Skill Piper

Sunshine Cafe: Real Stories, Real People, Real Encouragement

Brought to you by, Lisa Roers

Sunshine Cafe: Real Stories, Real People, Real Encouragement

Welcome to the Sunshine Café! Join us on this bumpy but brilliant journey to complete health! We’ll explore inspiring stories and specific strategies you can use as you pursue your own completely healthy life. I’m Lisa Roers - a Christian, a wife, a mom, a certified coach, and an eternal optimist. As your host, I'm here to serve you a hearty helping of tools that will motivate, empower and encourage you so you can exchange fear for fortitude, and dis-ease for durability. I created the Sunshine Café Podcast to give you strategies to be YOUR best self-advocate starting NOW, a...

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Recent Episodes of Sunshine Cafe: Real Stories, Real People, Real Encouragement

#039: Measurable Moments in Music & Life with Megan Terwilliger

#039: Measurable Moments in Music & Life with Megan Terwilliger

Measurable Moments in Music & Life - Today, Megan Terwilliger joins us to talk about the many ways music can impact a life,  Megan is owner of M.E.T. Studio of Voice, based out of Nashville, TN. Her services help students whether they are just starting out, or trying to hone their Grammy award winning craft.   

Megan has a master's in teaching singing, and wrote her thesis on beginning voice class - her online singing course called Voice Builder, sits in the sweet spot of her passion and training…. Voice Builder pulls singers together for online instructional conten...

Episode 14 September 2024 47m and 19s

#038: Kathy Wisniewski on Life After Abuse - Better, Not Bitter

#038: Kathy Wisniewski on Life After Abuse - Better, Not Bitter

Today, our guest Kathy Wisniewski shares some wisdom and beautiful revelations that came into her life after passing through the storms of multiple abusive relationships. There is light on the other side of that difficult situation! Kathy shares with us her story of faith, perseverance, and how rather than being bitter, she chose to make her life better - and she did!

NOTE: If you are in an abusive situation or relationship and need help NOW, please consider these two resource links below to get help… please, take action today - you CAN do this!! Lean on Go...

Episode 7 September 2024 47m and 17s

#037: Break Free Part 5 - 5 Ways to Fast Track

#037: Break Free Part 5 - 5 Ways to Fast Track

How do you BREAK FREE from the things that are holding you back from living life and living it to the FULL? Today, Lisa will present the 5th and final segment of this healing miniseries, and we are talking about just that - how to break free and do what you can to heal and be stronger and more durable. Today, our topic is about how to fast track your health and healing journey. The fast track Lisa presents is the oldest, the most effective, the most natural, the cheapest, the safest, has the least number of negative side...

Episode 10 August 2024 25m and 38s

#036: Break Free Part 4 - Connect Four

#036: Break Free Part 4 - Connect Four

Summary: How do you BREAK FREE from the things that are holding you back from living life and living it to the FULL? We are in part 4 of this miniseries, and we are talking about just that - how to break free and do what you can to heal and be stronger and more durable. Today, our topic is about understanding and OWNING your health history so you can connect the dots, and understand what action to take so you can start healing! Today, Lisa talks about creating two basemaps - a basemap is the foundational map upon which...

Episode 3 August 2024 36m and 42s

#035: Break Free Part 3 - Food Foundations

#035: Break Free Part 3 - Food Foundations

Summary: How do you BREAK FREE from the things that are holding you back from living life and living it to the FULL? We are in part 3 of this miniseries, talking about just that - how to break free and do what you can to heal and be stronger and more durable. Today, our topic is about FOOD choices and how do you even START making better choices when there is so much information and so many conflicting blogs and words of advice!? It can be overwhelming!! So today, Lisa breaks it down into 3 simple things: 1) understanding WHY making...

Episode 27 July 2024 35m and 31s

#034: Break Free Part 2 - Reduce the Toxic Load

#034: Break Free Part 2 - Reduce the Toxic Load

Summary: How do you BREAK FREE from the things that are holding you back from living life and living it to the FULL? Last week, Lisa shared why she needed to break free and this week she is covering the 3 easiest things to do right now TODAY, so you can start reducing the toxic load on your body and ramp up your body’s ability to heal!! Grab a pen and paper or your text app to take notes… I’ll see you at the Sunshine Cafe!


Episode 20 July 2024 27m and 47s

#033: Break Free Part 1 - Introduction

#033: Break Free Part 1 - Introduction

Summary: How do you BREAK FREE from the things that are holding you back so you can live life and live it to the FULL? In this episode, Lisa shares her backstory about why she needed to BREAK FREE, and she sets the stage for this short miniseries on exactly what she did to regain her health, reignite her faith and start living life to the full! Listen in to hear exactly what she did to conquer her autoimmune disease - if she can do it, SO CAN YOU! See you at the Sunshine Cafe!


Episode 13 July 2024 20m and 1s

#032: Happy Birthday America

#032: Happy Birthday America

In today’s episode, Lisa gives a big ‘old happy birthday wish to our Country, the United States of America, as she turns 248 years old. America might need a bit of maintenance, but she offers MUCH to be grateful for! Happy Independence Day, America!!


MN shoreline stats: Music credits: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

Episode 4 July 2024 18m and 25s

#031: Faith, Fasting & Forgiveness with Kerry Beck

#031: Faith, Fasting & Forgiveness with Kerry Beck

Bible Scripture Reference: 

Philippians 4:8 - Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.

2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 

Joshua 1:5 - No one will be able to stand against  you all the days of your life. As I was with Mos...

Episode 29 June 2024 47m and 1s

#030: Patty Peterson: Live Your Gift

#030: Patty Peterson: Live Your Gift

Please check out for more details on Patty’s career and upcoming gigs. Also, check out for additional information and encouragements!

Today, you’ll get to mee the one and only Patty Peterson! Patty is a world class Jazz/ R&B vocalist and Jazz radio personality. She is a mainstay in the jingle and voice over industry and an inspiring presenter on the national speaking circuit. In addition to being an award winning vocalist both live and in-studio, Patty has hosted multiple radio talk shows, she's been an actress, a mode...

Episode 22 June 2024 54m and 4s

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