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EdSurge Podcast

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EdSurge Podcast

A weekly podcast about the future of learning. Join host Jeff Young and other EdSurge reporters as they sit down with educators, innovators and scholars for frank and in-depth conversations.

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Recent Episodes of EdSurge Podcast

The Strange Past and Messy Future of 'Gifted and Talented.' Bootstraps, Ep. 3 (Encore Episode)

The Strange Past and Messy Future of 'Gifted and Talented.' Bootstraps, Ep. 3 (Encore Episode)

Sometime early in elementary school, kids are put on one of two paths: regular or gifted. Where did this idea come from? The answer goes back more than a 100 years, to a once-famous scholar named Lewis Terman. And it turns out his legacy, and the future of gifted programs, are still very much under debate. This first ran in 2021.

Episode 23 July 2024 42m and 38s

Who Deserves a Seat at the Nation’s 'Best' High School? Bootstraps, Ep. 2 (Encore Episode)

Who Deserves a Seat at the Nation’s 'Best' High School? Bootstraps, Ep. 2 (Encore Episode)

What a debate about the admissions process at one of the best public high schools in the country says about who should get what in education. This first ran in 2021. Find out more on this episode and the rest of the series at:

Episode 16 July 2024 34m and 56s

Can You Really Just 'Pull Yourself Up' in Education? Bootstraps, Ep. 1 (Encore Episode)

Can You Really Just 'Pull Yourself Up' in Education? Bootstraps, Ep. 1 (Encore Episode)

What the odd and surprising history of 'pulling yourself up by your bootstraps' says about educational equity. This is the first episode in our Bootstraps podcast series on merit, myths and education. This first ran in 2021.

Episode 9 July 2024 16m and 15s

What If Banning Smartphones in Schools Is Just the Beginning?

What If Banning Smartphones in Schools Is Just the Beginning?

As momentum grows to limit smartphone use in schools, some educators say that the education system can do even more to counter the negative health effects of social media. One award-winning teacher has changed his lessons and the way he teaches to try to help students learn to better focus — even reserving class time for quiet reading away from the distraction of phones.

Episode 25 June 2024 58m and 26s

Should College Become Part of High School? (Doubting College, Ep. 5)

Should College Become Part of High School? (Doubting College, Ep. 5)

As more students question the value of college, more high schools are bringing college options into their walls. In the latest installment of our Doubting College series, we visit a high school where students can earn a two-year degree without leaving the building, and where students can also get a jump on other career options that don’t require higher education.

Episode 11 June 2024 42m and 8s

Should Chatbots Tutor? Dissecting That Viral AI Demo With Sal Khan and His Son

Should Chatbots Tutor? Dissecting That Viral AI Demo With Sal Khan and His Son

Should AI chatbots be used as tutors? Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy, has become one of the most vocal proponents of the idea, and he and his son are featured in a recent demo of ChatGPT’s latest version. But some teaching experts say tutoring should be reserved for humans who can motivate and understand the students they work with. For this week’s EdSurge Podcast, we talked with Khan to hear more about his vision of AI tutors and the arguments from his recent book.

Episode 4 June 2024 55m and 28s

How Instructors Are Adapting to a Rise in Student Disengagement (Encore Episode)

How Instructors Are Adapting to a Rise in Student Disengagement (Encore Episode)

Professors are finding that they can’t just go back to teaching as they did before the pandemic and expect the same result. It takes more these days to hold student attention, and convince them to show up. This week we’re rebroadcasting this episode that was reported from the back of large lecture classes to see how teaching is changing. The episode recently won a national award from the American Society of Business Publication Editors.

Episode 28 May 2024 30m and 39s

What Brain Science Says About How to Better Teach Teenagers

What Brain Science Says About How to Better Teach Teenagers

One author who spent years researching what brain science says about adolescent learners says their behavior shouldn’t be seen as “deviant” or “immature,” but as a “time of possibility.” And this researcher, Ellen Galinsky, has strong feelings about how to address phones and social media in schools. Read a partial transcript and see show notes at EdSurge:

Episode 21 May 2024 42m and 11s

High School Students Want Answers Before Heading to Campus (Doubting College, Ep. 4)

High School Students Want Answers Before Heading to Campus (Doubting College, Ep. 4)

Today’s high school students are asking more skeptical questions about whether to go to college, or when to go. For this week’s podcast, we visited a career fair at one public high school to ask about the changing ways that high school counselors and education leaders are presenting those choices, and what these students think about their options.

Episode 14 May 2024 25m and 44s

Can ‘Linguistic Fingerprinting’ Guard Against AI Cheating?

Can ‘Linguistic Fingerprinting’ Guard Against AI Cheating?

Some educators are trying a different approach to guarding against AI cheating — a “linguistic fingerprinting” technique that borrows a page from the playbook of criminal investigations.

Episode 7 May 2024 47m and 3s

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