Skill Piper

Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching

Brought to you by, Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching

The Daily Boost Podcast is the most popular and longest-running personal growth podcast in the world - for a good reason.Every episode delivers a positive boost of daily motivation and coaching designed to help you get what you want - no matter what gets in the way.Powered by ScottLOGIC, in less time than it takes for you to drink a cup of coffee, host Scott Smith delivers a lifetime of common sense wisdom, a BOOST of energy, positive mental health, the belief that anything is possible—and the tools to make it happen.Listening daily to the Daily Bo...

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Recent Episodes of Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching

How To Have an Empty Calendar

How To Have an Empty Calendar

How To Have an Empty Calendar

Scott’s Daily Boost Show Notes —

A letter I received about 10 minutes ago…

“When you showed us your calendar a few weeks ago, I noticed how bear it was. You hadn't time blocked your podcast recordings, checking emails, calling friends, date night, learning time, developing course materials, Marketing activities, etc. I assumed you should time block every area of your life to ensure you achieve balance.”

I believe work-life balance is a myth. 


Episode 4915 6 September 2024 13m and 50s

People You Will Meet Today

People You Will Meet Today

People You Will Meet Today

Retrospective Thought —

As I look back on the last 24 hours of my life, a single thought resonates with me. I shared it with others, and their worlds were rocked.

What question is spurring this? —

Why can people be so difficult?

What’s the story behind it? —

I’ve met so many people in the world who think difficult people can harm and stop them. It doesn’t...

Episode 4914 5 September 2024 12m and 19s

How Do Labels Impact Your Life?

How Do Labels Impact Your Life?

How Do Labels Impact Your Life?

Note: Lately, I've felt that the Daily Nugget format I've been using for the last eight years has become a bit of a trap for me -- and I needed more flexibility. So, I'm moving away from a narrative format and toward providing the actual notes used during the show. I hope this will allow me to expand my ideas while giving you more motivation and actionable notes. And yes, you can expect this to evolve over the next few weeks.

Retrospective Thought<...

Episode 4913 4 September 2024 10m and 49s

Don’t Share Your Plans

Don’t Share Your Plans

Don’t Share Your Plans

In the last few years, it has become increasingly popular for people to share every little aspect of their lives with others. But, when it comes to getting what you want in life, keeping your plans to yourself is a powerful tool.

Summer has been filled with lots of rest and relaxation, and when I arrived at my desk on Tuesday, I had two messages from clients that made me smile.

The first said, "I decided to spend my we...

Episode 4912 3 September 2024 11m and 24s

Shake Up Your Good Life

Shake Up Your Good Life

Shake Up Your Good Life

Growth and change are what most people strive for in their life. It’s what drives you before you create your amazing life. It’s also what drives you to step up to the next level.

In the last 18 years, I’ve spent producing the Daily Boost podcast, I’ve had the chance to speak to thousands of people. All of them were in various stages of change, and most had the goal of being happy. 

But, there is an issue t...

Episode 4911 2 September 2024 11m and 55s

Committed to Your Goal?

Committed to Your Goal?

Committed to Your Goal

Woody Allen said, "Half of success is showing up."

I've thought about that quote many times over the years. There was something about its logic that didn't match up with my day-to-day experience.

Don't get me wrong, no matter what you want to do in your life, showing up is the first step in getting it. But I've shown up many times and ended up going home with the prize that I so much wanted.


Episode 4910 30 August 2024 10m and 51s

Beyond Your Why

Beyond Your Why

Beyond Your Why

Since the beginning of time, successful people have given this sage advice; you must set goals. 

In the human mind, setting goals are the heartbeat of your life. Setting a goal will harness your focus, give you meaning and purpose, and drive you forward. It gets even better if you place a deadline. If your goal is essential, timely, urgent, you will likely do anything possible to get it.

Yes, likely. 

You may have also heard that understanding WHY you want to achieve your goal is critical to yo...

Episode 4909 29 August 2024 11m and 33s

Goal, Pilots, and Donuts

Goal, Pilots, and Donuts

Goal, Pilots, and Donuts

Have you noticed that airplanes fly crooked?

Heading to their destination, winds attempt to blow them off course. That’s why pilots turn their aircraft into the wind. They call it Wind Correction.

The same thing happens when you set a Goal. While you prefer the straight path, you will likely run into winds that will blow you off course.

Your spouse disagrees with your plans. Your boss demands more hours. Your kids, friends, and res...

Episode 4908 28 August 2024 10m and 29s

Common Sense Laws of Success

Common Sense Laws of Success

Common Sense Laws of Success

Everything we do is guided by what we think is logical in our minds. I call my way of thinking Scott LOGIC.

Is it common sense? Is it experience-based? Is it how I choose to live? Yes. But mostly, it is an endless list of thoughts that make my day better. Here are a few that will no doubt do the same for you.

Life is long enough. But not for everybody. Recognize the difference.


Episode 4907 27 August 2024 11m and 28s

It's Time to Get Off The Fence

It's Time to Get Off The Fence

It's Time to Get Off The Fence

Okay, I'm feeling a little bit lazy today, so I will cut to the chase and bestow upon you the secret to success you've been seeking.

Success requires that you do the hard work.

It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that if you want more, you will have to do something to get it. Still, we live in a world that makes it seem like it should be easier, and it's not. Success takes a...

Episode 4906 26 August 2024 12m and 48s

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