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FluentFiction - Bulgarian

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FluentFiction - Bulgarian

Are you ready to supercharge your Bulgarian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Bulgarian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Bulgarian and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is...

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Recent Episodes of FluentFiction - Bulgarian

Autumn's Embrace: A Family's Journey to Healing

Autumn's Embrace: A Family's Journey to Healing

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Autumn's Embrace: A Family's Journey to Healing
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Bg: Есента беше дошла тихо в малкия апартамент на Иван, Твета и Димо.
En: Autumn had quietly arrived in the small apartment of Ivan, Tsveta, and Dimo.

Bg: Отвън клоните на дърветата леко шумоляха, обсипани с цветни листа, които вещаеха промяна.
En: Outside, the branches of the trees rustled softly, adorned with colorful leaves that heralded change.

Bg: Вътре в апартамента, обаче, времето беше застинало.
En: Inside the apartment, however, time seemed to have stopped.

Bg: Иван седеше на масата и гледаше през прозореца.
En: Ivan sat at the table, gazing out the window.

Bg: Беше преминал през тежка болест.
En: He had gone through a severe illness.

Bg: Медицинската му ситуация го накара да се замисли за семейството си.
En: His medical situation made him reflect on his family.

Bg: Знаеше, че трябва да напра...

Episode 7 September 2024 16m and 58s

Uniting Science and Fun: A New Wave at Varna Aquarium

Uniting Science and Fun: A New Wave at Varna Aquarium

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Uniting Science and Fun: A New Wave at Varna Aquarium
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Story Transcript:

Bg: Във Варна, точно на брега на Черно море, се издига легендарната сграда на Аквариума.
En: In Varna, right on the shore of the Black Sea, stands the legendary Aquarium building.

Bg: Светлината нежно танцуваше през водата, създавайки съвършени отражения и сянки.
En: The light gently danced through the water, creating perfect reflections and shadows.

Bg: Никола и Елена бяха там, в центъра на аквариума, обсипани от блясъка на трепкащите водни капки.
En: Nikola and Elena were there, in the center of the aquarium, bathed in the glow of flickering water droplets.

Bg: Николай беше отдаден морски биолог.
En: Nikola was a dedicated marine biologist.

Bg: Той вярваше, че света трябва да разбере чудесата на океана.
En: He believed that the world needed to understand the ocean's wonders.

Bg: Фондовете трябваше да се увеличат...

Episode 6 September 2024 15m and 28s

Siblings Brew Harmony Over Coffee in Sofia's Cozy Café

Siblings Brew Harmony Over Coffee in Sofia's Cozy Café

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Siblings Brew Harmony Over Coffee in Sofia's Cozy Café
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Story Transcript:

Bg: Есенният вятър нежно шепнеше през улиците на София, докато Борислав и неговата сестра Виолета влизаха в малка, уютна кафе пекарна.
En: The autumn wind gently whispered through the streets of Sofia as Borislav and his sister Violeta entered a small, cozy coffee shop.

Bg: Ароматите на прясно изпечени кафе на зърна ги обгърнаха като топло одеяло.
En: The aromas of freshly roasted coffee beans enveloped them like a warm blanket.

Bg: "Обичам това място," промуми Виолета с усмивка, докато разглеждаше рафтовете, пълни с разноцветни пакети кафе.
En: "I love this place," murmured Violeta with a smile, as she browsed the shelves filled with colorful coffee packages.

Bg: "Чудесно е, но нека бъдем внимателни," напомни Борислав, размахвайки осведомен пръст.
En: "It's great, but let's be careful," Borislav reminded her, waving an informed finger.

Bg: "Трябва да намерим нещо качествен...

Episode 5 September 2024 15m and 26s

The Missing Manuscript: Secrets of the Rila Monastery

The Missing Manuscript: Secrets of the Rila Monastery

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: The Missing Manuscript: Secrets of the Rila Monastery
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Bg: Върховете на планината Рила бяха обагрени в златисти и червени цветове.
En: The peaks of the Rila Mountains were painted in golden and red hues.

Bg: Есенният вятър леко шепнеше сред дърветата около Рилския манастир.
En: The autumn wind softly whispered through the trees around the Rila Monastery.

Bg: В този тих и мирен свят, обикновено всичко беше спокойно.
En: In this quiet and peaceful world, everything was usually calm.

Bg: Но тези дни нещо нарушаваше спокойствието — изчезването на древен ръкопис.
En: But these days, something was disturbing the peace — the disappearance of an ancient manuscript.

Bg: Светлана, млада историчка с буйни къдрици и очила, стоеше пред величествените стени на манастира.
En: Svetlana, a young historian with wild curls and glasses, stood in front of the majestic walls o...

Episode 4 September 2024 17m and 5s

Chasing Sunset: A Tale of Risk and Reward by the Black Sea

Chasing Sunset: A Tale of Risk and Reward by the Black Sea

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Chasing Sunset: A Tale of Risk and Reward by the Black Sea
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Bg: По пътя край Черно море, където морето нежно плиска брега, Стефан и Велина пътуваха към Несебър.
En: On the road by the Black Sea, where the sea gently laps the shore, Stefan and Velina were traveling to Nesebar.

Bg: Късен летен следобед.
En: It was a late summer afternoon.

Bg: Слънцето вече започва да се спуска бавно, златен диск на хоризонта.
En: The sun was already beginning to slowly descend, a golden disk on the horizon.

Bg: Светлината подчертаваше древните камъни на стария град.
En: The light highlighted the ancient stones of the old town.

Bg: Стефан имаше цел.
En: Stefan had a goal.

Bg: Търсеше перфектния кадър на залеза.
En: He was searching for the perfect shot of t...

Episode 3 September 2024 14m and 32s

Secrets of Rila: Unearthing the Monastery's Hidden Legacy

Secrets of Rila: Unearthing the Monastery's Hidden Legacy

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Secrets of Rila: Unearthing the Monastery's Hidden Legacy
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Story Transcript:

Bg: Над Рила манастира падна дъждовна есенна утрин.
En: A rainy autumn morning fell over the Rila Monastery.

Bg: Листата на дърветата шуртяха тихо под духа на вятъра.
En: The leaves of the trees rustled softly under the breath of the wind.

Bg: Вътре в манастира, млади монах Димитър усети тежестта на света върху раменете си.
En: Inside the monastery, young monk Dimitar felt the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Bg: Артефакт, говорещ за древната история на манастира, изчезна.
En: An artifact that spoke of the monastery’s ancient history had disappeared.

Bg: Монaси, посетители - всички подозираха един друг.
En: Monks, visitors—everyone suspected each other.

Bg: Димитър реши да се довери на Иван, посетител-историк.<...

Episode 2 September 2024 13m and 40s

Finding Clarity: A Journey to Rediscover Passion in Nature

Finding Clarity: A Journey to Rediscover Passion in Nature

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Finding Clarity: A Journey to Rediscover Passion in Nature
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Bg: Високите върхове на Рила планина се извисяваха над златистите дървета.
En: The high peaks of the Rila Mountains towered over the golden-hued trees.

Bg: Есента беше обгрънала всичко със своята красота.
En: Autumn had enveloped everything with its beauty.

Bg: Веселин и Елена пристигнаха в малката хижа.
En: Veselin and Elena arrived at the small cabin.

Bg: Дървената кабина беше уютна и приканваща.
En: The wooden lodge was cozy and inviting.

Bg: От прозорците се виждаха цветни листа, които есенният вятър носеше.
En: From the windows, colorful leaves carried by the autumn wind could be seen.

Bg: Веселин обичаше природата.
En: Veselin loved nature.

Bg: Той беше интроверт, а гората и планината му даваха спокойствие.
En: He was an introvert, and the forest and...

Episode 1 September 2024 13m and 45s

From Fisherman to Legend: Secrets of Sozopol Unearthed

From Fisherman to Legend: Secrets of Sozopol Unearthed

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: From Fisherman to Legend: Secrets of Sozopol Unearthed
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Bg: Вятърът свистеше през улиците на Созопол, носейки солен вкус от морето към брега.
En: The wind whistled through the streets of Sozopol, carrying the salty taste of the sea towards the shore.

Bg: Александър седеше край пристанището и гледаше вълните.
En: Alexander sat by the harbor, watching the waves.

Bg: Той беше рибар, прост рибар, но в душата си мечтаеше за приключения отвъд този малък град.
En: He was a fisherman, a simple fisherman, but in his heart, he dreamed of adventures beyond this small town.

Bg: Един ден, когато слънцето пекна силно над хоризонта, нещо необичайно привлече вниманието му — странен пакет, изхвърлен на брега.
En: One day, when the sun was blazing high over the horizon, something unusual caught his attention — a strange package washed ashore.

Bg: Пакетът изглеждаше стар и мистериозен.
En: The package looked old and mysterious.

Bg: Александър го вдигна, но не можеше да го отвори.
En: A...

Episode 31 August 2024 13m and 53s

Disrupting Darkness: How Radoslav Captivated Through Crisis

Disrupting Darkness: How Radoslav Captivated Through Crisis

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Disrupting Darkness: How Radoslav Captivated Through Crisis
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Bg: Летният ден бе горещ, а София Тех Парк оживяваше като кошер.
En: The summer day was hot, and Sofia Tech Park was buzzing like a beehive.

Bg: Сградите блестяха под слънцето и хората бързаха по коридорите.
En: The buildings glistened under the sun, and people hurried through the corridors.

Bg: Беше денят на голямата конференция за технологии, на която Рaдослав щеше да представи своя иновативен проект.
En: It was the day of the big technology conference, where Radoslav was to present his innovative project.

Bg: Той бе млад инженер, изпълнен с амбиция, но и с капка съмнение в себе си.
En: He was a young engineer, filled with ambition but also a touch of self-doubt.

Bg: Радослав се чувстваше нервен.
En: Radoslav felt nervous.

Bg: Вечерта не можа да спи добре.
En: He hadn't slept well the previous night.

Bg: Страхува...

Episode 30 August 2024 17m and 50s

Choosing Healing: A Champion's Journey to Self-Discovery

Choosing Healing: A Champion's Journey to Self-Discovery

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Choosing Healing: A Champion's Journey to Self-Discovery
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Bg: Лятното слънце грееше ярко през прозореца на болничната стая.
En: The summer sun shone brightly through the hospital room window.

Bg: Мека светлина озаряваше малката стая, изпълнена със звуци от коридора - стъпки на посетители и шепот на медицински сестри.
En: A soft light illuminated the small room, filled with the sounds from the corridor—footsteps of visitors and whispers of nurses.

Bg: Борислав лежеше в леглото, съсредоточен върху телевизора в ъгъла.
En: Borislav lay in bed, focused on the television in the corner.

Bg: Там, на екрана, неговият отбор се състезаваше на националния шампионат.
En: There, on the screen, his team was competing in the national championship.

Bg: Болезнеността в крака му напомняше за състоянието му - контузията, която го държеше далеч от терена.
En: The pain in his leg reminded him of his condition—the injury that kept him off the field.

Episode 29 August 2024 14m and 31s

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