Skill Piper

The BED Project Podcast with Bryson Q. Sessions

Brought to you by, Bryson Sessions

The BED Project Podcast with Bryson Q. Sessions

There will be zero promotion of the first 100 episodes in any way shape or form. If you are listening before episode 101, you are a pioneer of the B Cast community. With minuscule experience, a $40 setup, and my voice, I want to prove to myself, as well as others, you CAN start ANYTHING you want TODAY. All it takes is the willingness to learn, fail, and grow. Join me as I share my unique perspective on the world, provide value and insight to issues, and grow in the process. I can’t wait to look back at Episode 1 in 5 years. Die or...

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Recent Episodes of The BED Project Podcast with Bryson Q. Sessions

331. Ep. 81 Missing, Auto Post Fail, Memory Card Full, Overwhelm, Podcast Clips, Discouraged

331. Ep. 81 Missing, Auto Post Fail, Memory Card Full, Overwhelm, Podcast Clips, Discouraged

🔵🟢 8:55pm, Saturday, September 14th, 2024, Office, UT


Summary of Today’s Show:

Where is episode 81? Found it. Auto post isn’t working. I LOVE IT. Memory card full issue - solved. Lots of moving pieces to everything I’m doing. Very overwhelming. Only because I don’t have systems and processes in place to handle my work. With time i’ll get it. The first $100k is the hardest as they say. Podcast edits are a pain in the ass. So finicky with the order of operations. I’m learning though. Shit is mad frustrating too. Discouraged. B...

Episode 348 15 September 2024 12m and 21s

330. I. Took. Medecine. Scheduled Content 8 Days Out, Reachouts Results, Metricool

330. I. Took. Medecine. Scheduled Content 8 Days Out, Reachouts Results, Metricool

🔴🔵 8:20pm, Friday, September 13th (OH SHIT), 2024, Office, UT


Summary of Today’s Show:

I am sick. No bueno. Feel like absolute dog shit and blew about 8 hours today. That is is so frustrating. I actually broke my streak of no medicine over the last half dozen years or something and took some ibuprofen. Something doesn’t sit right with me with companies making money off us being sick. Not anti-meds, just would rather not take any unless absolutely have to. Day 4 of reach outs. Totalling (after today) 46 people. That’s 46 more than 4 days ago. JUST START. C...

Episode 347 14 September 2024 25m and 44s

329. I Don’t Want A Lambo, Loving the Process, Social Calendar

329. I Don’t Want A Lambo, Loving the Process, Social Calendar

🔴🔵 7:26pm, Thursday, September 12th, 2024, Office, UT


Summary of Today’s Show:

I don’t want to own a lambo if it means I don’t get to work on my goals anymore. The thought of “having it all” sounds like a nightmare. Then what? Then what would I do? I like the idea and am more intrigued by pushing to be better than I am having the end result. Having posts go viral is cool to me IF it means I can learn how to do that more and make better content. Nevermind anything else. Got this co...

Episode 346 13 September 2024 13m and 33s

328. You’re Being Watched, “Life Day”, Setting the Expectation of Yourself, IG Content, Unreasonable Success

328. You’re Being Watched, “Life Day”, Setting the Expectation of Yourself, IG Content, Unreasonable Success

🔵🔴🟢 7:17pm, Wednesday, September 11th, 2024, Office, UT

Summary of Today’s Show:

We’ve all got eyes on us. Some more than others. But just because not every single one of them says their support you doesn’t mean they aren’t supporting and rooting for you. They’re just silent fans. LIKE YOU AND ME to dozens if not hundreds of public figures or groups. Had a “life day” today. Felt really good. It’s now 7:13pm as I write this which means I’m on target for a good bed time. Felt good today too. Good nights rest yet again...

Episode 345 12 September 2024 22m and 22s

327. Posting x7/Day on IG, Posting Calendar & Later, Sleep Is The Secret, First Reach Outs

327. Posting x7/Day on IG, Posting Calendar & Later, Sleep Is The Secret, First Reach Outs

🔴🟢🔵 7:17pm, Tuesday, September 10th, 2024, Office, UT


Summary of Today’s Show:

Made my first ever reach outs today. Commented on 10 accounts photos and liked 3 of their photos each. As a result I got a few likes on the comments themselves and a follow. Cool beans.  Made a little social schedule to get a visual of how much I would post and what I would post if I were to do 2x a day on the main feed and 3-5x a day on story.  Talked about the clay pottery class example shared on Modern Wisdom with Ch...

Episode 344 11 September 2024 29m and 54s

326. Shitty Effort Vs. Perfect Inaction, Nutrition Guidance, Free Trial, Screenshots of Old Client Payment Invoices

326. Shitty Effort Vs. Perfect Inaction, Nutrition Guidance, Free Trial, Screenshots of Old Client Payment Invoices

🔴🟢🔵 7:12pm, Monday, September 9th, 2024, Office, UT


Summary of Today’s Show:

My shitty, slow, small progress and my small strides forward will always be better than zero strides forward. My poor quality efforts will always be better than someone else's perfect inaction. This thought helped me get over some mental hurdles. Been working on this nutrition guide for clients. Trying to make it as easy and as simple to follow as possible. Spelling it out for everyone. My EverFit trial ends in 5 days. More money I gotta spend. Shitty. Found old screenshots of old clients payi...

Episode 343 10 September 2024 22m and 38s

325. Every Word I’ve Ever Said Saved, Motion Calendar, I Am Discouraged, Fulfillment Requirements

325. Every Word I’ve Ever Said Saved, Motion Calendar, I Am Discouraged, Fulfillment Requirements

💎🔴🟢🔵 9:32pm, Dominica, Settembre 8th, 2024, Ufficio, UT


Summary of Today’s Show:

Well, I’m an officially subscriber of useMotion. Let’s see how helpful this thing really is. It’s definitely a game changer for packed schedules and teams. But we’ll see. I put everything onto there today. If I paid, I’m in.  Feeling super discouraged with everything today. Just so much work to do and so little proof that it’ll work in my favor. The only thing promised (yes, promised) is that if I don’t quit, I’ll make it. I have to get my schedule an...

Episode 342 9 September 2024 43m and 55s

324. Lamborghini In Italy, Ignorance Tax, Content Creation Habits, Printed Sheet, Rivelazione

324. Lamborghini In Italy, Ignorance Tax, Content Creation Habits, Printed Sheet, Rivelazione

🔴🟢🔵 9:38pm, Saturday, September 7th, 2024, Office, UT


Summary of Today’s Show:

Made 16 testimonial 5-star review pieces of content for social media.  Made 8 before & after testimonial pieces of content for social media. Posted one 5-star review for social media. Ignorance tax is a real thing and I am now connecting the dots as to what this really is in the real world. Made some printed sheets for organization for the podcast. Feels a bit more organized.  Learning a shit ton of italian. Super cool. 


First time listener and want to learn more about what this...

Episode 341 8 September 2024 30m and 14s

323. Content Fridays, IG Schedule, Testimonials, Episode 2 of Podcast 2, Calendar Structure, GoodDay

323. Content Fridays, IG Schedule, Testimonials, Episode 2 of Podcast 2, Calendar Structure, GoodDay

🔴🔵🟢 11:29pm, September 6th, 2024, All Over My House, UT


Summary of Today’s Show:

Recorded Ep. 2 of the other show. Memory card was full at 20 minutes in. Awesome. My mic wasn’t synced either. And the mic wasn't even connected. NEAT! But… Episode 2 is done. Half the show is black though. Cool. Made 9 more twitter posts. Made 9 more podcast clips for social media. Made a couple regular posts. Recorded a full length podcast. Recorded this podcast. Wrote about 18ish captions for social media content. Captured about 10-15 still images from the show tonight. Was a fat success in t...

Episode 340 7 September 2024 27m and 20s

322. Intro Shitter, Step By Step Guide, Ignorance Tax, Working For Pennies, No True North

322. Intro Shitter, Step By Step Guide, Ignorance Tax, Working For Pennies, No True North

🔵🟢🔴 5:38pm, Thursday, September 5th, 2024, Office, UT


Summary of Today’s Show:

Intro & Outro will come back soon. Just can't make that a priority right now. Made that step by step guide for linking MFP and the fitness app. Fun to do, just took too long. GOtta be more efficient. I need to make 20 more of these damn things. Coworker (who is awesome) shared some his excitement with me and it broke my heart to think most of everyone settles for these made up rules by these people in government and in the world. We’re meant for s...

Episode 339 6 September 2024 20m and 11s

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