Skill Piper

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

Brought to you by, Dr. Michael K. Lake

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Podcast serves as a digital portal to nurture and empower the Remnant worldwide. Join Dr. Michael K. Lake (Author of the Best-Seller, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary) for in-depth teachings from God's Word that provide a balanced approach to life that is both Spirit-Filled and Hebraic. It's time to hit the challenges facing believers today head-on with biblical principles and the power of the Kingdom!

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Recent Episodes of Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

KIB450 – Kingdom Spiritual Hygiene

KIB450 – Kingdom Spiritual Hygiene

KIB450 – Kingdom Spiritual Hygiene

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


The Word has much to say about the believer keeping himself pure and being cautious of those to whom they submit themselves for personal ministry.  We will examine the need for sanctification, dealing with generational tendencies, and proper protocols for both the prophetic ministry and the laying on of hands.  The Remnant must be grounded in Kingdom protocols to be prepared for the days ahead.


Link to the Tucker Carlson interview with Calley and Casey Means:

Episode 450 3 September 2024 1h, 24m and 15s

KIB 449 – How to Avoid Becoming an Agent in Babylon’s Matrix

KIB 449 – How to Avoid Becoming an Agent in Babylon’s Matrix

KIB 449 – How to Avoid Becoming an Agent in Babylon’s Matrix

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


There are many that teach that once you are saved, the enemy cannot touch you.  However, the New Testament has warnings that contradict our modern Laodicean theology.  From Peter’s warning that we are to be vigilant and sober to Paul’s admonishment that the enemy can take us captive to do his will (2 Tim. 2:20-26) are essential in understanding the level of spiritual warfare that believers are experiencing today.  Believers must have a firm foundation in the Word of God and a...

Episode 449 27 August 2024 1h, 14m and 2s

KWR0043 – Babylon’s Incompetence and the New World Order

KWR0043 – Babylon’s Incompetence and the New World Order

KWR0043 – Babylon’s Incompetence and the New World Order

Kingdom War Room


Over the past few decades, world leaders have not put their citizenry first. Bad ideas, philosophies of governance, and historically failed agendas continually surface, are rebranded, and implemented. Are we witnessing complete incompetence, or is there another agenda that involves the planned decline of the Western world (including the United States) and will produce the Great Reset and the new One World Government?  We plan to answer these questions in this edition of the Kingdom War Room.



Episode 23 August 2024 1h, 8m and 49s

KIB 448 – God’s Grace, His River, and Spiritual Maturity

KIB 448 – God’s Grace, His River, and Spiritual Maturity

KIB 448 – God’s Grace, His River, and Spiritual Maturity

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


There is a connection with the River of God, the five aspects of Grace, and maturing in Christ.  Psalms 46 is also connected to the days ahead of us, and we must learn the lesson of the sons of Korah for God’s River to be released in our generation.  The Remnant watchword for this season is sanctification.


Dr. Michael K. Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary. He is the scholar-in-residence for the Strategi...

Episode 448 20 August 2024 1h, 3m and 13s

KIB447 – Strikes and Counterstrikes in Last Days Spiritual Warfare

KIB447 – Strikes and Counterstrikes in Last Days Spiritual Warfare

KIB447 – Strikes and Counterstrikes in Last Days Spiritual Warfare

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


During the opening of the 2024 Olympics in Paris, the Trans Community tore the veil on their tacit war against Christianity.  Dr. Lake examines the explicit and blasphemist display through esoteric eyes to reveal exactly what was said in this event.  When you realize the connection with the spirit of Dionysus, recent events revealed in the Body of Christ come into clarity!  It is now time to heed the admonition of the apostle Paul in 1 Cor. 6:14-7:1. 


Dr. Michael K...

Episode 447 30 July 2024 56m and 27s

KIB446 – Spiritual Fruit, Pruning, and Cutting Down in the Kingdom

KIB446 – Spiritual Fruit, Pruning, and Cutting Down in the Kingdom

KIB446 – Spiritual Fruit, Pruning, and Cutting Down in the Kingdom

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


We begin this episode with Mary sharing the prophetic connection between Roe vs. Wade and the stealing of the natural affections of an entire generation.  Then, Dr. Lake teaches about examining spiritual fruit, the need for pruning (sanctification), and the coming judgment of God (the cutting down and burning of dead branches).


Dr. Michael K. Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary. He is the scholar-in-residence for the Strategic Remnant Learning Center...

Episode 446 23 July 2024 1h, 7m and 45s

KWR0042 – The Dismantling of the Western Mind

KWR0042 – The Dismantling of the Western Mind

KWR0042 – The Dismantling of the Western Mind

Kingdom War Room


For decades, the elite has tirelessly and tacitly labored to dismantle the Western mind in their occult push toward a one-world government and thirst to control humanity. This episode will discuss four tools from their ever-growing arsenal against mankind: (1) weaponization of language, (2) psychopolitics, (3) Hegelian Dialectic, and (4). MK Ulta and Chemical Warfare of the Mind. 




Dr. Michael K. Lake:  Scholar-in-residence, Strategic Remnant Learning Center – BLA, Host of Biblical Life TV, Co-Host of the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing...

Episode 22 July 2024 1h, 22m and 19s

KIB 445 – Divine Intervention and the Season of the Watchmen

KIB 445 – Divine Intervention and the Season of the Watchmen

KIB 445 – Divine Intervention and the Season of the Watchmen

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


This past weekend, there was obvious divine intervention in the assassination attempt of President Trump.  We are entering a season of high occult activity, and it is time for the Watchmen in the Kingdom to man their posts, watch, and intercede for the nations to see the Kingdom of God established in many critical areas.


Dr. Michael K. Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary. He is the scholar-in-residence for the Strategic Remnant...

Episode 445 16 July 2024 48m and 12s

The Yeshua Protocol – Part 2  Carl Gallup

The Yeshua Protocol – Part 2 Carl Gallup

SRLC Spring 2024 – Session 5   The Yeshua Protocol – Part 2  Carl Gallup   Strategic Remnant Learning Center – Biblical Life Assembly

Episode 10 July 2024 1h, 15m and 54s

KIB444 – The Mystery Religions and the Conclusion of Solomon

KIB444 – The Mystery Religions and the Conclusion of Solomon

KIB444 – The Mystery Religions and the Conclusion of Solomon

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


King Solomon was bitten by the Mystery Religions bug and attempted to reassemble its fragmented knowledge.  In his day, it was the precursor to Freemasonry, the New Age, and many other esoteric groups.  In the end, Solomon declared that they all were folly and madness!  The modern Church needs to learn from King Solomon and heed the admonition and warnings of Eccl. 12:9-14!


Dr. Michael K. Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminar...

Episode 444 9 July 2024 1h, 5m and 7s

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