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Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio

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Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio

Bringing ancient mysteries to a modern meaning. Learn the forbidden wisdom of the Gnostics and discover how Gnosticism can lead you to your true self.

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Recent Episodes of Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio

Annie Bond on Prana and the Bioelectric Body

Annie Bond on Prana and the Bioelectric Body

Annie Bond joins us for a charged interview and shares about her book, Awakening Prana! Discover an ancient, revolutionary system that taps into the very essence of life itself: your bioelectricity. Your body is a powerhouse of untapped potential, designed to thrive on the dynamic flow of life force energy. It is our bioelectrical charges that connect us to this life-giving source.

This vital current often becomes blocked in our modern world, leading to stagnation, disharmony, and disease. We explore how to heal this disconnect and experience deep rejuvenation, peace, and serenity. Tune in to unlock the...

Episode 4 September 2024 1h, 9s

Jemma on Inca Magic, Sacred Plants & Global Anunnaki

Jemma on Inca Magic, Sacred Plants & Global Anunnaki

It was an honor to chat with Jemma about her Anchoring the Light System. Beyond that, she shared Mesoamerican ancient secrets that are just surfacing that include Lemurian revelations and the truth that the concept of Archons is more prevalent than believed. We are entering a new age. But we can be prepared for the goddess Pachamama with many spiritual tech like sacred cacao, shamanistic rituals, and listening to the voice of the forest.

More on Jemma:

The Gnostic Tarot:

Homepage: https://thegodabovegod...

Episode 2 September 2024 1h, 9m and 18s

Lisa Maroski on Language, Paradox & Thunder Perfect Mind

Lisa Maroski on Language, Paradox & Thunder Perfect Mind

Language can change reality and gnosis is found in life’s contradictions. Lisa Maroski shows us the possibility that humanity is on the brink of a consciousness transformation that necessitates a shift in values, perspectives, and language. This all comes from her book Embracing Paradox, Evolving Language. Prepare for the ideas of Jung, Gebser, McLuhan, Taoism, and more. From the koans of the Möbius strip and Klein bottle to the lightning flashes in the goddess's voice in the Gnostic gospel Thunder, Perfect Mind, you’ll find avenues to embrace a new magical language of co-creation with the cosmos.


Episode 29 August 2024 1h, 19m and 30s

Jon Winder on Sabbatean Kabbalah & Ophite Gnosticism

Jon Winder on Sabbatean Kabbalah & Ophite Gnosticism

Ready to go into some cosmic, edgy Gnosis? Some Ophite Gnosticism, Lurianic Mysticism, and more? Jon Winder joins us to discuss the symbolism, mythology, and theology of Sabbatean Kabbalah and serpent-worshipping Gnostics. He’ll go beyond these worldviews to how they manifest in modern culture and art. You’ll get dynamic, unique research and revelations from movies, video games, secret societies, and more. No one here gets out alive.

More on Jon:

The Gnostic Tarot:


Patreon: https://www.patr...

Episode 23 August 2024 1h, 1m and 21s

Jake Kobrin on Essential Magick for Modern Times

Jake Kobrin on Essential Magick for Modern Times

Jake Kobrin joins us to discuss many topics, including the mystical world of Gnostic and Hermetic philosophies and explores their profound impact on self-mastery and divine alignment. He’ll illuminate core rituals like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and the Middle Pillar, essential practices in high magick for purification and alignment. We’ll discuss ethical considerations in magick and the importance of understanding one's True Will. Discover the significance of magickal tools, personalized rituals, and how visionary art intersects with occultism. And much more!

More on Jake:

The Gnostic Tarot: http...

Episode 21 August 2024 58m and 43s

Jesse Beltran on Technocratic Mind Control

Jesse Beltran on Technocratic Mind Control

We are joined by hypnotist, speaker, and researcher Jesse Beltran, C.Mht. He will provide us with the Gnosis to repel dark suggestibility, non-consensual experimentation, and other forms of techno-fascist brainwashing. From Havana Syndrome to covert technologies, get ready for that Ubik spray against the Archons and their Karens and Katamites in the Establishment. He’ll also share his extraterrestrial encounters, views on consciousness, and participation in the dynamic Mind Nexus Live Event.

More on Jesse and the Mind Nexus Live Event:  

The Gnostic Tarot:

Episode 15 August 2024 1h, 25s

Richard Metzger on Media, Magic, and Counterculture

Richard Metzger on Media, Magic, and Counterculture

It’s an honor to be joined at the Virtual Alexandria by Richard Metzger, media magician, counterculture expert, and cofounder of Disinformation. We’ll discuss the fraught intersection of media and magic, occultism and conspiracy, and all the high weirdness in between. And you know we’ll get his take on modern Gnostic sages. Richard will also share his new project, Magick Show, which takes esoteric media broadcasting to a new level.

More on Magick Show:

More on Richard:

The Gnostic Tarot:

Episode 13 August 2024 1h, 6m and 59s

Ian on Gnostic & Esoteric Secrets in Pop Music 3

Ian on Gnostic & Esoteric Secrets in Pop Music 3

The third time is the dark charm, as Ian from Pop Music Decoded arrives at the Virtual Alexandria. He’ll tackle the subliminal and arcane symbols behind such music giants as The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, The Who, and many pop icons. From music videos to album covers to song lyrics, get ready to see music entertainers in a different light—maybe even the light of Baphomet! You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave.

More on Ian:

Get Astro Gnosis 3 tickets:


Episode 7 August 2024 1h, 14m and 27s

David Shoemaker on Jung VS Crowley

David Shoemaker on Jung VS Crowley

It’s an honor to host David Shoemaker at the Virtual Alexandria. He will discuss his new book, The Way of the Will: Thelema in Action. Beyond an excellent realignment of Thelema that works for these modern times, we’ll compare CG Jung and Aleister Crowley. We’ll find that the two magicians’ ideas overlap in critical ways, and their synthesis provides a more straightforward path to individuation/contacting the Holy Guardian Angel. Whether this is the Aeon of Horus or the Age of Hermes, spiritual thriving and psychic healing mean upping the magical game. David presents the necessary Gnosis...

Episode 2 August 2024 1h, 6m and 42s

Darragh Mason on Dark Man, Djinn, and Daimons

Darragh Mason on Dark Man, Djinn, and Daimons

It’s a pleasure to host Darragh Mason, who will discuss his new book Song of the Dark Man: Father of Witches, Lord of the Crossroads. We’ll discuss the Dark Man, a real presence in our world found throughout history and folklore. He will challenge the simplistic concept of the Devil as “evil.” Instead, this daimon reveals one’s life purpose and is a vital initiator of witchcraft. We shall also discuss Djinn and other trickster spirits that parallel the Dark Man.

Get the book:

More on Darragh: https://www.darrag...

Episode 31 July 2024 1h, 17m and 43s

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