Skill Piper


Brought to you by, Goalhanger & Global Enduring Disorder Ltd


Gone are the days of coherent international coordination. Rather than working together to solve pressing crises, many of the world’s most powerful states are actively making those crises worse. The result? We’re living through a novel historical era: The Global Enduring Disorder. The Disorder podcast teases out the key principles that connect seemingly disparate challenges: from Climate Change to Tax Havens, to Unregulated Cyberspace, to the Wars in Ukraine, Syria, and Libya. Jason Pack, NATO Foundation Senior Analyst, and Alexandra Hall Hall, a former British Ambassador, discuss with world-leading experts, senior diplomats and cultural icons, the fundamental principles lurkin...

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Recent Episodes of Disorder

Ep57. Tunisia’s Postponed Presidential elections

Ep57. Tunisia’s Postponed Presidential elections

The Economist called Tunisia a “light unto the Arab nations” just a decade ago, yet it may soon be fading into darkness. We talk with Tunisia’s Leading Opposition Presidential Candidate, Olfa Hamdi, to find out why. 


Amidst this biggest year of elections in human history, the Tunisian election (initially scheduled for July 25 and now pushed back to October 6) has been largely forgotten in the mainstream media and even ignored by western policymakers. Yet, the dynamics at play in neo-populism’s current ascendancy in Tunisia – fear of migrants, coordination failures on behalf of Western allies, as well as C...

Episode 57 25 July 2024 48m and 38s

Ep56. Nothing became his presidency like the leaving of it

Ep56. Nothing became his presidency like the leaving of it

Legend has it that when King George III heard that George Washington, had decided to retire after his second term, he remarked: “If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world.” On July 21, 2024, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. can justifiably claim to have done one of the most heroic acts in human history.  Jason may be quoting the Guardian article (whose link is further down in the shownotes), but he is not exaggerating. 


Few people voluntarily leave supreme power. Popes, Ayatollah, Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, and Dictators largely do not step down. They ei...

Episode 56 22 July 2024 46m and 13s

Ep55. NATO Summit 2024 – Did it help Order the Disorder?

Ep55. NATO Summit 2024 – Did it help Order the Disorder?

A week ago today, NATO wrapped up its 75th anniversary summit. At the event genuine  support of Ukraine was on full display. Discussion of how to Trump-proof NATO dominated the agenda, partnerships with NATO’s southern periphery were side stepped and the war in Gaza was largely ignored. All of this was choreographed to project unity and paper over disagreements within the alliance. But do such optics actually help to Order the Disorder? 


To find out we’re joined by Jane Kinninmont – who was in Washington at the Summit. She tells Jason about the discussions on the ma...

Episode 55 18 July 2024 35m and 22s

Ep54. If you come for the King, best not miss

Ep54. If you come for the King, best not miss

In bye gone moons, Trump inadvertently quoted Ralf Waldo Emerson, “When you strike at the King, you must kill him.” Yet on Saturday July 13, Donald Trump survived an attempt to gun him down at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. Will this be one of those pivotal moments which go down in history - like the assassination of Lincoln; of Archduke Franz Ferdinand; JFK, RFK, or MLK? Or will it be like with Gavrilo Princip’s predecessors, assassins are only remembered if they succeed. Others tried to assassinate the Archduke and History won't remember them because they missed.  



Episode 54 16 July 2024 33m and 1s

Ep53. NATOs 75th Summit – Where the real Ordering happens?

Ep53. NATOs 75th Summit – Where the real Ordering happens?

NATO is the longest lasting and most successful military alliance in human history. Today NATOs 75th Summit in Washington, DC comes to a close. What can NATO’s past tell us about  its probably future?  


To commemorate this symbolic occasion, Jason is joined by Peter Apps. He is the author of ‘Deterring Armageddon: A Biography of NATO’, a global defence columnist for Reuters, and a British Army reservist. He has reported from more than 20 countries over two decades, despite being paralyzed in a frontline car crash in Sri Lanka in 2006.  


Jason and Peter dis...

Episode 53 11 July 2024 40m and 1s

Ep52. Suburban Lib Dem Mums and Centrist Starmer Dads take back control

Ep52. Suburban Lib Dem Mums and Centrist Starmer Dads take back control

‘The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; and they that dwell in the land of the shadow of Brexit, upon them hath the light shined.’ (Isaiah 9, v.2 with only one word changed) In retrospect, the melodies and lyrics of Handel’s Messiah appear quite appropriate for this most non-Messianic of Messiahs, the man of our moment, Sir Keir.  Therefore, despite Alex and Jason’s fear about the large Reform vote and their trepidation about Biden’s remaining in the US Presidential race, they still make time to ‘Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice Greatly’ because British democracy does work. It operat...

Episode 52 8 July 2024 59m and 54s

Ep51. UK Elections: A lone bright spot for global Order?

Ep51. UK Elections: A lone bright spot for global Order?

Later this week as they go to the polls, UK voters will likely celebrate their very own ‘Independence from Neo-Populists Day’. With Labour widely expected to secure a large majority… could this be a chance for Order within an increasingly Disordered West? If he cruises to victory, as expected, how will Sir Keir manage his relations with the EU and US? 

In this episode, Jason Pack and Alex Hall Hall discuss the rather uninspiring election campaign so far. They analyse why Labour’s play-it-safe ‘Gareth Southgate approach’ is dissuading some voters; what a Starmer premiership mea...

Episode 51 2 July 2024 44m and 27s

Ep50. The Emperor has no clothes - Biden’s disorderly debate performance

Ep50. The Emperor has no clothes - Biden’s disorderly debate performance

After months of the grandees in the Democratic party telling the public that Biden’s age was nothing to worry about: the Global Orderer-in Chief has been shown to have no clothes and his adult diapers were not changed prior to his appearing before an audience of tens of millions. As Mega-Orderers know, Jason is prone to melodrama, but in this instance the Sky Really Is Falling!  June 27, 2024 may go down there as one of those dates like Dec 7, 1941 and June 23, 2016: Dates that will live on in infamy.  


Biden’s debate performance truly has massive implicat...

Episode 50 28 June 2024 33m and 48s

Ep49. Did WWI start our era of Disorder?

Ep49. Did WWI start our era of Disorder?

Exactly 110 years ago, a malnourished teenager with a pistol disordered the world. On Sunday the 28th of June 1914, Gavrilo Princip fired two bullets. They hit their targets -- killing both the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian imperial crown, and his wife, Sophie.  


That event ended the age of the traditional European empires, unleashed the mud and blood of the Great War, catalysed the fall of the Tsar and theoretical Marxism’s transformation into a totalitarian reality, and uncorked the nationalist genie that would lead to Hitler, the Second World War, the Holocaust, and l...

Episode 49 28 June 2024 49m and 17s

Ep48. Hotter or Poorer? Should Gulf States care about global warming?

Ep48. Hotter or Poorer? Should Gulf States care about global warming?

We celebrate 9 full months of Disorder with a live studio recording. Climate change hasn’t been acted on coherently by a coalition of major powers, while certain governments and businesses have prevented climate action choosing to pursue short-term goals. Is this to be expected? Is it rational for some governments and business to pull in different directions or are they missing the plot and thinking too short-term? 


But then again, is it in the long-term interest of most major states, citizens, and multinational corporations to work together to fight climate change? Or is it actually a ra...

Episode 48 25 June 2024 55m and 16s

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