Skill Piper

Insight for Living Canada - LifeTrac Podcast

Brought to you by, Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada

Insight for Living Canada - LifeTrac Podcast

These five-minute programs feature Chuck Swindoll's best stories. You'll hear his loudest laughs, his funniest experiences, and his famous catch phrases.

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Recent Episodes of Insight for Living Canada - LifeTrac Podcast

The Five Stages of Death

The Five Stages of Death

John 11:1-45

Death is usually the last thing we want to talk about. We feel uncomfortable and awkward when the subject comes up. But for the Christian, God has a plan and purpose when death occurs.

Episode 13 September 2024

The Enemy is Hard at Work

The Enemy is Hard at Work

1 Peter 5:8

The enemy is hard at work and he’s alive and well in the Church, working hard to destroy the lives of Christians—particularly those in leadership.

Episode 12 September 2024

That Old Problem of Fear

That Old Problem of Fear

1 Kings 8:57

Fear turns into trust when you look to God. He will never leave nor forsake you.

Episode 11 September 2024

Speaking the Same Language

Speaking the Same Language

Acts 2:1-13

Acts 2 tells the story of a time when the Holy Spirit affected a sermon Peter preached where over 3,000 people came to faith. And the Holy Spirit is just as powerful today as He was at the time of Pentecost.

Episode 10 September 2024

Salvation, Worship, and Christianity

Salvation, Worship, and Christianity

John 12:24-26

Christianity is not implemented on selfish terms, worship is not limited to specific times, and salvation is not designed for certain types.

Episode 9 September 2024

Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure

Matthew 26:69-75

Standing alone is tough. It’s easier to fit in, to be a people-pleaser. Look at your home, your work, your relationships and ask yourself, “Am I any different from the world?”

Episode 6 September 2024

One Week to Live

One Week to Live

John 12:25

If you knew you had just one more week to live, how would you spend that week? Your answer reveals your priorities.

Episode 5 September 2024



1 Corinthians 13:13

No one can ignore authentic love. It’s unconditional, unselfish, and the Christian’s mark of distinction.

Episode 4 September 2024

Living Without Sight

Living Without Sight

John 9:1-12

Have you examined your spiritual eyesight lately? Only by facing your blind spots and bringing them to Jesus can you hope to have your vision corrected. Pretending you’re OK will keep you in the dark.

Episode 3 September 2024

Lions in Daniel's Den

Lions in Daniel's Den

Daniel 6:16-28

One of Chuck Swindoll’s favourite Bible stories is Daniel in the lions’ den, although he thinks it should be called the lions in Daniel’s den.

Episode 2 September 2024

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