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Fluent Fiction - Turkish

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Fluent Fiction - Turkish

Are you ready to supercharge your Turkish listening comprehension? Our podcast, Fluent Fiction - Turkish, is the perfect tool for you.Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Turkish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Turkish and English.This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language...

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Recent Episodes of Fluent Fiction - Turkish

Finding Inspiration in Cappadocia’s Ancient Heritage

Finding Inspiration in Cappadocia’s Ancient Heritage

Fluent Fiction - Turkish: Finding Inspiration in Cappadocia’s Ancient Heritage
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Tr: Yasemin, yaz günlerinin sıcak güneşi altında, Kapadokya'nın eşsiz kayalıkları ve mağara evleri arasında yürüyordu.
En: Yasemin was walking among the unique rock formations and cave houses of Cappadocia under the hot sun of summer days.

Tr: Etraf, tarihin derinliklerinden gelen bir masal gibiydi.
En: The surroundings felt like a tale from the depths...

Episode 8 August 2024 19m and 2s

Balancing Dreams and Duties: A Family’s End-of-Summer Story

Balancing Dreams and Duties: A Family’s End-of-Summer Story

Fluent Fiction - Turkish: Balancing Dreams and Duties: A Family’s End-of-Summer Story
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Tr: Yazın son sıcak günleri.
En: The last hot days of summer.

Tr: Deniz, Elif ve Kerem büyük aile evlerinin oturma odasında oturuyor.
En: Deniz, Elif, and Kerem are sitting in the living room of their large family house.

Tr: Oda kalabalık; okula alınacak malzemeler, Elif'in sanatsal malzemeleri ve Kurban Bayramı süslemeleri...

Episode 7 August 2024 18m and 9s

Unlocking Family Secrets: Selin's Journey at the Grand Bazaar

Unlocking Family Secrets: Selin's Journey at the Grand Bazaar

Fluent Fiction - Turkish: Unlocking Family Secrets: Selin's Journey at the Grand Bazaar
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Tr: Istanbul’un kalbinde, yaz güneşi altında parıldayan Büyük Çarşı’da, Selin dikkatle adım atıyordu.
En: In the heart of Istanbul, under the shimmering summer sun at the Grand Bazaar, Selin was stepping cautiously.

Tr: Renkli dükkanlar, baharat kokuları ve pazarlık sesleriyle dolu labirentin içinde, onun amacı nettir.
En: Amid the labyrinth filled...

Episode 6 August 2024 14m and 43s

Conquering Fears and Bonding in the Heart of the Taurus Mountains

Conquering Fears and Bonding in the Heart of the Taurus Mountains

Fluent Fiction - Turkish: Conquering Fears and Bonding in the Heart of the Taurus Mountains
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Tr: Yasemin, Emir ve Can, Toros Dağları'nın berrak havasında kamp yapıyordu.
En: Yasemin, Emir, and Can were camping in the clear air of the Taurus Mountains.

Tr: Okullarının düzenlediği bu gezi, onları doğanın kucağına sürüklemişti.
En: This trip, organized by their school, had swept them into the emb...

Episode 5 August 2024 18m and 17s

Yonca's Journey: From Panic to Triumph in Istanbul's Grand Bazaar

Yonca's Journey: From Panic to Triumph in Istanbul's Grand Bazaar

Fluent Fiction - Turkish: Yonca's Journey: From Panic to Triumph in Istanbul's Grand Bazaar
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Tr: Yonca, güneşli bir yaz günü, İstanbul'un hareketli ve renkli manzarasında, kendini kaybolmuş hissetti.
En: On a sunny summer day, Yonca felt lost amidst the bustling and colorful scenery of Istanbul.

Tr: Her adımında, Grand Bazaar'ın kalabalığı ve gürültüsü ona daha da yaklaşıyordu.
En: With every step she took, the crowd and noise...

Episode 4 August 2024 18m and

Survival Beacon: Serkan’s Journey from Despair to Leadership

Survival Beacon: Serkan’s Journey from Despair to Leadership

Fluent Fiction - Turkish: Survival Beacon: Serkan’s Journey from Despair to Leadership
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Tr: Serkan’ın dünyası bir zamanlar sıradan bir yerdi.
En: Serkan's world used to be an ordinary place.

Tr: Ancak şimdi her şey değişmişti.
En: But now, everything had changed.

Tr: Şehir, harabelerle doluydu.
En: The city was filled with ruins.

Tr: Sokaklar bomboştu.
En: The streets were deserted.


Episode 3 August 2024 19m and 4s

Inspiration by the Bosphorus: A Tale of Art and Chance Meetings

Inspiration by the Bosphorus: A Tale of Art and Chance Meetings

Fluent Fiction - Turkish: Inspiration by the Bosphorus: A Tale of Art and Chance Meetings
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Tr: Deniz, sabah erkenden kalktı.
En: Deniz woke up early in the morning.

Tr: Bugün Ortaköy'deki proje için ilham bulmak istiyordu.
En: He wanted to find inspiration for the project in Ortaköy today.

Tr: Ortaköy Camii'nin yanında bir sahil kafesine oturdu.
En: He sat down at a waterfront café next to the O...

Episode 2 August 2024 18m and 2s

Love Blossoms at the Grand Bazaar: Yasemin's Istanbul Adventure

Love Blossoms at the Grand Bazaar: Yasemin's Istanbul Adventure

Fluent Fiction - Turkish: Love Blossoms at the Grand Bazaar: Yasemin's Istanbul Adventure
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Tr: Yasemin yaz tatilinde İstanbul’a geldi.
En: Yasemin arrived in Istanbul for her summer vacation.

Tr: Onun ilk durağı Kapalıçarşı idi.
En: Her first stop was the Grand Bazaar.

Tr: Çarşı büyük, kalabalık ve renkliydi.
En: The bazaar was large, crowded, and colorful.

Tr: Her yerde insanlar vardı.
En: There were people ever...

Episode 1 August 2024 17m and 6s

Eren's Magical Morning: Capturing Cappadocia's Unseen Beauty

Eren's Magical Morning: Capturing Cappadocia's Unseen Beauty

Fluent Fiction - Turkish: Eren's Magical Morning: Capturing Cappadocia's Unseen Beauty
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Tr: Yaz sabahının ilk ışıkları, Kapadokya'nın büyülü peri bacalarını aydınlatıyordu.
En: The first light of the summer morning illuminated the magical fairy chimneys of Cappadocia.

Tr: Gökyüzü pembe ve turuncunun tonlarıyla süslenmişti.
En: The sky was adorned with shades of pink and orange.

Tr: Eren, balonu hazırlayan ekip arasında en heye...

Episode 31 July 2024 15m and 29s

Rescue, Romance, and a Fire Alarm: A Summer Tale in Istanbul

Rescue, Romance, and a Fire Alarm: A Summer Tale in Istanbul

Fluent Fiction - Turkish: Rescue, Romance, and a Fire Alarm: A Summer Tale in Istanbul
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Tr: Ece, lisenin koridorlarında koşturuyordu.
En: Ece was running through the high school corridors.

Tr: Yaz sıcağı dışarıda, İstanbul'un sokaklarını kavuruyordu.
En: The summer heat was scorching the streets of Istanbul outside.

Tr: Ece, sevimli bir sokak kedisinin peşine düşmüştü.
En: Ece had chased after a cute street cat.

Episode 30 July 2024 17m and 49s

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