Skill Piper

Travelers In The Night

Brought to you by, Albert D. Grauer

Travelers In The Night

A real "Science Snack" for anyone who is interested in the extraterrestrial.Dr. Al Grauer is a member of the Catalina Sky Survey which has led the world in near Earth asteroid discoveries for 17 of the past 19 years.The music is "Eternity" by John Lyell.Astronomy Asteroids Space NASA Comets Earth Impact Aliens

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Recent Episodes of Travelers In The Night

813-RADAR Observations of Close Approacher

813-RADAR Observations of Close Approacher

Astronomers measure an asteroid’s position  on the sky using a two dimensional system similar to the latitude and longitude coordinates we obtain with our GPS.  For the vast majority of asteroids, we cannot measure the third dimension, the distance to the asteroid directly.

Episode 6 September 2024 2m and 1s

300E-319-Lost and Found

300E-319-Lost and Found

When asteroid hunters follow an object in the night sky for a few hours or a couple of days they are only able to observe a snippet or tracklet of the object's hundreds to thousands of days long path around the Sun. If we only have a short sample of an orbit we loose precision to locate the object as the length of time since the last observation increases. It is thus possible to lose the knowledge of where to find a particular asteroid.

Episode 3 September 2024 2m and 1s

812-The Benu Files I

812-The Benu Files I

A recent scientific paper characterizes the 123 grams of the regolith or surface material from the asteroid Bennu which NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft brought back to Earth after a successful 7 year sample and return mission.Determining the chemical composition of asteroids like Bennu is essential to planning asteroid mining missions as well how to best mitigate the damage which would result from the impact of a large asteroid with our number on it.

Episode 30 August 2024 2m and 1s

299E-318-Caves of Mars

299E-318-Caves of Mars

Presently the surface of Mars is very dry and any liquid water that reaches it quickly boils away since the martian atmospheric pressure is what you could experience in your space suit 30 to 50 miles above the Earth's surface. However, since the martian gravity is about 1/3 that of the Earth, it's crust is less dense and more porous than what we find on our home planet. This situation leads Dr. Alfred McEwen of the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory to state “I consider it likely that there are deep pockets of water in the martian crust not yet detected”. Lett...

Episode 27 August 2024 2m and 1s

811-Martian Meteroite Hunters

811-Martian Meteroite Hunters

Perhaps someday humans will travel to Mars, walk the surface of the red planet, and collect meteorites. Recent studies suggest Mars to be an exciting place to find ancient relics of our solar system

Episode 23 August 2024 2m and 1s

298E-317-Psyche Water

298E-317-Psyche Water

The asteroid Psyche may be one of the most expensive pieces of real estate in the solar system. It is a small world about 116 miles in diameter and is composed of almost pure nickel-iron metal. It is located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Scientists find evidence that Psyche may be the exposed core of a planet which was destroyed by collisions as it was trying to form long ago.

Episode 20 August 2024 2m and 1s

810-Humans Can

810-Humans Can

The James Webb Space Telescope or JWST for short is a superb scientific instrument which is revolutionizing our understanding of the structure of the universe and is providing a tool to help us to explore the possibility of life outside of Earth. It is also a testament to what humans can accomplish by working together.

Episode 16 August 2024 2m and 1s

297E-316-Weird Centaur

297E-316-Weird Centaur

My Catalina Sky Survey teammate Richard Kowalski was surprised to find a moving point of light on some his images which was more than 50 times brighter than a typical Earth approaching object he observes . He was even more amazed when it was not cataloged as a known object and he reported his observations to the Minor Planet Center. A couple of hours before Richard spotted it, scientists using the Space Surveillance Telescope in New Mexico had picked up this unknown object on some of their images but did not immediately report their observations. For the next 67 hours the new object...

Episode 13 August 2024 2m and 1s

809- How Close Can An Asteroid Approach

809- How Close Can An Asteroid Approach

The Earth Minimum Orbit Intersection Distance or Earth MOID for short is the closest an asteroid can come to our home planet on it's current orbit.

Episode 9 August 2024 2m and 1s

296E-314-Our Number

296E-314-Our Number

Recently my Catalina Sky Survey teammate Greg Leonard discovered, 2016 WJ1, a relatively large asteroid which can come close but will not hit the Earth. The extremely unlikely scenario of an impactor with our number on it would start the with the report of a fast moving point of light in the night sky. After a few days of data the Minor Planet Center would give it a name. Tracking the new asteroid, asteroid hunters would be alarmed as the chances that this object will impact the Earth starts to rise. Large telescopes would then be trained on it to obtain...

Episode 6 August 2024 2m and 1s

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