Skill Piper

Sixteenth Minute (of Fame)

Brought to you by, Cool Zone Media and iHeartPodcasts

Sixteenth Minute (of Fame)

Sixteenth Minute (of Fame) is a weekly show from Jamie Loftus that takes a closer look at the internet’s main characters – one part reported, one part interviews, and one part Jamie collapsing her permanently internet-damaged brain. Whether it’s an enduring meme or a dreaded Character of the Day distinction, it’s the kind of notoriety that often results in little money, unwarranted attention, and a confusing blurred line of consent. What do you do when you get more attention and judgement than any one person is built to handle? The Sixteenth Minute of Fame is the place where we figur...

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Recent Episodes of Sixteenth Minute (of Fame)

overly attached girlfriend, pt. 1

overly attached girlfriend, pt. 1

In the summer of 2012, Laina Morris became an overnight viral star as the Overly Attached Girlfriend, a parody of the rampant Justin Bieber "Beliebers" of the era. The week after, she had to decide if she'd drop out of college or pursue the life of a job that didn't quite exist yet -- a full-time YouTuber.

In part 1, Jamie takes a look at Laina's ascent, and how the image of the YouTube star was first conjured from thin air by a bunch of Silicon Valley weirdos, and perfected by YouTubers themselves. Net week, Jamie speaks exclusively with L...

Episode 17 September 2024 53m and 46s

Introducing: The Legend of SwordQuest

Introducing: The Legend of SwordQuest

Hi, Sixteenth Minute listeners! iHeartPodcasts has geared up for a riveting new podcast called The Legend of SwordQuest. Hosted by Jamie Loftus, The Legend of SwordQuest started as a promotion for a new Atari game that would become one of the most controversial moments in ‘80s pop culture, with a central mystery that’s consumed fans for decades: what happened to the missing SwordQuest prizes? Don't just take our word for it, though. Check out this trailer and start listening now!

Listen to The Legend of SwordQuest on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 13 September 2024 2m and 27s

why are there so many mormon influencers? pt. 2

why are there so many mormon influencers? pt. 2

In part two of this definitely minisode series, Jamie talks with ex-Mormon YouTuber and author of How to Leave the Mormon Church: An Ex-Mormons Guide to Rebuilding After Religion Alyssa Grenfell about how the LDS may have found a back channel to bankroll its most powerful influencers, without leaving a paper trail.

Alyssa walks Jamie through how she thinks it's done, and how the LDS has succeeded and fumbled its relationships with influencers in the past. 

Buy Alyssa's book!:

Watch Alyssa's full theory here:

Episode 12 September 2024 47m and 43s

why are there so many mormon influencers? pt. 1

why are there so many mormon influencers? pt. 1

This week, Jamie takes a treacherous voyage into a complicated question -- why on Earth are there so many successful Mormon influencers? In this two-part series, she looks at how the origins and the values of the Mormon church deceptively align with the conservative "tradwife" influencing space of today... and yes, she will get into the tradwives. Contained herein: Joseph Smith shoving his face into a hat, a new Hulu reality series that is deceptively boring, Ballerina Farm, and the Mormons' early success in the conservative mommy blogging space.

Tune in for part 2, where ex-Mormon Alyssa Grenfell...

Episode 10 September 2024 49m and 54s

left shark

left shark

Sixteenth Minute exclusive! We’ve got the first in depth interview with Bryan Gaw, aka the Left Shark himself. 

This week, Jamie revisits the 2015 Super Bowl saga that was Left Shark — the costumed cartilaginous fish that went rogue in 2015 beside Katy Perry during a chorus of ‘Teenage Dream,’ capturing the world’s heart. The person inside is just as lovable, and Jamie takes the bus to West Hollywood to meet dancer-turned-celebrity-stylist Bryan Gaw to revisit one of the internet’s few wholesome moments. 


Follow Bryan Gaw here:

And here...

Episode 3 September 2024 1h, 9m and 20s

i love my curvy wife, pt. 2

i love my curvy wife, pt. 2

This week, the curvy wife saga concludes. Jamie talks to Cate Navarrete of the Body Positivity Alliance and Tigress Osborn of the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance about where this moment falls in the decades-long history of fat activism, and how mainstream media narratives tend to depoliticize civil rights issues. Also, Jamie mumbles the lyrics to "Hot Wife" by curvy wife guy to herself. Also, Jamie learns what "hotwife" means. *airhorn*

Learn about NAAFA here:

Follow Tigress here:

Learn about the Body Pos...

Episode 27 August 2024 1h, 10m and 18s

i love my curvy wife, pt. 1

i love my curvy wife, pt. 1

In 2017, Robbie Tripp posted about his "curvy wife" Sarah, inspiring months of discourse and a permanent internet turn of phrase. This week, Jamie revisits the saga and speaks to Curvy Wife Guy himself ahead of the release of his new single, which is obviously called "Hot Wife." How did a couple build a 'desert empire' on a controversial post, and what does that say about the internet economy?

Tune in next week for part two, where Jamie takes a closer look at how this story resonated with women and fat activists -- featuring interviews with journalist Rebecca...

Episode 20 August 2024 1h, 18m and 4s

a fish fell from the sky

a fish fell from the sky

This summer, a fish named Alice fell from the sky and directly into the lawn of junior doctor Ben Beska. And so, of course, he tweeted about it... only to lose his newly beloved fish just a week later. What followed was what it looks like to go viral in 2024. Jamie speaks with Ben Beska over the course of two months to track the journey; plus, we talk to Stanford psychiatrist Dr. Elia Aboujaoude to learn what going viral has the potential to do to your mind.

Follow Ben's fish adventures here: 

Episode 13 August 2024 1h, 4m and 7s

Introducing: Weird Little Guys

Introducing: Weird Little Guys

Hi Sixteeth Minute (Of Fame) Fans! Take a listen to the trailer of our newest show, Weird Little Guys.

About the show: Investigative journalist Molly Conger takes you beyond the headlines to examine some of the worst people on the planet, most of whom you’ve never heard of. These are the weird little guys trying to ruin life as we know it.

Listen here and subscribe to Weird Little Guys on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts!

See for privacy information.

Episode 9 August 2024 3m and 11s

grief, pt. whatever

grief, pt. whatever

This week, we're taking a tangent -- my dad, Mike Loftus, passed away two weeks ago, and this episode is twenty minutes about that. I've needed some extra time to get our upcoming episodes together, but I've wanted to share more about him and the last two weeks. I really miss him. We'll be back to regular episodes next week.

As promised, the links:


Patriot Ledger writer Eric McHugh wrote this really comprehensive, thoughtful piece about him: 


Episode 8 August 2024 25m and 39s

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