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Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese

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Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese

Are you ready to supercharge your Vietnamese listening comprehension? Our podcast, Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese, is the perfect tool for you.Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Vietnamese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Vietnamese and English.This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language...

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Recent Episodes of Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese

From Colleagues to Companions: A Blossoming Office Romance

From Colleagues to Companions: A Blossoming Office Romance

Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese: From Colleagues to Companions: A Blossoming Office Romance
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Vi: Linh đứng trước tấm bảng trắng lớn ở văn phòng.
En: Linh stood before the large whiteboard in the office.

Vi: Cô đang trình bày một kế hoạch marketing mới.
En: She was presenting a new marketing plan.

Vi: Ánh mặt trời mùa hè chiếu sáng rực rỡ qua lớp kính trong suốt...

Episode 25 July 2024 15m and 38s

A Wedding to Remember: Bonds of Family Under Saigon's Sun

A Wedding to Remember: Bonds of Family Under Saigon's Sun

Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese: A Wedding to Remember: Bonds of Family Under Saigon's Sun
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Vi: Trong khu cộng đồng cao cấp ở Sài Gòn, giữa mùa hè nóng bức, gia đình Thúy đang háo hức chuẩn bị cho đám cưới của cô.
En: In an upscale community in Saigon, in the midst of a scorching summer, Thúy's family was eagerly preparing for her wedding.

Vi: Khu phố với nh...

Episode 24 July 2024 15m and

A Twist of Fate at the Airport: When Strangers Become Allies

A Twist of Fate at the Airport: When Strangers Become Allies

Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese: A Twist of Fate at the Airport: When Strangers Become Allies
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Vi: Tiếng ồn vang lên khắp nơi tại Sân bay Quốc tế Nội Bài.
En: Noise echoed everywhere at Noi Bai International Airport.

Vi: Mai đứng cạnh cửa sổ, nhìn ra ngoài mái vòm kính sáng loáng.
En: Mai stood by the window, gazing out at the glea...

Episode 23 July 2024 14m and 19s

A Healer's Odyssey: Hồng's Quest to Save Her Loved One

A Healer's Odyssey: Hồng's Quest to Save Her Loved One

Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese: A Healer's Odyssey: Hồng's Quest to Save Her Loved One
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Vi: Khi cái nắng mùa hè làm rực sáng thành phố cổ Huế, bên dòng Hương Giang, Hồng lo lắng trong căn nhà nhỏ của mình.
En: As the summer sun illuminated the ancient city of Huế, beside the Perfume River, Hồng was worried in her small house.

Vi: Tiếng ve...

Episode 22 July 2024 12m and 58s

Secrets Unveiled: Rediscovery at Freelancer's Home Café

Secrets Unveiled: Rediscovery at Freelancer's Home Café

Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese: Secrets Unveiled: Rediscovery at Freelancer's Home Café
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Vi: Linh ngồi ở bàn góc của Freelancer's Home Café.
En: Linh sat at the corner table of Freelancer’s Home Café.

Vi: Quán cà phê thật ấm cúng.
En: The café was truly cozy.

Vi: Ánh sáng mờ từ đèn treo, bàn ghế gỗ và những đồ trang trí cổ xưa tạo cảm giác thân thuộc.
En: The dim lig...

Episode 21 July 2024 14m and

The Vanishing Masterpiece: A Tale of Art and Intrigue

The Vanishing Masterpiece: A Tale of Art and Intrigue

Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese: The Vanishing Masterpiece: A Tale of Art and Intrigue
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Vi: Vào một ngày hè oi ả, Bảo tàng Nghệ thuật Hà Nội rực rỡ dưới ánh nắng vàng óng.
En: On a scorching summer day, the Hanoi Museum of Art gleamed brilliantly under the golden sunlight.

Vi: Bảo tàng này là niềm tự hào của thành phố, với kiến trúc tuyệt đẹp kết hợ...

Episode 20 July 2024 15m and 25s

Secrets Beneath the Bitexco: Linh's Quest for Hidden Truths

Secrets Beneath the Bitexco: Linh's Quest for Hidden Truths

Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese: Secrets Beneath the Bitexco: Linh's Quest for Hidden Truths
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Vi: Bitexco Financial Tower lấp lánh dưới nắng hè, như viên kim cương giữa thành phố sôi động.
En: Bitexco Financial Tower glittered under the summer sun, like a diamond in the bustling city.

Vi: Bên trong, linh cậu chuyện thú vị xảy ra.
En: Inside, an intriguing story unfolded.

Vi: L...

Episode 19 July 2024 14m and 20s

Summer Confessions: A Tale of Friendship and Unspoken Love

Summer Confessions: A Tale of Friendship and Unspoken Love

Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese: Summer Confessions: A Tale of Friendship and Unspoken Love
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Vi: Mùa hè năm đó, trường trung học Minh vừa tốt nghiệp đang tổ chức lễ hội.
En: That summer, Minh’s high school graduation festival was taking place.

Vi: Sân trường nhộn nhịp, màu sắc rực rỡ từ các gian hàng trò chơi và đồ ăn truyền thống.
En: The schoolyard w...

Episode 18 July 2024 14m and 33s

Secrets and Sunlight: Uncovering Love and History Together

Secrets and Sunlight: Uncovering Love and History Together

Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese: Secrets and Sunlight: Uncovering Love and History Together
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Vi: Mùa hè, ánh mặt trời rực rỡ chiếu qua cửa sổ kính của Bảo tàng Lịch sử Quốc gia Việt Nam.
En: Summer sunlight gleamed through the glass windows of the Vietnam National Museum of History.

Vi: Hanh, một giáo sư lịch sử, đang chăm chú nghiên cứu một hiện vật cổ.

Episode 17 July 2024 14m and 50s

Finding Inspiration and Friendship at a Hanoi Tea Shop

Finding Inspiration and Friendship at a Hanoi Tea Shop

Fluent Fiction - Vietnamese: Finding Inspiration and Friendship at a Hanoi Tea Shop
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Vi: Linh thích đến quán trà nhỏ ở Hà Nội.
En: Linh enjoys visiting a small tea shop in Hanoi.

Vi: Quán nằm trên phố yên tĩnh, có bàn ghế gỗ, cây xanh, và cửa kính lớn.
En: The shop is located on a quiet street, with wooden tables and chairs, green plants, and larg...

Episode 16 July 2024 14m and 54s

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