Skill Piper

Starseed Radio Academy

Brought to you by, Starseed Radio Academy

Starseed Radio Academy

Hosted by Arielle Taylor~~~~ For over 25 years, locked in a bank vault, an ongoing collection of chronicles has awaited their time coded release, and now is the time. These are the true journals of galactic ET demonstrations experienced by someone Hollywood would call "The Female Galactic Indiana Jones." Her interactions and assignments with the Pleiadeans were recorded by her for future generations of starseed, a word that she first coined in the '70s, so that they will understand the true nature of extraterrestrial agenda and their own roles on this planet. Millions of people have had indirect contact with...

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Recent Episodes of Starseed Radio Academy

Keycodes for Empowerment Transmutation and Galactic Tracking

Keycodes for Empowerment Transmutation and Galactic Tracking

From Lavandar's Vault comes the keycodes that all starseeds need to further their own empowerment, be able to transmute situations and things, and therefore to skillfully track events of a galactic nature.  Without this understanding, a successful mission is elusive.  With the current state of our world, this information is more essential than ever, since the stakes are higher now than ever before.  This episode would a great one to download and listen to several times, as each time, you'll get more understanding and be able to fully integrate these keycodes.  Our website is: At the top...

Episode 214 3 September 2024 1h, 26m and

From Lavandar's Vault: The Crystal Grid, The 96 Bloodlines and Genetic Quartz

From Lavandar's Vault: The Crystal Grid, The 96 Bloodlines and Genetic Quartz

Many multitudes of Starseeds are drawn to Quartz Crystal instinctively, and tonight Arielle will present information from Lavandar's Vault that explains why, and how we have been designed to carry more Light.  This year, she also has written new entries about the connection between the Crystal Grid and the 96 Goddess bloodlines on the planet.  You'll hear the intricate design of Silica, Starseeds and the Crystal Grid, with its connection to the 96 Goddess bloodlines left on the planet by Athena. When you fully understand the critical importance of Genetic Silica and Quartz Crystals, you will hopefully understand how EMF can undermine yo...

Episode 213 6 August 2024 1h, 9m and

The Essence of Mary Magdalene

The Essence of Mary Magdalene

Sandra Recchione was born with the gift Seership and is a Clairvoyant Trans Medium as well as a Divine Dragon Energy Healer and Flower & Gem Essence Creator and Practitioner....A diversified and universal Spiritual Advisor for our changing times. Her clairvoyant gifts and mediumship connected her to the angelic realm and Archangel Michael, her guide, who has assisted her as her spiritual team leader throughout this lifetime.  Sandra combines flower and gem essences for you and creates a custom essence and aura spray designed especially for your current needs. These flower and crystal remedies can assist in healing trauma, depression, anxi...

Episode 212 23 July 2024 1h, 25m and

High Vibrational Wellness – Center for Intuitive Food Therapy

High Vibrational Wellness – Center for Intuitive Food Therapy

Lainie “Sevante” Wulkan is the founder of CIFT – Center for Intuitive Food Therapy, is a #1 International Bestselling Author with her chapter on Intuitive Food Therapy in the Energy Healer’s Oracle, and  #1 Bestselling book Top Exotic Foods for Natural Healing, Smoothies, Nourishing Wisdom Beyond the Blend, and The Food Healing Oracle Deck series. Her newest book, High Vibrational Wellness – Intuitive Healing Therapies to Nourish Your Body Temple launches globally on July 16 on Amazon and features 25 profound stories and healing tools to feed, heal, restore, awaken and transform.  With an extensive background as a 4th Generation Intuitive, Food Scientist and Multi-Modality Energy Heale...

Episode 211 9 July 2024 1h, 38m and

Jeshua, Mary Magdalene and Starseeds in South France

Jeshua, Mary Magdalene and Starseeds in South France

In April of 2024, a group of starseeds who met at the starseed quests, went to South France after Angela Franks (a Starseed Quest alumni), received divine guidance from Goddess to go.  It was nearly a year after receiving the guidance to go, that the trip came to fruition. Eight starseeds made the journey, from Ireland,  England and the US meeting in France to honor Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, the Essenes and Cathars.  Their journey spanned the Languedoc region as well as Marseille and surrounding sites. Intense inner preparation happened for each person prior to the trip. The journey was clearly and divi...

Episode 210 25 June 2024 1h, 23m and

Identifying Trickster by Lavandar

Identifying Trickster by Lavandar

With the Sun currently in Gemini, it's a great time to learn how to identify Trickster energy.  This is information from Lavandar's Vault, and it took her 19 years to write, after being led through a myriad of trickery so she could experience it firsthand, identify it, track it, and help others to understand without having to go through what she did to write this.   We have presented this work before, and even if you heard it, you'll get more with another listen.  You can read more of Lavandar's work in our Vault of Knowledge on our site:

Episode 209 11 June 2024 1h, 7m and

Mary Magdalene Pilgrimages

Mary Magdalene Pilgrimages

Ariana is a heart-centered mentor, pilgrimage facilitator and spiritual coach who is deeply dedicated to inspiring others to listen to the whispers of their heart and step more fully into what is calling.  Her mission is to be a catalyst for shifting the paradigms and beliefs that keep people from living the life of their dreams – especially during the last season of their life.  At 60, after a series of events beginning with the death of her husband, followed by the loss of her savings and home, she rolled with the punches and set out on a 100 day pilgrimage journey including walk...

Episode 208 28 May 2024 1h, 43m and

The Secret Life of Mother Mary

The Secret Life of Mother Mary

Esoteric scholar, award-winning author, and global authority on virgin birth, Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D. presents a bold new vision of Mother Mary as a holy priestess and spiritual master: • Explores obscured periods of Mary’s life, including her time as leader of the Christian community and as the spiritual teacher to Jesus and Mary Magdalene • Examines Mary’s high-level powers, which enabled the divine conception of Jesus, his resurrection, and Mary’s assumption into heaven • Shows how nurturing a relationship with Mother Mary can provide healing, empowerment, and the development of your own womb powers Marguerite will also speak about the ex...

Episode 207 7 May 2024 1h, 35m and

Bazoomerangs author Ann Crawford

Bazoomerangs author Ann Crawford

Ann Crawford believes in love at first sight, that good always prevails, and that we're here for those wildwonderfulwayoutthere visions of ours to come alive. She is the bestselling and award-winning author of ten life-affirming books that weave tales of love and intrigue and take readers on mystical journeys. Her books include stories about angels, a walk-in, a healer during the Burning Times, Mary Magdalene, and an actor whose BFF committed suicide. Her latest is about: A boomer ex-flower child still living like it’s 1969, a Gen X Buick-driving, religious Trumper, and a Gen Z twenty-year-old trans woman—all under one...

Episode 206 23 April 2024 1h, 7m and

Fifteenth Anniversary of the Birth of Starseed Hotline

Fifteenth Anniversary of the Birth of Starseed Hotline

This week is the fifteenth anniversary of the Birth of Starseed Hotline in 2009, and in this episode, you'll hear the intricate story of the energies that aligned, with galactic orchestration, to create the vehicle for "Empowering Starseeds to Better Serve the Planet".  In the past 15 years, we've served many thousands of starseeds to step into their missions, better understand their gifts and fulfill their promise to assist the Earth and her people through the global shift that has been ongoing.  Even now, starseeds are still waking up across the planet and searching for understanding, and Lavandar's Light Information is empowering th...

Episode 205 9 April 2024 1h, 28m and

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