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Spend an hour in someone else's life. Conversations draws you deeper into the life story of someone you may have heard about, but never met.

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Recent Episodes of Conversations

Bruce McAvaney: what a legend, what a champion

Bruce McAvaney: what a legend, what a champion

Bruce McAvaney is the voice of Australian sport, with a commentating style built on his relentless work ethic and genuine passion. But if he hadn't chucked a sickie one day while working as a public servant, the past 50 years of Australian sport might have sounded very different

Episode 26 July 2024 51m and 42s

Louise Kennedy on Belfast, bombs and a disastrous pav

Louise Kennedy on Belfast, bombs and a disastrous pav

Writer Louise Kennedy grew up at the height of The Troubles, just outside of Belfast, where violence was ever-present. When her family's pub was bombed, they decided to move south, where Louise trained as a chef. But after decades of working in the kitchen, a chance invitation to a writer's group lead to an unexpected new career (R)

Episode 25 July 2024 52m and 12s

It's "all sweet" for Tony Armstrong

It's "all sweet" for Tony Armstrong

Tony Armstrong felt like a failure when his AFL career ended. But he found his feet again, falling upwards into a different life, calling footy matches, hosting live television, and now writing a children's book. This is why Tony isn't scared of failing anymore

Episode 24 July 2024 49m and 36s

Lele's home under the Morning Star

Lele's home under the Morning Star

Forced to flee West Papua, Lele's family wandered for years before coming to Australia. When they eventually received Australian citizenship and passports, the family was finally able to travel to West Papua. But Lele's homecoming journey was bittersweet, after tragedy struck

Episode 23 July 2024 46m and 48s

Tidying up the crematorium

Tidying up the crematorium

When writer Lily Brett went to visit Auschwitz, the death camp both her parents had survived, she couldn't help but start tidying up the place where so many of her family had been murdered, and touching the ashes of what was left

Episode 22 July 2024 49m and 36s

PRESENTS — I Was Actually There | The Boxing Day tsunami 2004

PRESENTS — I Was Actually There | The Boxing Day tsunami 2004

I Was Actually There is a new ABC podcast featuring gripping stories told by people who witnessed history first-hand. Hear what it was like to be a police sniper tasked with handling the gunman at the Port Arthur massacre; how it felt to be a teenager seeing The Beatles during their record-breaking 1964 Adelaide visit; and how one man survived being trapped 1km underground for 14 days, after the Beaconsfield mine collapse.

Follow the I Was Actually There podcast on ABC listen.

In this episode, Rebekah Giles and her boyfriend were enjoying a last-minute Christmas holiday in...

Episode 20 July 2024 41m and

The many magnificent, mysterious faces of Monte Punshon

The many magnificent, mysterious faces of Monte Punshon

Monte Punshon was 103 years old when she was crowned the world's oldest lesbian, but that wasn't how she summed up her extraordinary life. Historian Tessa Morris-Suzuki charts Monte's adventures through underground bars and secret clubs

Episode 19 July 2024 49m and 12s

Winnie Dunn — the first

Winnie Dunn — the first

How family and writing brought her home to Tonga, and gave Winnie the power to launch herself into the world on her own terms

Episode 18 July 2024 51m and

The power and determination of Nas Campanella

The power and determination of Nas Campanella

Nas Campanella was six months old when she lost her sight. She fell in love with the radio and audio books as a child, growing up to become one of Australia's most well-known TV and radio journalists (R)

Episode 17 July 2024 53m and

The megadeath of megafauna

The megadeath of megafauna

Dr Aaron Camens studies the fossilised skeletons, footprints and soft tissue left behind by strange, alien-like behemoths, to work out how they lived, and what, or who, killed them

Episode 16 July 2024 52m and 30s

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