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FluentFiction - Finnish

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FluentFiction - Finnish

Are you ready to supercharge your Finnish listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Finnish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Finnish and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is...

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Recent Episodes of FluentFiction - Finnish

Autumn Reunion: Finding Family in Rovaniemi's Magic

Autumn Reunion: Finding Family in Rovaniemi's Magic

Fluent Fiction - Finnish: Autumn Reunion: Finding Family in Rovaniemi's Magic
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Fi: Kylmä syystuuli puhalsi Rovaniemen Joulupukin kylässä.
En: A cold autumn wind blew through Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi.

Fi: Ilmassa oli ripaus taikaa ja odotusta, vaikka jouluun oli vielä aikaa.
En: There was a hint of magic and anticipation in the air, even though Christmas was still a while away.

Fi: Tuomas ja Kaisa kävelivät kylän keskell...

Episode 7 September 2024 17m and 43s

Finding Friendship: Eero's Transformative Day at the Aquarium

Finding Friendship: Eero's Transformative Day at the Aquarium

Fluent Fiction - Finnish: Finding Friendship: Eero's Transformative Day at the Aquarium
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Fi: Eero astui Sea Life Helsingin akvaarioon kello kymmenen lauantai-aamuna.
En: Eero stepped into Sea Life Helsinki's aquarium at ten o'clock on Saturday morning.

Fi: Syksyinen tuuli puhalsi kevyesti hänen takkinsa läpi, mutta sisällä akvaariossa oli lämmin ja rauhallinen.
En: The autumn wind blew lightly through his coat, but inside the aquarium, it was warm and peaceful.


Episode 6 September 2024 20m and 20s

Brewing Dreams: Kaisa's Journey to the Perfect Blend

Brewing Dreams: Kaisa's Journey to the Perfect Blend

Fluent Fiction - Finnish: Brewing Dreams: Kaisa's Journey to the Perfect Blend
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Fi: Kaisa rakasti kahvia.
En: Kaisa loved coffee.

Fi: Helsingin vanhassa paahtimossa hän työskenteli joka päivä, valtavien kahvimyllyjen ja suurien kahvisäkkien keskellä.
En: At the old roastery in Helsinki, she worked every day, surrounded by enormous coffee grinders and large coffee sacks.

Fi: Ikkunoista tulvi syksyinen valo, joka loi pehmeitä varjoja puulattialle.
En: Autumn light poured...

Episode 5 September 2024 16m and 22s

Mystical Echoes: Unraveling Lapland's Forest Enigma

Mystical Echoes: Unraveling Lapland's Forest Enigma

Fluent Fiction - Finnish: Mystical Echoes: Unraveling Lapland's Forest Enigma
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Fi: Lapin metsän keskellä, missä värikäs syksyn lehtikatos sädehti auringonlaskun valossa, Aino mietti.
En: In the middle of the forest in Lapland, where the colorful autumn foliage glistened in the sunset light, Aino pondered.

Fi: Hän oli juuri aloittanut henkisen retreatn Viivin johdolla.
En: She had just begun a spiritual retreat led by Viivi.

Fi: Päivät olivat...

Episode 4 September 2024 16m and 18s

Love and Discovery Amidst the Coral Reefs

Love and Discovery Amidst the Coral Reefs

Fluent Fiction - Finnish: Love and Discovery Amidst the Coral Reefs
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Fi: Kirkkaan sinisen meren syvyydessä, koralliriutan hehkuvalle maailmalle avautui näköala, joka vei melkein hengityksen.
En: In the depths of the bright blue sea, a view emerged of the glowing world of the coral reef, one that nearly took one's breath away.

Fi: Auringonsäteet tanssivat veden pinnalla, luoden valoja ja varjoja kaleidoskooppiseen sekoitukseen.
En: Sunlight danced on the water's surface, creating a ka...

Episode 3 September 2024 16m and 16s

Finding Forgiveness: Siblings Reunite by Saimaa's Shore

Finding Forgiveness: Siblings Reunite by Saimaa's Shore

Fluent Fiction - Finnish: Finding Forgiveness: Siblings Reunite by Saimaa's Shore
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Fi: Syysauringon valo tanssi Saimaalla.
En: The autumn sun's light danced on Saimaa.

Fi: Lehdet leijailivat kevyesti maahan.
En: Leaves drifted gently to the ground.

Fi: Järvi kimalteli rauhallisesti.
En: The lake shimmered peacefully.

Fi: Aino käveli kohti rannan pientä mökkiä.
En: Aino walked towards the small cabin by the shore.

Fi: Hänen...

Episode 2 September 2024 19m and 13s

Finding Joy and Friendship in the Sauna by the Lake

Finding Joy and Friendship in the Sauna by the Lake

Fluent Fiction - Finnish: Finding Joy and Friendship in the Sauna by the Lake
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Fi: Aamutaivas hehkui vaaleanpunaisena.
En: The morning sky glowed pink.

Fi: Syystuuli leyhytteli värikkäitä lehtiä järven pintaan.
En: The autumn wind gently swept colorful leaves onto the lake's surface.

Fi: Eero, Kaisa ja Noora olivat matkalla ystävänsä mökille.
En: Eero, Kaisa, and Noora were on their way to their friend's cabin.

Episode 1 September 2024 17m and 26s

Finding Confidence in the Heart of Helsinki

Finding Confidence in the Heart of Helsinki

Fluent Fiction - Finnish: Finding Confidence in the Heart of Helsinki
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Fi: Helsingin satama oli täynnä elämää.
En: The port of Helsinki was full of life.

Fi: Yhteinäiset aallot liikuttivat hienovaraisesti veneitä, ja merituuli toi mukanaan raikkaan suolan tuoksun.
En: The gentle waves subtly moved the boats, and the sea breeze carried the refreshing scent of salt.

Fi: Sataman torikauppiaat huutelivat houkuttelevia tarjouksiaan, kun lokit lensivät ylhäällä sinisellä t...

Episode 31 August 2024 17m and 41s

Courageous Code: Aino's Daring Pitch in High-Tech City

Courageous Code: Aino's Daring Pitch in High-Tech City

Fluent Fiction - Finnish: Courageous Code: Aino's Daring Pitch in High-Tech City
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Fi: Kesäinen päivä valkeni kirkkaana ja lupasi paljon.
En: A summer day dawned bright and full of promise.

Fi: Aurinko heijastui modernin kaupungin korkeista, lasisista rakennuksista.
En: The sun reflected off the tall, glass buildings of the modern city.

Fi: Tässä oli High-Tech City, jossa innovaatio hengitti joka nurkassa.
En: This was High-Tech City, where innovation breat...

Episode 30 August 2024 17m and 47s

Healing Conversations: The Power of Family and Memories

Healing Conversations: The Power of Family and Memories

Fluent Fiction - Finnish: Healing Conversations: The Power of Family and Memories
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Fi: Martti istui sairaalan aulassa, katsoen hiljaa ikkunasta ulos.
En: Martti sat in the hospital lobby, quietly gazing out the window.

Fi: Kesäaurinko paistoi kirkkaasti, valaisten vihreän maiseman.
En: The summer sun shone brightly, illuminating the green landscape.

Fi: Hän tunsi sydämessään painon, joka oli kasvanut liian suureksi kannettavaksi.
En: He felt a weight in his...

Episode 29 August 2024 17m and 26s

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