Skill Piper

I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere

Brought to you by, Scott Monty & Burt Wolder

I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere

It's like Fresh Air for Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts. This interview show sits at the intersection of Sherlock Holmes and popular culture and covers authors, playwrights, actors, Sherlockians, and Sherlock Holmes societies around the world. Airs on the 15th and 30th of every month.

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Recent Episodes of I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere

Luke Barton as Sherlock Holmes

Luke Barton as Sherlock Holmes

“quick insight into character” [BERY]     As Americans, it is always a joy to meet an Englishman, and doubly so if he portrays Sherlock Holmes. Luke Barton has done that not only on stage but in audiobooks as well. Our conversation with Luke explores how he has prepared for his many appearances as Holmes on stage — including one production in which he alternated the roles of Holmes and Watson. His insights into the deeper aspects of the detective are admirable, and his skill is evident. We have Sherlockian news, Madeline Quinones' segment "A Chance of Listening," and a special comedy feature feature w...

Episode 291 16 July 2024 1h, 11m and 4s

Legends of the BSJ: James Montgomery

Legends of the BSJ: James Montgomery

“remarkably rich tenor voice” [VALL]     Following the feedback we got from our previous , we thought we'd continue with another. This time, it's James Montgomery, BSI ("The Red Circle"), who was a frequent correspondent with Smith. Montgomery played an important role in the development of the   — a role whose effects are still felt until this day. His tenor voice graced many dinners of the Baker Street Irregulars and other Sherlock Holmes societies, and his scholarship still stands strong today. In addition to the audio clips of Montgomery, we have Sherlockian news, listener comments, Madeline Quinones' segment "A Chance of Listening," and of course t...

Episode 290 30 June 2024 1h, 6m and 24s

A West Wind

A West Wind

“we turned our faces westward” [SIXN]     While Sherlock Holmes is a perennial British subject, his influence in and by America cannot be denied. Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes were admirers of the United States, and A West Wind, a recent BSI Press book, delves into that relationship.  Co-editors Ray Betzner, BSI ("The Agony Column") and Tom Horrocks, BSI ("Colonel Sebastian Moran") join us to talk about this remarkable book. We're also joined by a contributor of the book who offers some insight into how Sherlock Holmes was presented to Americans visually. We have Sherlockian news, listener comments, our new segment, "A Chance...

Episode 289 15 June 2024 1h, 17m and 39s

Celebrating the Anniversary of the Oldest Sherlock Holmes Podcast

Celebrating the Anniversary of the Oldest Sherlock Holmes Podcast

 “seventeen years of age” [SIGN] Mycroft Holmes spoke for all of us in "The Greek Interpreter" when he greeted Dr. Watson with the fateful line: “I hear of Sherlock everywhere since you became his chronicler.” And yes, in our minds, we'll always hear that line in the voice of the inimitable Charles Gray in the Granada series — a sound clip that serves as the opening for our podcast introduction. Little did we know when we began the podcast on June 14, 2007 — exactly 17 years ago today — that we'd have this kind of longevity. That is like a young animal trying to walk immediately aft...

Episode 14 June 2024 6m and 9s

Clutches of a Fiend

Clutches of a Fiend

“do but get into the clutches” [BOSC]     We've held off a bit on the traditional interview with the editor of the BSI Manuscript Series this season — not for any lack of interest, but simply for scheduling reasons — but we hope it's worth the wait. Steve Doyle, BSI ("The Western Morning News") is the editor of Clutches of a Fiend, the BSI Manuscript entry for "The Adventure of the Illustrious Client," and he joined us to talk about this book. It's something personal for Steve, as he has a connection to the story via his local Sherlock Holmes society, The Illustrious Clients of...

Episode 288 31 May 2024 1h, 15m and 12s

Legends of the BSJ: Edgar W. Smith

Legends of the BSJ: Edgar W. Smith

“I wanted to speak with Mr. Smith” [SIGN]     This is the third in our series on Legends of the Baker Street Journal; we've previously explored publisher Ben Abramson (Episode 269) and BSI founder Christopher Morley (Episode 272). This time, we'll be looking at wordsmith and able administrator, Edgar W. Smith. It was Smith who deftly managed the operations of the Baker Street Irregulars and whose own interest in Sherlockian scholarship (his own and others) caused him to promote books and eventually found The Baker Street Journal. We follow Edgar's Sherlockian journey from his early correspondence with Vincent Starrett and Christopher Morley, to the 194...

Episode 287 16 May 2024 57m and 37s

The Autistic Sleuth

The Autistic Sleuth

“That was the curious incident” [SILV]     From time to time, we see analysis and debate about whether Sherlock Holmes was autistic, had , or is in some other way on the spectrum. As neurodiversity becomes more understood and accepted in the 21st century, it seems natural to explore this not only with Holmes, but with other characters in the genre as well.  In The Autistic Sleuth, Christopher Chan and Patricia Meyer Chan, Ph.D., test the question: Is the entertainment industry celebrating neurodiversity or is it reinforcing stereotypes? They analyze how two dozen characters appearing in filmed productions from around the globe wh...

Episode 286 30 April 2024 1h, 7m and 34s

Hounds of the Hollywood Baskervilles

Hounds of the Hollywood Baskervilles

“I am one of the hounds” [STUD]   The golden age of Hollywood brought us stars like William Powell and Myrna Loy, and of course Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. In Elizabeth Crowens' new novel Hounds of the Hollywood Baskervilles, we find them (and Dashiell Hammett) intervowen in a story that begins with the disappearance of Asta from The Thin Man movies, and Rathbone's own lost pup. Young private detectives Babs Norman and Guy Brandt team up with him to dig up the reasons behind these canine crimes. Elizabeth joined us to talk about her Sherlockian and historical fiction writing amid her bus...

Episode 285 15 April 2024 1h, 6m and 43s



Episode 284 31 March 2024 1h, 10m and 24s

Canonical Cornerstones

Canonical Cornerstones

“some short sketch of the essentials” [BLAC]     What are the essential volumes that every Sherlockian should have in their library? John Bennett Shaw had an idea with what became known as . But a more modest and attainable version was needed. In stepped Peter Eckrich and Rob Nunn, BSI (“Elementary”). IHOSE listeners may recall Peter and Rob from their previous work, . This time, they collected individuals who had a strong view as to which Sherlockian books ought to be part of every Sherlockian's library to develop 17 recommendations that make up . The 17 essays (a Canonically-appropriate number) are each a window into the interests, pas...

Episode 283 16 March 2024 54m and 35s

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