Skill Piper

San Diego Weather Daily

Brought to you by, Fast Foundations

San Diego Weather Daily

San Diego Weather Daily is your essential daily podcast for the latest weather forecasts in San Diego, California. This podcast provides concise and accurate weather updates each morning, ensuring you are well-prepared for the day ahead in this beautiful coastal city. Known for its mild, year-round climate, San Diego experiences subtle weather changes that our podcast carefully details. From the sunny, warm beaches to the occasional foggy mornings, we cover everything you need to know about temperature trends, cloud coverage, and the rare rainy days. Whether you’re planning a day at the beach, a visit to Balboa Park, or na...

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Recent Episodes of San Diego Weather Daily

Mon Sep 16th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Mon Sep 16th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Good morning! This is your weather for Monday, September 16th, 2024, for sunny San Diego. Well, maybe not so sunny today! - Morning temperature at 64 degrees, a light jacket might be needed - Daytime high of 68 degrees with 100% cloud cover, no sunshine expected - Evening temperature around 67 degrees, dipping to 66 degrees at night - West wind at 7 mph, breezy but not intense - No rain expected and 62% humidity, fairly moderate Thanks for checking in on today's weather. Be sure to come back tomorrow for your daily update. Have a fantastic Monday!

Episode 16 September 2024 1m and 37s

Sun Sep 15th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Sun Sep 15th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Good morning! This is your weather for Sunday, September 15th, 2024, for beautiful San Diego. Hope you've got your coffee ready and are looking forward to a great day! - Morning temperature at 67 degrees with scattered clouds - Daytime high of 69 degrees, 68% humidity, and gentle southwest wind at 4 mph - Evening temperature dropping back to 67 degrees, scattered clouds enhance the sunset - Night temperature steady at 67 degrees, perfect for outdoor or cozy activities - No rain expected, just scattered clouds throughout the day Have a fantastic day and tune in again tomorrow for more updates.

Episode 15 September 2024 1m and 54s

Sat Sep 14th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Sat Sep 14th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Here is your Daily Weather for Saturday, September 14, 2024, for beautiful San Diego! - Morning temperature at 66 degrees, ideal for an early beach walk or coffee on the pier - Afternoon high of 72 degrees with clear skies, perfect for outdoor activities - Evening temperature drops to around 70 degrees, light jacket might be needed for dining outside - Nighttime temperature settles at 69 degrees, clear skies for stargazing - Gentle west-southwest winds at 4 mph, with comfortable 64% humidity - Perfect day for visiting Balboa Park, San Diego Zoo, or relaxing at the beach Have an amazing day, and tune in again tomorrow for more...

Episode 14 September 2024 1m and 52s

Fri Sep 13th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Fri Sep 13th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Good morning! Happy Friday! This is your weather for Friday, September 13, 2024, for sunny San Diego. - Morning temperature around 66 degrees, perfect for a beach stroll or coffee - Daytime high of 70 degrees with clear skies and a gentle southwest breeze at 3 mph - Humidity at 63%, making it quite comfortable - Evening temperature around 69 degrees, great for a barbecue or walk - Night temperature hovering around 68 degrees for a mild and serene night Enjoy this wonderful clear-sky day in San Diego! Have an amazing day!

Episode 13 September 2024 1m and 37s

Thu Sep 12th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Thu Sep 12th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Good morning! This is your weather for Thursday, September 12th, 2024, for sunny San Diego. I hope you’re ready for a wonderful day ahead. - Morning temperature at 67 degrees with scattered clouds, great for a beach jog or park walk - Daytime high of 72 degrees, partly cloudy, with gentle 6 mph south-southwest winds, ideal for a coastal lunch break - Evening temperature around 70 degrees, perfect for an outdoor barbecue and enjoying the sunset - Nighttime cools to 68 degrees with lingering clouds, good for stargazing or a late-night stroll - Humidity around 66 percent, ensuring it won't be muggy - No rain expected, so...

Episode 12 September 2024 1m and 43s

Wed Sep 11th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Wed Sep 11th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Good morning! This is your weather for Wednesday, September 11th, 2024, for sunny San Diego. We're starting off with clear skies today, making it a beautiful day in America's Finest City. - Morning temperature around 70 degrees with a gentle west southwest breeze - Daytime high of 74 degrees, clear skies, and slight breeze - Evening temperature around 70 degrees, mild wind, perfect for alfresco dinner or sunset viewing - Nighttime temperature dropping slightly to 68 degrees, cool and comfortable - Humidity at a manageable 61% - No rain expected, clear skies all day Thanks for tuning in today! Check back tomorrow for your daily weather...

Episode 11 September 2024 1m and 49s

Tue Sep 10th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Tue Sep 10th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Good morning! This is your weather for Tuesday, September 10th, 2024, in sunny San Diego. I hope you're ready for another beautiful day in America's Finest City. - Morning temperature is 76 degrees with clear skies - Afternoon high around 82 degrees, clear skies - Evening cooling down to 80 degrees, clear skies - Nighttime temperature dropping to 76 degrees, clear skies - Wind from the northwest at 5 mph, occasional gusts up to 7 mph - Humidity at 54 percent Have a fantastic day and tune in again tomorrow for more updates.

Episode 10 September 2024 1m and 54s

Mon Sep 9th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Mon Sep 9th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Good morning! Welcome to your weather update for Monday, September 9th, 2024, in sunny San Diego. Let’s dive right into your day. - Morning temperatures around 82 degrees with clear skies - Daytime high of about 87 degrees, clear skies, light west breeze - Evening temperatures cooling to around 84 degrees, perfect for outdoor plans - Night temperatures settle at about 81 degrees, clear skies, light west wind - Perfect day to enjoy San Diego's beach and outdoor lifestyle Thank you for tuning in! Have an amazing day! Check back tomorrow for your next weather update.

Episode 9 September 2024 1m and 40s

Sun Sep 8th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Sun Sep 8th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Good morning! This is your weather for Sunday, September 8th, 2024, for San Diego. - Morning temperature starting at 82 degrees with clear skies - Daytime high reaching 91 degrees, ideal for beach activities - Evening cools slightly to 87 degrees, perfect for a walk or barbecue - Nighttime temperature around 86 degrees, with a gentle ocean breeze - Winds from the west at 5 mph, keeping things comfortable - Humidity at 42 percent, minimal stickiness - Only 3 percent cloudiness, a virtually cloudless day - No rain or snow, just pure San Diego sunshine Take full advantage of this perfect weather. Have an amazing day and tune...

Episode 8 September 2024 1m and 43s

Sat Sep 7th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Sat Sep 7th, '24 - Daily Weather for San Deigo

Good morning! Hope you're feeling fantastic today. This is your weather for Saturday, September 7th, 2024, for beautiful San Diego. Ready to dive into the day? - Early morning at a pleasant 78 degrees, with clear skies and a gentle southwest breeze - Daytime high around 87 degrees, perfect for outdoor activities with just 1% cloudiness - Evening temperatures at 88 degrees for a warm sunset stroll by the bay or outdoor dining - Nighttime will cool to 82 degrees, ideal for stargazing or a cool patio drink - Comfortable humidity at 45% and no rain expected Enjoy this glorious Saturday in San Diego! Whether you're exploring...

Episode 7 September 2024 2m and 1s

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