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FluentFiction - Bulgarian

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FluentFiction - Bulgarian

Are you ready to supercharge your Bulgarian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Bulgarian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Bulgarian and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is...

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Recent Episodes of FluentFiction - Bulgarian

High Stakes and Heartstrings: A Night of Poker and Redemption

High Stakes and Heartstrings: A Night of Poker and Redemption

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: High Stakes and Heartstrings: A Night of Poker and Redemption
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Story Transcript:

Bg: Димът от цигарите се носеше в нощния клуб "София", като облак, който тежеше над всички.
En: The cigarette smoke drifted through the "Sofia" nightclub like a cloud hanging over everyone.

Bg: Лятната горещина отвън влизаше през вратите и правеше атмосферата още по-напрегната.
En: The summer heat from outside seeped in through the doors, making the atmosphere even more intense.

Bg: В центъра на клуба, под слабите светлини, се намираше голяма маса.
En: In the center of the club, under the dim lights, stood a large table.

Bg: Там се раздаваха картите за покер.
En: There, poker cards were being dealt.

Bg: Мила седеше на масата с решителен поглед.
En: Mila sat at the table with a determined look.

Bg: Трябваше да спечели.
En: She had to win.

Bg: Еди...

Episode 26 July 2024 17m and 47s

Unveiling the Corporate Enigma: A Tale of Mystery and Discovery

Unveiling the Corporate Enigma: A Tale of Mystery and Discovery

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Unveiling the Corporate Enigma: A Tale of Mystery and Discovery
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Story Transcript:

Bg: Едно горещо юлско утро, слънцето пронизваше прозорците на корпоративния офис.
En: One hot July morning, the sun pierced through the windows of the corporate office.

Bg: Иван, среден мениджър, седеше на бюрото си, когато забеляза мистериозен плик.
En: Ivan, a mid-level manager, was sitting at his desk when he noticed a mysterious envelope.

Bg: На бюрото му имаше обичайно само документи и канцеларски материали, така че този плик бе необичаен.
En: His desk usually only had documents and office supplies, so this envelope was unusual.

Bg: „Какво ли е това?“ – помисли си Иван и отвори плика.
En: “What could this be?” wondered Ivan as he opened the envelope.

Bg: Вътре имаше бележка с криптично съобщение.
En: Inside was a note with a cryptic message.

Bg: Иван не можеше да разбере какво значи, но усети, че това нещо е важно.
En: Ivan c...

Episode 25 July 2024 19m and 47s

Nikolai’s New Beginning: A Summer of Healing and Community

Nikolai’s New Beginning: A Summer of Healing and Community

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Nikolai’s New Beginning: A Summer of Healing and Community
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Story Transcript:

Bg: Топлото лятно слънце грее над красивата затворена общност, където Николай току що се е преместил.
En: The warm summer sun shines over the beautiful gated community where Nikolai has just moved in.

Bg: Зелените тревни площи са идеално подстригани, а къщите са приказно уютни.
En: The green lawns are perfectly trimmed, and the houses are charmingly cozy.

Bg: Това е ново начало за него, след като е преминал през труден период.
En: This is a fresh start for him after going through a tough period.

Bg: В парка в центъра на общността кипи подготовка за предстоящия летен фестивал.
En: In the park at the center of the community, preparations for the upcoming summer festival are in full swing.

Bg: Цветните палатки, светещите гирлянди и ярките украси създават атмосфера на радост и очакване.
En: Colorful tents, twinkling garlands, and vibrant decorat...

Episode 24 July 2024 16m and 34s

Finding New Beginnings: A Chance Encounter in Sofia Airport

Finding New Beginnings: A Chance Encounter in Sofia Airport

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Finding New Beginnings: A Chance Encounter in Sofia Airport
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Story Transcript:

Bg: Терминалът на летище София беше препълнен с хора.
En: The terminal at Sofia Airport was packed with people.

Bg: Хората бързаха, говореха по телефони, гледаха таблата с полети.
En: People were rushing, talking on phones, looking at the flight boards.

Bg: Сред тях чакаха и Никола и Елена.
En: Among them waited Nikola and Elena.

Bg: Полетът им до Лондон закъсняваше.
En: Their flight to London was delayed.

Bg: Никола беше на 34 години.
En: Nikola was 34 years old.

Bg: Графичен дизайнер, който обичаше да пътува.
En: A graphic designer who loved to travel.

Bg: Напоследък усещаше, че животът му е станал рутинен и скучен.
En: Lately, he felt his life had become routine and boring.

Bg: Затова...

Episode 23 July 2024 16m and 49s

Ancient Thracian Secrets: A Life-Saving Quest Amid Ruins

Ancient Thracian Secrets: A Life-Saving Quest Amid Ruins

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Ancient Thracian Secrets: A Life-Saving Quest Amid Ruins
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Story Transcript:

Bg: Лъчите на лятното слънце пробиваха през листата на дърветата, осветявайки древните тракийски руини.
En: The rays of the summer sun pierced through the leaves of the trees, illuminating the ancient Thracian ruins.

Bg: Симеон, професор по история, беше на колене, изследвайки каменните останки.
En: Simeon, a history professor, was on his knees, examining the stone remains.

Bg: Той знаеше, че тук може да има скрит артефакт.
En: He knew there might be a hidden artifact here.

Bg: "Ирина, погледни това," каза той, сочейки към интересна гравюра.
En: "Irina, look at this," he said, pointing to an interesting engraving.

Bg: Ирина, студентка по медицина, се приближи и се вгледа в древната рисунка.
En: Irina, a medical student, approached and gazed at the ancient drawing.

Bg: "Изглежда важно," отговори...

Episode 22 July 2024 14m and 27s

Mystery Unveiled: The Art Heist at Sofia's National Gallery

Mystery Unveiled: The Art Heist at Sofia's National Gallery

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Mystery Unveiled: The Art Heist at Sofia's National Gallery
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Story Transcript:

Bg: На оживената улица в центъра на София седи величествената сграда на Националната художествена галерия.
En: On the bustling street in the center of Sofia stands the majestic building of the National Art Gallery.

Bg: Бели мраморни подове и високи тавани, изпълнени с естествена светлина, създават атмосфера на благоговение и възхита.
En: White marble floors and high ceilings, filled with natural light, create an atmosphere of reverence and admiration.

Bg: В разгара на лятото, прохладният интериор на галерията предлага убежище от оживения град навън.
En: In the height of summer, the cool interior of the gallery offers a refuge from the lively city outside.

Bg: Борис, арт кураторът на галерията, бързаше по един от коридорите.
En: Boris, the art curator of the gallery, hurried down one of the corridors.

Bg: Днес беше важен ден - изложбата на известен български художник.

Episode 20 July 2024 17m and 33s

Rekindling Love Amidst Sofia's Golden Domes

Rekindling Love Amidst Sofia's Golden Domes

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Rekindling Love Amidst Sofia's Golden Domes
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Story Transcript:

Bg: В топлия летен ден, златните куполи на катедралата "Александър Невски" блестяха под слънчевите лъчи.
En: On a warm summer day, the golden domes of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral glistened under the sun's rays.

Bg: Туристи снимат величествената сграда, а около катедралата се усеща мирис на липи.
En: Tourists were taking pictures of the majestic building, and the scent of linden trees filled the air around the cathedral.

Bg: Тази атмосфера на носталгия и ново начало беше идеалният фон за събрание, чакащо от много години.
En: This atmosphere of nostalgia and new beginnings was the perfect backdrop for a gathering that had been awaited for many years.

Bg: Борис, професор по история, крачеше бавно по площада пред катедралата.
En: Boris, a professor of history, was slowly walking across the square in front of the cathedral.

Bg: Сп...

Episode 19 July 2024 17m and 18s

A Dream in Paris: Raya's Journey of Passion and Perseverance

A Dream in Paris: Raya's Journey of Passion and Perseverance

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: A Dream in Paris: Raya's Journey of Passion and Perseverance
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Bg: Лъчите на лятното слънце танцуваха по старата сграда на училището в София.
En: The rays of the summer sun danced on the old school building in Sofia.

Bg: Учениците бяха навън, оборудвани с учебници и тетрадки, опитващи се да се съсредоточат в последните дни на учебната година.
En: The students were outside, equipped with textbooks and notebooks, trying to focus in the final days of the school year.

Bg: Рая, осемнадесетгодишна ученичка, стоеше сама до едно дърво в двора, чувстваща се изгубена.
En: Raya, an eighteen-year-old student, stood alone by a tree in the yard, feeling lost.

Bg: Рая винаги беше умна и талантлива.
En: Raya had always been smart and talented.

Bg: Тя обичаше да рисува.
En: She loved to paint.

Bg: От малка мечтаеше да учи в Париж.
En: Since she was little, she dreamed of studying in Paris.

Bg: Но родителите ѝ исках...

Episode 18 July 2024 16m and 42s

Secrets and Forgiveness: A Family's Journey at Rila Monastery

Secrets and Forgiveness: A Family's Journey at Rila Monastery

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Secrets and Forgiveness: A Family's Journey at Rila Monastery
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Bg: Никола се разходи сам из двора на Рилския манастир.
En: Nikola strolled alone through the courtyard of the Rila Monastery.

Bg: Лятното слънце топлеше каменните стени, а зелените дървета ги обграждаха като пазители.
En: The summer sun warmed the stone walls, and the green trees surrounded them like guardians.

Bg: Той дишаше дълбоко, усещайки спокойствието на това свято място.
En: He breathed deeply, feeling the peace of this holy place.

Bg: Вече бяха тук за семейния събор.
En: They were already here for the family gathering.

Bg: Елица, неговата по-малка сестра, тичаше наоколо с радост.
En: Elitsa, his younger sister, was running around with joy.

Bg: Беше се върнала от чужбина и всичко тук й се струваше ново и вълнуващо.
En: She had returned from abroad, and everything here seemed new and exciting to he...

Episode 17 July 2024 16m and 59s

Serendipitous Synergy: A Cafe Meeting that Sparked Renewal

Serendipitous Synergy: A Cafe Meeting that Sparked Renewal

Fluent Fiction - Bulgarian: Serendipitous Synergy: A Cafe Meeting that Sparked Renewal
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Bg: В един уютен кафене в София, вълшебството на лятната сутрин проникваше през прозорците.
En: In a cozy cafe in Sofia, the magic of a summer morning seeped through the windows.

Bg: Светлината на слънцето създаваше топла атмосфера, а ароматът на прясно кафе и сладкиши се разнасяше из въздуха.
En: The sunlight created a warm atmosphere, and the aroma of fresh coffee and pastries filled the air.

Bg: Мила, млада художничка с тих и интровертен характер, седеше сама на една дървена маса.
En: Mila, a young artist with a quiet and introverted nature, sat alone at a wooden table.

Bg: Тя поглеждаше с тревога към празния си скицник.
En: She looked anxiously at her empty sketchbook.

Bg: Нищо не идваше наум.
En: Nothing came to mind.

Bg: Чувстваше се блокирана и отчаяно търсеше вдъхновение.
En: She felt blocked and desperately sought inspiration.

Bg: В този момен...

Episode 16 July 2024 17m and 1s

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