Skill Piper

The Unstuck Podcast

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The Unstuck Podcast

Discover the path to radical intimacy with the Unstuck podcast, where challenges become stepping stones to greater connection. We tackle the hidden hurdles of relationships. From battling personal demons to fostering unconditional love, we share our journey to help you find yours.

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Recent Episodes of The Unstuck Podcast

The KEY mindset

The KEY mindset

Summary In this episode, Cameron Berry discusses the concept of an empowered mindset and its importance in achieving success. He emphasizes that taking ownership of one's actions and recognizing the influence one has on their own life is the foundation for achieving any goal. Cameron also explores the idea that while we can influence our future, we cannot control it entirely. He encourages listeners to adopt an empowered mindset and take responsibility for their influence on the world. By doing so, they can move from a state of need to a state of desire and create a more powerful...

Episode 26 6 June 2024 12m and 26s

Transforming Pain into Growth

Transforming Pain into Growth

Summary This conversation explores the transformative power of suffering and failure, emphasizing the opportunity for growth and positive change. It delves into personal experiences and the conscious choice to take ownership and responsibility for one's life and relationships. The discussion highlights the importance of mindset, intention, and radical ownership in navigating hardships and crisis moments.

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Music Mountains (instrumental) by Sascha Ende Free download: Licensed under CC BY 4.0:

Disclaimer: The content on Unstuck Media...

Episode 25 28 May 2024 30m and 5s

Are transactional relationships toxic?

Are transactional relationships toxic?

Summary In this episode, Cameron and Heather discuss the concept of being conditional in all aspects of life and the cost that comes with it. They share personal experiences of recognizing their own conditional relationships with God and each other. They explore how conditional thinking affects our beliefs, actions, and relationships, and how it limits our growth and happiness. They emphasize the importance of letting go of expectations, having open and honest communication, and seeking to understand each other's perspectives. They also highlight the power of choosing a positive mindset and focusing on the blessings and miracles that come...

Episode 24 16 May 2024 41m and 43s

Success is closer than you think

Success is closer than you think

Summary In this episode, Cameron and Heather discuss the concept of creating and how we often limit ourselves in achieving our goals. They share personal stories and examples of individuals who have overcome limitations and achieved remarkable success. They emphasize the importance of having faith, taking action, and allowing God to work in our lives. They also discuss the parable of talents and how they relate to creating and multiplying our talents. They highlight the relevance of these principles in the context of marriage and encourage couples to actively create and work together towards their dreams.


Episode 23 10 May 2024 32m and 57s

Arguing Smarter not Harder

Arguing Smarter not Harder

Summary In this episode, Heather and Cameron discuss the topic of arguing and confrontation within marriage. They share their personal experiences and observations about the role of conflict in relationships. They explore the idea of whether it is healthy to never fight or have conflict, and the potential consequences of avoiding confrontation. They emphasize the importance of self-reflection, taking responsibility for one's own emotions, and approaching arguments as teammates rather than adversaries. They also discuss the need for clear communication and gratitude for the efforts made by partners.

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Episode 22 1 May 2024 30m and 6s

Choose your reality and other lessons we learned from Mel Robins

Choose your reality and other lessons we learned from Mel Robins

Summary In this episode, Cameron and Heather discuss the concept of synchronicity and how it can positively impact our lives. They share personal stories and examples of synchronicity, highlighting the importance of recognizing and attributing meaning to these experiences. They also discuss the power of framing and choosing a positive mindset, even in challenging situations. The episode concludes with a discussion on declaring and stating what we want in life and approaching it with positive energy. In this conversation, Cameron Berry discusses the power of synchronicity and how it can lead to unexpected and positive outcomes in life. She...

Episode 21 25 April 2024 57m and 47s

Resentment is awesome!

Resentment is awesome!

Summary In this episode, Cameron and Heather discuss how resentment can be used as a positive tool for personal growth. Resentment is defined as feeling a sense of injustice or entitlement when something doesn't go as expected. By reframing resentment and understanding what it is pointing to, individuals can uncover hidden desires or areas of their life that need change. The hosts emphasize the importance of defining what you want and taking deliberate action to achieve it. They also discuss how resentment can arise in motherhood and the need for mothers to prioritize their own desires and goals.


Episode 20 17 April 2024 36m and 52s

Differentiation: The third party in your relationship

Differentiation: The third party in your relationship

Summary In this episode, Cameron and Heather discuss the concept of differentiation in relationships. They explore the idea that the relationship itself is separate from the individuals involved and that each person is responsible for their own happiness. They share personal experiences and insights on how to navigate difficult emotions and conflicts in a way that strengthens the relationship. The key takeaway is that by expressing vulnerability, practicing self-care, and maintaining a team mindset, couples can build a healthier and more resilient relationship.

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Episode 19 9 April 2024 34m and 41s

Soothing Vs Confronting

Soothing Vs Confronting

Summary In this episode, Cameron and Heather discuss the concept of picking soothing over confronting in various aspects of life. They explore the importance of having a goal or intention, defining what you want, and the role of planning and preparation in confronting. They also highlight subtle ways of soothing, such as procrastination, and emphasize the value of finding mentors and creating your own blueprint for success. The episode concludes with a reminder to prioritize self-care and share the podcast with others to build strong relationships.

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Episode 18 3 April 2024 30m and 26s

The Damned Truth: How you can break the dam

The Damned Truth: How you can break the dam

Summary In this episode, Cameron and Heather discuss the concept of damnation and how it is not just a future punishment, but something that can happen in the present. They share personal stories of damnation and how they were able to break free from it by being honest and making difficult choices. They emphasize the importance of questioning limiting beliefs and celebrating successes along the journey of progression. The episode concludes with a reminder to keep working towards epic intimacy in marriage.

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Music Mountains...

Episode 17 27 March 2024 37m and 56s

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