deist

Former Ron Paul chief of staff Jeff Deist joins today's Liberty Report to break down Biden's bizarre TV appearance last night to explain why he's dropping out of the 2024 race. Does it add up? How much of a threat is Kamala to Trump? What does Trump need to do to win?

Episode 25 July 2024 33m and 13s

Secret Service To Trump: 'Wanna Be Safe? Stop Holding Rallies!'

Secret Service To Trump: 'Wanna Be Safe? Stop Holding Rallies!'

The US Secret Service has presented a novel solution to former President Trump after the recent assassination attempt: stop holding large outdoor rallies. Does limiting Trump's ability to reach potential voters seem like a good solution? Or maybe should the Secret Service do its job better? Also today: Is the Secret Service Cheatle era the high-water mark for DEI? Finally...Bibi is in town!!!

Episode 24 July 2024 29m and 12s

German Politician Denied US Entry Over A MEME? With Guest Christopher Kofner

German Politician Denied US Entry Over A MEME? With Guest Christopher Kofner

The "Alternative for Germany" (AfD) party shocked Europe recently, scoring big wins in the recent EU Parliamentary elections. Brussels is terrified of the supposed "far right" gaining more power in Europe. But is AfD really "far right"? Today, AfD economist and regional spokesman Christopher Kofner joins the Liberty Report to explain what all the panic is about...and to for the first time reveal his own recent BIZARRE run-in with US Customs as he attempted to attend a conference in the US hosted by a libertarian think tank. You won't believe what happened to him!!!

Episode 23 July 2024 28m and 17s

Weekly Update -- Republican Platform Ignores Real Causes Of Inflation

Weekly Update -- Republican Platform Ignores Real Causes Of Inflation

Weekly Update -- Republican Platform Ignores Real Causes Of Inflation by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Episode 23 July 2024 4m and 30s

The Great Biden Coup?

The Great Biden Coup?

No press conference? No photo-op? Not even White House Stationery? We are expected to believe President Biden announced his sudden withdrawal as the Democratic Party candidate for president...on Twitter/X? Do you believe it? Who's really running things here?

Episode 22 July 2024 27m and 49s

"Unity" Is Only Achieved With Voluntarism, Not By The Force Of Empire

"Unity" Is Only Achieved With Voluntarism, Not By The Force Of Empire

"Unity” is complementary to limited government, not interventionist government and empire. An interventionist government perpetually creates victims, and no one wants to be a victim. Politicians often use the word “unity” to blunt opposition to their interventions. Wars are easier to wage when there’s “unity,” instead of mass protests. America’s biggest divisions are caused by a government that believes, and acts, as if it has no limits. Get your tickets to the RPI summer conference: Apply for the Ron Paul Scholars Seminar:

Episode 19 July 2024 22m and 53s

How Political News Impacts Markets: Economist Phillip Patrick on Gold and the Economy

How Political News Impacts Markets: Economist Phillip Patrick on Gold and the Economy

How Political News Impacts Markets: Economist Phillip Patrick on Gold and the Economy by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Episode 18 July 2024 16m and 54s

VP Pick Vance: 'Punch Iran Hard!'

VP Pick Vance: 'Punch Iran Hard!'

And...there goes hope of a more sane foreign policy, as Trump's VP pick JD Vance comes out swinging with the "brilliant" idea of REALLY attacking Iran, not just those "little bombing runs." What Vance doesn't understand is that this is not the world as it was ten years ago. A war on Iran could well bring in China and Russia, and at the least would mark a massive Middle East escalation where a good deal of the fallout would affect the Israel that he claims to so strongly support. Get your tickets to the RPI summer conference: https://www...

Episode 17 July 2024 28m and

Weekly Update --- Why We'll Never Know What Really Happened In Butler, PA

Weekly Update --- Why We'll Never Know What Really Happened In Butler, PA

Weekly Update --- Why We'll Never Know What Really Happened In Butler, PA by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Episode 16 July 2024 4m and 28s

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