Skill Piper

Christ With Coffee On Ice

Brought to you by, Ally Yost

Christ With Coffee On Ice

CWCOI is your new Jesus loving podcast where you are encouraged to come exactly as you are. No matter your relationship with God, we welcome ALL - messy or put together. Our host, Ally Yost, has made it her mission to spread God's love and encouragement through this podcast. Expect vulnerability, rawness, hope, and encouragement. We will be covering scripture, life's obstacles in your 20's, and what that looks like while walking with Christ. So grab your iced coffee, sit back, and let's be in the presence of Jesus together ! :') Support this podcast:

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Recent Episodes of Christ With Coffee On Ice

RERUN: My Journey To Jesus

RERUN: My Journey To Jesus

Happy Friday, everyone ! As we've officially entered into our break between seasons, we thought posting reruns would be a great idea to stay in touch while we take a few weeks off to prepare for season FOUR ! We hope you enjoy these few episodes and as always, we're continually grateful for your endless support :) xx

☆ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PATREON ☆ : If you would like to give to CWCOI and financially support the podcast, you can do so here ! ➤ _____________________________________________ Connect further with us ! TikTok ➤

Episode 26 July 2024 34m and 25s

S3 EP15. Drawing Closer To God

S3 EP15. Drawing Closer To God

Hey y'all ! Welcome to another Friday with CWCOI and to our last episode of season three !!! It's so bittersweet to end this season and we are so thankful for all the ways the Lord has moved and will continue to move in season four ! In this week's episode our host, Ally Yost, picks right back up from last week as she continues to read through the book of James. We read and talk through the last three chapters and discuss topics such as worldly living, submitting and repenting to God, and to trust the path He's laid out for...

Episode 15 19 July 2024 31m and 30s

S3 EP14. Be An Ambassador For Christ

S3 EP14. Be An Ambassador For Christ

Hey y'all ! Welcome to another Friday with CWCOI ! In this week's episode our host, Ally Yost, seeks the Lord's word and wisdom as we read through the book of James. We go through the first three chapters as we dive deeper on the teachings of Jesus and how we should apply them to our everyday lives. Next week, we will continue to let the Lord lead us as we continue reading through James.

James 1:5: "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking."


Episode 14 12 July 2024 46m and 32s

S3 EP13. What Is An Idol?

S3 EP13. What Is An Idol?

Hi, ya'll !! Welcome to another Friday of CWCOI. Our host, Ally Yost, touches on the definition of idols and where they could be in our lives. We talk about the meaning of having an idol, what it looks like to have a foundation on idols and we may not even realize it, and how to turn away from it and fully rely and survive off of just Jesus. We hope this episode blesses you and brings you more peace in Jesus.

Episode 13 6 July 2024 30m and 55s

S3 EP12. I Still Feel Guilty.

S3 EP12. I Still Feel Guilty.

Happy Friday, everyone! Welcome back to another episode of CWCOI. Today, our host, Ally Yost, tells a short testimony on God's Faithfulness followed by the topic of GUILT. But not just any guilt, guilt from our past. Perhaps, the BC version of ourselves who lived selfishly and without Jesus. We talk about how to overcome that guilt and the truth of the Gospel. Should we ask God for His forgiveness about the same mistake more than once? Or do we just ask for it one time and move on?



Episode 12 28 June 2024 32m and 43s

S3 EP11. Bringing Your Requests To God

S3 EP11. Bringing Your Requests To God

Hey y'all ! Welcome to another Friday with CWCOI ! In this week's episode, our host, Ally Yost talks about stepping out in faith and bringing our requests to God. We are never a burden to Him and if anything, He finds joy in us asking Him and praying to Him for all things - big and small. Mark 10:46-52

☆ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PATREON ☆ : If you would like to give to CWCOI and financially support the podcast, you can do so here ! ➤ _____________________________________________ Connect further with us ! TikTok ➤ https...

Episode 11 21 June 2024 32m and 23s

S3 EP10. I Want To Be On Fire

S3 EP10. I Want To Be On Fire

Hey y’all ! Welcome to another Friday with CWCOI ! In this week’s episode our host, Ally Yost, talks about how to remain on fire with Christ. Whether we are consistently in the Word, exercising our faith, or repenting to our Lord - there's no process or step by step guide to being on fire with Jesus, because He died on the Cross, it is accessible to us right now. Thank you, Jesus !!! ☆ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PATREON ☆ : If you would like to give to CWCOI and financially support the podcast, you can do so here ! ➤ https://www.paypal...

Episode 10 14 June 2024 52m and 59s

S3 EP9. Leaving Space For Jesus

S3 EP9. Leaving Space For Jesus

Hey y’all ! Welcome to another Friday with CWCOI ! In this week’s episode our host, Ally Yost, gives space for the Lord to speak through scripture. We are reading from the book of Luke, covering the story of John the baptist, Mary mother of Jesus, and the birth of Jesus. ☆ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PATREON ☆ : If you would like to give to CWCOI and support the podcast, you can do so here ! ➤ _____________________________________________ Connect further with us ! TikTok ➤ Instagram ➤ _____________________________________________ Connect furthe...

Episode 7 June 2024 38m and 56s

S3 EP8. God Isn't Answering Yet ft. Ashley Hetherington

S3 EP8. God Isn't Answering Yet ft. Ashley Hetherington

In this week’s episode our host, Ally Yost, is joined by bestie, Ashley Hetherington, to reveal all the newness they're stepping into all through radical faith in the Lord. They discuss what it looks like to follow the Lord and give Him your "yes" even when you have no idea where He's leading you. What do we do when we still have so many questions for God? ☆ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PATREON ☆ : If you would like to give to CWCOI and support the podcast, you can do so here ! ➤

Episode 8 31 May 2024 41m and 38s

S3 EP7. The Rejection Still Hurts

S3 EP7. The Rejection Still Hurts

Hey y’all ! Welcome to another Friday with CWCOI ! In this week’s episode our host, Ally Yost, speaks on the topic of rejection. As Christians, we know that Jesus himself was rejected by the world as soon as He entered it. He tells us in John 15:18 that, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first." Although we are not spared from rejection, we are also not spared from the love and grace of God. His mercy and goodness will forever triumph any rejection we will encounter on this earth.


Episode 7 24 May 2024 44m and 37s

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