Skill Piper

Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching

Brought to you by, Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching

The Daily Boost Podcast is the most popular and longest-running personal growth podcast in the world - for a good reason.Every episode delivers a positive boost of daily motivation and coaching designed to help you get what you want - no matter what gets in the way.Powered by ScottLOGIC, in less time than it takes for you to drink a cup of coffee, host Scott Smith delivers a lifetime of common sense wisdom, a BOOST of energy, positive mental health, the belief that anything is possible—and the tools to make it happen.Listening daily to the Daily Bo...

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Recent Episodes of Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching

Better Than a To-Do List

Better Than a To-Do List

Better Than a To-Do List

I'm sure you have a lot to do. If you use a To-Do list, I'd like to pass on advice that will make your days much more fun.

LOSE your "To-Do List." Replace it with a" Did I Do It List."  

To-Do Lists make you an employee of your checkmarks. They cause more stress the longer they get.

A "Did I Do It List" assumes you know what must be done. Instead of chasing, you are checking t...

Episode 4885 26 July 2024 11m and 47s

Comfort Zone Holding You Back

Comfort Zone Holding You Back

Comfort Zone Holding You Back

I was sitting at the dining room table of a friend. We had been solving the problems of the world in an hours-long conversation when she asked,

"What are you talking about on tomorrow's podcast?"

When I told her that I hadn't thought about it yet, she said, 

"Why don't you talk about why people don't take big chances and stay in their comfort zone for their entire life?"


Episode 4884 25 July 2024 12m and 57s

Productivity Secrets You Should Do

Productivity Secrets You Should Do

Productivity Secrets You Should Do

I have a saying -

“Next year begins THIS year. Next month begins THIS month. Next week begins THIS week.”

If you want to stay on track, accomplish your goals, and enjoy life more - you MUST take control of your calendar. It’s easier than you think:

1) Life will come at you FAST! Be sure to schedule any significant and can’t miss life events at least one year in advance. Put it on the calendar and bloc...

Episode 4883 24 July 2024 13m and 28s

Motivational Teaching Method

Motivational Teaching Method

Motivational Teaching Method

Mrs. Etheridge was a 5th-grade teacher at Westgate Elementary in Manassas, Virginia. She had a special knack for motivating her most free-spirited student.

Now, I wouldn't be honest if I were to you, I remember how she tamed a young boy who saw the world as a place to explore - mostly between the lines. But I will say that when you begin teaching and motivating others to reach their full potential, you quickly find ways to get them out of their own way, fire them...

Episode 4882 23 July 2024 13m and 16s

Your Goal Setting Purpose?

Your Goal Setting Purpose?

Your Goal Setting Purpose?

I've always believed goal setting is the heartbeat of our lives. 

Goal setting is one of the most powerful tools you have to create your best life. My question to you is… do you know what your best life is supposed to be?

I came upon my belief not from a book or a guru but from a realization I had many years ago. I found I was happy when I was chasing something bigger than myself that was also in alignment with how...

Episode 4881 22 July 2024 14m and 18s

Before Your Life Got in The Way

Before Your Life Got in The Way

Before Your Life Got in The Way

Can you remember when you filled your thoughts with dreams and ambitions?

That’s how most of us live our early lives - until the real world splits into two distinct periods:

1) BEFORE life gets in the way. Anything IS possible. It’s a beautiful time when you run as fast as possible toward your goals, even if your parents disagree.

2) AFTER life gets in the way. Anything WAS possible. Life is good...

Episode 4880 19 July 2024 12m and 45s

It’s Time To Explore

It’s Time To Explore

It’s Time To Explore

I’ve spent the last couple of days saying things like —

“What do you do when you are doing you, and your purpose is to find your purpose?”

Now, I realize that something so simple is also something most people will ignore. 

I also realized that for some people, as soon they begin reading and realize they’ve already heard it, tune out and open the next email. 

That’s unfortunate.<...

Episode 4879 18 July 2024 12m and 16s

Somebody Needs You Right Now

Somebody Needs You Right Now

Somebody Needs You Right Now

When I was a teenager, I was a weekend moviegoer. It was the age of Rocky, Star Wars, and Jaws. Besides, with only three channels on television, getting out of the house was the top item on my to-do list.

As a kid with big dreams, I quickly slipped into the fantasy world of films and let my mind run for a couple of hours. By the film's end, I was always excited to get on with life and become like the folks I w...

Episode 4878 17 July 2024 13m and 25s

Stop Procrastination With One Question

Stop Procrastination With One Question

Stop Procrastination With One Question

Are you a member of the Procrastination Club? 

Procrastination is the intentional and habitual postponement of an essential task that you should be doing. 

Is that what you are doing?

In my view, three things could be happening if you procrastinate -

It may be possible that you are not procrastinating at all? Instead, you may be forcing yourself to do something that you don't need to do anyway.


Episode 4877 16 July 2024 12m and 50s

What Do Successful People Do?

What Do Successful People Do?

What Do Successful People Do?

If you study people who have succeeded in any area of their life, you will find they have much in common. 

Not only do they follow a set of rules, but they also follow those rules no matter how much life gets in the way.

What are those rules?

The person who has the strongest "Why" wins.

The person who shows up wins.

The p...

Episode 4876 15 July 2024 14m and 19s

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