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FluentFiction - Welsh

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FluentFiction - Welsh

Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is...

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Recent Episodes of FluentFiction - Welsh

Gambling Loss and a Friend's Gift: A Heartwarming Turnaround

Gambling Loss and a Friend's Gift: A Heartwarming Turnaround

Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Gambling Loss and a Friend's Gift: A Heartwarming Turnaround
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar y noson boeth o haf, roedd ystafell gymylog yn llawn o bobl gyda sglodion a chardiau yn eu dwylo.
En: On a hot summer night, a smoky room was filled with people holding chips and cards.

Cy: Y poker oedd y brif atyniad, ac ar ochr y ystafell oedd Gareth, ei alaw yn bryderus a'i lygaid wedi'u canolbwyntio.

Episode 26 July 2024 17m and 28s

Rhodri's Turning Point: From Anxiety to Triumph in a Day

Rhodri's Turning Point: From Anxiety to Triumph in a Day

Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Rhodri's Turning Point: From Anxiety to Triumph in a Day
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Roedd heulwen yr haf yn gwawrio ar adeilad modern y swyddfa.
En: The summer sunshine was dawning on the modern office building.

Cy: Roedd y ffenestri gwydr yn llawn sglein, gan adlewyrchu’r haul llachar.
En: The glass windows were gleaming, reflecting the bright sun.

Cy: Y tu mewn, roedd yr awyru yn dod â rhyddhad o’r gwres...

Episode 25 July 2024 15m and 45s

The Great Fence Climb: A Summer with Tegan and Mr. Hughes

The Great Fence Climb: A Summer with Tegan and Mr. Hughes

Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The Great Fence Climb: A Summer with Tegan and Mr. Hughes
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Roedd yr haul yn tywynnu'n braf dros y gymuned breifat.
En: The sun was shining brightly over the private community.

Cy: Roedd y pwll mawr, tlws wedi’i amgylchynu gan erddi wedi’u trin yn dda a chadeiriau haul cyfforddus.
En: The large, pretty pool was surrounded by well-kept gardens and comfortable sun loungers.

Cy: Ffens uche...

Episode 24 July 2024 16m and 53s

Reunion in Cardiff: A Heartfelt Family Rediscovery

Reunion in Cardiff: A Heartfelt Family Rediscovery

Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Reunion in Cardiff: A Heartfelt Family Rediscovery
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Yn Nyfodol ar Ddydd Haf, roedd Sioe Bywyd Rhiannon yn cyflymu wrth iddi gamu i mewn i Faes Awyr Rhyngwladol Caerdydd.
En: In the Future on a Summer's Day, Rhiannon's Life Show sped up as she stepped into Cardiff International Airport.

Cy: Roedd y lle yn fwrlwm o bobl, siarad yn hapus, ac arogleuon takeaways yn llenwi’r aer.
En: The place bu...

Episode 23 July 2024 16m and 56s

Discovering the Lost Celtic Scroll: An Adventure Unfolds

Discovering the Lost Celtic Scroll: An Adventure Unfolds

Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Discovering the Lost Celtic Scroll: An Adventure Unfolds
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Yn ngogledd Cymru, yng nghanol bryniau gwyrdd, roedd adfeilion hen gaer Geltaidd.
En: In north Wales, amidst the green hills, there were ruins of an old Celtic fort.

Cy: Roedd y cerrig wedi'u gorchuddio gan mwsogl ac roedd carvings hynafol yn dangos y cyfnod.
En: The stones were covered in moss, and ancient carvings revealed the era.

Cy: Roedd...

Episode 22 July 2024 17m and 39s

Perfect Gift Hunt: A Heartwarming Journey in Cardiff Market

Perfect Gift Hunt: A Heartwarming Journey in Cardiff Market

Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Perfect Gift Hunt: A Heartwarming Journey in Cardiff Market
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar fore haf braf yng Nghanolfan Marchnad Caerdydd, roedd Rhys yn troedio rhwng ystafelloedd lluosog y farchnad fywiog.
En: In the lively atmosphere of Cardiff Market, Rhys wandered between the various rooms of the bustling market.

Cy: Roedd yr aroglau melys o fara ffres a chacennau melys yn llenwi'r aer.
En: The sweet aromas of fresh bread and sugary cakes...

Episode 21 July 2024 14m and 56s

Restoration & Rivalry: Behind the Scenes at Cardiff's Art Exhibit

Restoration & Rivalry: Behind the Scenes at Cardiff's Art Exhibit

Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Restoration & Rivalry: Behind the Scenes at Cardiff's Art Exhibit
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Yn y prynhawn heulog o haf, roedd Rhiannon a Carys yn pacio ac yn paratoi ar gyfer arddangosfa newydd yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd.
En: On the sunny summer afternoon, Rhiannon and Carys were packing and preparing for a new exhibition at the National Museum Cardiff.

Cy: Roedd y lloriau marmor yn ganfas i'r patrymau golau a chysgod oedd yn dawnsio wrth...

Episode 20 July 2024 19m and 7s

Summiting Snowdon: Embracing Friendship Over Fear

Summiting Snowdon: Embracing Friendship Over Fear

Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Summiting Snowdon: Embracing Friendship Over Fear
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Gareth, Carys, a Seren cerdded tuag at gopa'r Wyddfa.
En: Gareth, Carys, and Seren walked towards the summit of Snowdon.

Cy: Tywydd braf yr haf.
En: It was a fine summer day.

Cy: Yr haul yn uchel yn yr awyr.
En: The sun was high in the sky.

Cy: “Rydw i eisiau cipio llun perffaith,” meddai Gareth ag awyd...

Episode 19 July 2024 18m and 52s

Rhiannon's Journey: Overcoming Migraines and Embracing Support

Rhiannon's Journey: Overcoming Migraines and Embracing Support

Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Rhiannon's Journey: Overcoming Migraines and Embracing Support
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Roedd yr haul yn tywynnu'n llachar dros yr ysgol.
En: The sun was shining brightly over the school.

Cy: Roedd yr awyr yn las a'r coed yn wyrdd iawn.
En: The sky was blue and the trees were very green.

Cy: Rhiannon oedd un o'r disgyblion gorau yn yr ysgol uwchradd.
En: Rhiannon was one of the best students...

Episode 18 July 2024 16m and 50s

Triumph: Teamwork Transformed Their Science Project

Triumph: Teamwork Transformed Their Science Project

Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Triumph: Teamwork Transformed Their Science Project
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Yn ystod haf heulog, roedd Elin ac Rhys yn gweithio'n daer mewn labordy cyfrinachol.
En: During a sunny summer, Elin and Rhys were working tirelessly in a secret laboratory.

Cy: Roedd y labordy'n llaith ac yn dywyll, gyda phob math o declynnau, tiwbiau prawf, a pheiriannau cymhleth yn llenwi'r bwrdd gwaith.
En: The laboratory was damp and dark, filled with all sorts of...

Episode 17 July 2024 16m and 8s

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