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The Techdirt Podcast, hosted by Michael Masnick.

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Recent Episodes of Techdirt

Link Taxes Won't Save Journalism

Link Taxes Won't Save Journalism

A few weeks ago, Mike was the moderator on a panel hosted by CCIA all about link taxes — the various problematic efforts around the world to force internet companies to pay media outlets for sending them traffic. The panel featured Public Knowledge Policy Director Lisa Macpherson, Lion Publishers Executive Director Chris Krewson, and lawyer Cathy Gellis who we regularly work with here at Techdirt. You can listen to the whole discussion here on this week's episode of the podcast.

Episode 17 July 2024 58m and 58s

The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality

The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality

It was over six years ago when we last had Renée DiResta on the podcast for a detailed discussion about misinformation and disinformation on social media. Since then, she's not only led extensive research on the subject, she's also become a central figure in the fever-dream conspiracy theories of online disinformation peddlers. Her new book Invisible Rulers: The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality dives deep into the modern ecosystem of online disinformation, and she joins us again on this week's episode to discuss the many things that have changed in the past six years.

Episode 9 July 2024 57m and 43s

Ctrl-Alt-Speech Minisode: The Supreme Court’s NetChoice Ruling

Ctrl-Alt-Speech Minisode: The Supreme Court’s NetChoice Ruling

The hosts of Ctrl-Alt-Speech are both on vacation this week, but we didn’t want to leave our listeners waiting too long for an update on today’s big news about online speech: the Supreme Court’s ruling in the NetChoice cases, which sends the Texas and Florida laws that would limit the ability of online platforms to moderate political speech back to the lower courts. So Mike Masnick has stepped briefly back to the microphone to join our producer, Leigh Beadon, for a quick mini episode of Ctrl-Alt-Speech, which we’re also posting to the Techdirt podcast feed. In this sho...

Episode 1 July 2024 19m and 23s

Raising Kids In A Digital World

Raising Kids In A Digital World

We weren't planning to do a series, but after our last two episodes with Alice Marwick and then Candice Odgers, things have lined up nicely for a trifecta of episodes about the current moral panic around kids and social media. This week, we're joined by Dr. Devorah Heitner, an expert on kids and technology and author of the recent book Growing Up In Public, as well as a Substack about mentoring kids in a connected world, to discuss what parents really need to know about kids, social media, and the internet.

Episode 25 June 2024 49m and 6s

What An Actual Expert Thinks About Kids & Social Media

What An Actual Expert Thinks About Kids & Social Media

In the conversation about keeping kids safe online, the actual experts with the most to offer are all too often treated as outsiders and interlopers. One such expert is Candice Odgers, Professor of Psychological Science and Informatics at the University of California Irvine, who has recently been involved in a lot of debates against people who are very confident despite having far less information and expertise. This week, she joins us for something of a follow-up to our previous episode, to have a more productive discussion about the real challenges with kids and social media and the real efforts to...

Episode 18 June 2024 43m and 56s

A Primer On Child Online Safety Legislation

A Primer On Child Online Safety Legislation

There's a broad legislative push for rules that would (supposedly) protect kids online. But as we've written about at length, while the concern for teen mental health might be genuine, the legislative response is highly problematic and based on a misdiagnosis of the underlying problems. This week, we're joined by UNC's Alice Marwick, one of a group of academics who recently released a primer on child safety legislation, to discuss the many different issues at play and the problems with various regulatory proposals. Child Online Safety Legislation (COSL) - A Primer:

Episode 11 June 2024 49m and 28s

The Importance Of Section 230 For Online Communities

The Importance Of Section 230 For Online Communities

At the latest committee hearing about its repeal bill, Congress finally deigned to bring in one witness who spoke in defense of Section 230. Engine Executive Director Kate Tummarello got a little bit of time to explain how Section 230 isn't about protecting big tech, it's about protecting the hosts and users of all kinds of extremely important and valuable online communities. But that little bit of time was far from enough, so this week Kate joins us on the podcast to say some more things that Congress really, really needs to listen to.

Episode 4 June 2024 47m and 51s

Ctrl-Alt-Speech: Deepfake It Till You Make It (Teaser)

Ctrl-Alt-Speech: Deepfake It Till You Make It (Teaser)

Check out Ctrl-Alt-Speech, Mike Masnick's brand new podcast with Ben Whitelaw, creator of the Everything in Moderation newsletter. In this teaser excerpt from last week's episode, Mike and Ben discuss a fascinating story about how political deepfakes are being used in the Indian election - but not in the way you might expect. Listen to the whole episode covering all the week's biggest news in online speech - and get ready for this week's episode, releasing tomorrow - by visiting or subscribing to Ctrl-Alt-Speech on your podcast platform of choice! Apple Podcasts:…ch...

Episode 30 May 2024 13m and 36s

Platform Moderation Or Individual Control?

Platform Moderation Or Individual Control?

As decentralized social media experiments continue, we're getting more and more opportunities to really understand the impact of decentralized systems and how they are received by users. Amy Zhang, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Washington, has been studying and thinking about these issues a lot, and this week she joins us on the podcast to discuss a recent paper and, in general, how users are faring in the world of decentralized social media and content moderation. Research paper, "Do Users Want Platform Moderation or Individual Control?" -

Episode 21 May 2024 46m and 29s

Generative AI Is Doomed

Generative AI Is Doomed

There's no shortage of prognostication about the future of generative AI, including plenty of predictions that it won't actually be around forever for various reasons. A lot of these takes are a little too speculative or just not very interesting, but one that stands out comes from law professor and returning podcast guest Eric Goldman, who joins us this week to discuss his recent lecture and subsequent paper arguing that the regulatory environment won't allow generative AI to survive. 2024 Nies Lecture on Intellectual Property: Research paper, "Generative AI Is Doomed": https...

Episode 14 May 2024 48m and 40s

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