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FluentFiction - Croatian

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FluentFiction - Croatian

Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is...

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Recent Episodes of FluentFiction - Croatian

Davor's Heartfelt Quest for the Perfect Gift

Davor's Heartfelt Quest for the Perfect Gift

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Davor's Heartfelt Quest for the Perfect Gift
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Hr: Davor je hodao kroz šareni svijet Zagrebačkog akvarija.
En: Davor walked through the colorful world of the Zagreb Aquarium.

Hr: Bio je početak jeseni i lišće je polako gubilo svoju zelenu boju.
En: It was the beginning of autumn, and the leaves were slowly losing their green color.

Hr: Davor je bio tu s posebnim ciljem.
En: D...

Episode 6 September 2024 14m and 18s

A Sip of Memories: Discovering Zagreb's Hidden Coffee Gem

A Sip of Memories: Discovering Zagreb's Hidden Coffee Gem

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: A Sip of Memories: Discovering Zagreb's Hidden Coffee Gem
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Hr: Jesenje sunce lagano je padalo kroz velike prozore, osvjetljavajući rusticne, drvene pultove male pržionice kave u srcu Zagreba.
En: The autumn sun gently filtered through the large windows, illuminating the rustic wooden counters of the small coffee roastery in the heart of Zagreb.

Hr: Ugodni mirisi kave ispunjavali su zrak dok su se zrno za zrnom pažljivo pržili...

Episode 5 September 2024 15m and 43s

Rediscovering Hope and Inspiration in Medvednica's Embrace

Rediscovering Hope and Inspiration in Medvednica's Embrace

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Rediscovering Hope and Inspiration in Medvednica's Embrace
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Hr: Ana je sjedila na drvenom terasu svoje male sobe u planinskom odmaralištu na Medvednici.
En: Ana sat on the wooden terrace of her small room at a mountain retreat on Medvednica.

Hr: Sunce je polako zalazilo, i njezine misli bile su daleko, tražeći mir koji se činio nedostižnim.
En: The sun was slowly setting, and her thoughts were far a...

Episode 4 September 2024 17m and 14s

Threads of History: A Tapestry's Tale from Diocletian's Palace

Threads of History: A Tapestry's Tale from Diocletian's Palace

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Threads of History: A Tapestry's Tale from Diocletian's Palace
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Hr: Mateo je hodao starim stazama Dioklecijanove palače, diveći se povijesnim zidinama koje su ga okruživale.
En: Mateo walked along the ancient paths of Diocletian's Palace, admiring the historical walls surrounding him.

Hr: Bilo je jesen, a hladan zrak dopirao je kroz visoke lukove, donoseći miris mora.
En: It was autumn, and the cold air wafted through the...

Episode 3 September 2024 15m and 21s

Finding Treasured Memories: A Journey Through Plitvice Lakes

Finding Treasured Memories: A Journey Through Plitvice Lakes

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Treasured Memories: A Journey Through Plitvice Lakes
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Hr: Mirno jutro obasjalo je Plitvička jezera.
En: A peaceful morning illuminated the Plitvice Lakes.

Hr: Sunčeve zrake plesale su po tirkiznim vodama, a jesensko lišće bojalo je šumu u vatrene tonove.
En: Sun rays danced on the turquoise waters, and the autumn leaves painted the forest in fiery tones.

Hr: Petra i Jakov šetali su pokraj slapov...

Episode 2 September 2024 16m and 51s

Sibling Bonds and Sunset Adventures at Plitvice Lakes

Sibling Bonds and Sunset Adventures at Plitvice Lakes

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Sibling Bonds and Sunset Adventures at Plitvice Lakes
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Hr: Na kraju ljeta, kada sunce baca mekani, zlatni sjaj na Plitvička jezera, obitelj Petrović dolazi na vikend avanturu.
En: At the end of summer, when the sun casts a soft, golden glow on the Plitvice Lakes, the Petrović family comes for a weekend adventure.

Hr: Ivana i Mislav, brat i sestra, u pratnji su roditelja.
En: Ivana and Mislav, brother and...

Episode 1 September 2024 15m and 11s

Sunset Dreams: Luka's Journey to Artistic Confidence

Sunset Dreams: Luka's Journey to Artistic Confidence

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Sunset Dreams: Luka's Journey to Artistic Confidence
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Hr: Sunce se lagano spuštalo nad Jadranskim morem, osvjetljavajući Dubrovnik zlatnom svjetlošću.
En: The sun was slowly setting over the Adriatic Sea, bathing Dubrovnik in golden light.

Hr: Stari grad vrvio je životom.
En: The old town was bustling with life.

Hr: Na terasi lokalnog kafića sjedio je Luka, gledajući kako ljudi prolaze.
En: Sitting on the...

Episode 31 August 2024 15m and 10s

Dolac Discoveries: Finding Connection in a Bustling Market

Dolac Discoveries: Finding Connection in a Bustling Market

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Dolac Discoveries: Finding Connection in a Bustling Market
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Hr: Zvuci živahnog Dolca jutrom nalik su simfoniji Zagreba.
En: The sounds of a vibrant Dolac in the morning are like a symphony of Zagreb.

Hr: Pod šarenim suncobranima, užurbani prodavači nude svježe voće i povrće.
En: Under colorful umbrellas, bustling vendors offer fresh fruits and vegetables.

Hr: Miris zrelih breskvi miješa se sa mirisom...

Episode 30 August 2024 15m and 29s

Vedran's Hospital Misadventure: Lessons in Laughter & Friendship

Vedran's Hospital Misadventure: Lessons in Laughter & Friendship

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Vedran's Hospital Misadventure: Lessons in Laughter & Friendship
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Hr: Vedro ljeto obasjalo je bolničko dvorište, a miris mora lagano se miješao s mirisom sredstva za dezinfekciju.
En: The bright summer sun lit up the hospital courtyard, and the smell of the sea subtly mingled with the scent of disinfectant.

Hr: Vedran i Petra ušli su u čistu bolnicu u malom primorskom gradiću.
En: Vedran and Petra entere...

Episode 29 August 2024 14m and 25s

Laughter and Seagulls: An Unexpected Dubrovnik Adventure

Laughter and Seagulls: An Unexpected Dubrovnik Adventure

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Laughter and Seagulls: An Unexpected Dubrovnik Adventure
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Hr: Luka je sjedio u kafiću na uskoj ulici u Dubrovniku, u Starom Gradu.
En: Luka was sitting in a café in a narrow street in Dubrovnik's Old Town.

Hr: Sunce je blistalo nad kamenim kućama, a more se nježno ljuljalo u pozadini.
En: The sun shone brightly over the stone houses, and the sea gently swayed in the background.

Episode 28 August 2024 16m and 10s

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