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Talks by Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee

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Talks by Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee

This is a series of newly digitized talks by spiritual teacher, Lola McDowell Lee, spanning two decades—from the early Seventies through the Nineties.Lola was a Zen Roshi whose Rinzai lineage included Doctor Henry Platov and renowned Zen master, Shigetsu Sasaki. Lola was a religious scholar as well as an ordained Christian minister.While the talks are focused mainly on Zen and Buddhism, Lola drew on many spiritual traditions—including those of Jesus, Plato, Lao-Tzu, the Hindu Vedas, Meister Eckhart and Gurdjieff.If you find Lola’s talks valuable, more will be posted in days to come. RSSVERIFY

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Recent Episodes of Talks by Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee

What must wake up in you for you to be awake? Oct 29, 1989

What must wake up in you for you to be awake? Oct 29, 1989

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, explores the wisdom of Zen Master Ikkyu. What must wake up in you for you to be awake? Where do you go when you’re in a deep sleep? Buddhism is a religion of the individual. We become individually free. Teaching about awakened self is like selling water by the river. We spend our lives trying to make our fantasies a reality. Assuming responsibility for one’s spiritual life. Who owns your karma? Oct 29, 1989

Episode 13 25 July 2024 51m and 37s

Once we understand we are not the masters of our thoughts—but victims—we can stop cooperating. Lola Mar 17, 1985

Once we understand we are not the masters of our thoughts—but victims—we can stop cooperating. Lola Mar 17, 1985

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, recounts tales of Master Fugai. Lola gives a detailed explanation of meditation. How the word meditation, historically, has been thought to mean thinking, pondering. But in Zen it’s just the opposite. In Zen meditation you sit, and can watch your thoughts go by, but you do not get swept up by them. If you observe closely you’ll start to see that your thoughts create a circular pattern… over and over, and at the center of this circle is a point with which you are identified: anger, or greed or some other kind of sel...

Episode 12 15 July 2024 58m and 13s

The tale of the visitor who asked Zen master Bankei what miracles he could perform. Aug 6, 1989

The tale of the visitor who asked Zen master Bankei what miracles he could perform. Aug 6, 1989

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, discusses how we’re all waiting for the most extraordinary teacher. We want only the best. The tale of the visitor who asked Zen master Bankei what miracles he could perform. His answer is lovely Zen. Lola lso, understanding the concept of “don’t know.” It’s very difficult. We all prefer to be clever, which obscures our original mind. If you recognize the original mind, will you reincarnate? Bunka says it won’t matter to you. That is the interest of the ego. Listen to the teacher with no inner commentary. The unconditioned is pure cons...

Episode 11 11 July 2024 58m and 42s

Easter of 1985 - What Zen practitioners can learn from the story of Christ's Resurrection. Apr 7, 1985

Easter of 1985 - What Zen practitioners can learn from the story of Christ's Resurrection. Apr 7, 1985

Zen Roshi and ordained Christian minister, Lola McDowell Lee, gives this talk during Easter of 1985. She explores the Resurrection of Christ. You can experience the Resurrection yourself. Your deathless existence is within you. It is the Godseed. The tale of the king who leaves his three sons each a bag of seed and asks them to best preserve them in his absence. The seed must die in order to grow. The tale of a man walking peacefully among the throngs racing through Pompeii during the volcanic eruption. Also, how during our practices we grope inside ourselves. At first what...

Episode 10 2 July 2024 50m and 50s

Second in a series about using Transactional Analysis in Zen - the Child, Parent, Adult. Lola Oct 13, 1983

Second in a series about using Transactional Analysis in Zen - the Child, Parent, Adult. Lola Oct 13, 1983

Zen Roshi, Lola McDoweel Lee, explains how we all call ourselves an I, but there is only one—which everyone appropriates for themselves. Eventually our thoughts, voices, identifications eclipse the I. We adopt styles from lots of people—actors, ministers, anyone who appeals to us. The second in a series about the Transactional Analysis approach of Child, Parent, Adult. Child enjoys the moment through feeling, often irrationally. The Parental Voice then comes in to caution the child. The Adult brings reason. But Adult reason alone is not the answer. Lola Oct 13, 1983

Episode 9 24 June 2024 49m and 11s

Learning to work with three elements of our identity: the parent, the child and the adult. Oct 6, 1983

Learning to work with three elements of our identity: the parent, the child and the adult. Oct 6, 1983

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, explains three parts of our psychology working against each other --the parent, the child and the adult. The child’s impulses and emotions shouldn’t be in control. The parent alone can be dominating.The adult hold to reason only, which can make for a flat life. Some part will be dissatisfied. Ideally, we become a part of all three. The Buddha doesn’t choose one. He takes the middle path, a the center of all three.

Three stages of our development: 1. We do something and are aware we did it. 2. We ask ou...

Episode 8 17 June 2024 49m and 11s

Most of us are after power. Control in our situation. A wiseman seeks not. Instead, he cooperates. Nov 27, 1923

Most of us are after power. Control in our situation. A wiseman seeks not. Instead, he cooperates. Nov 27, 1923

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, explains how most of us are after power—control, authority in our situation. A wise man seeks not. Instead, he cooperates, harmonizes with the situation. The tale of Frederick The Great of Prussia’s solution to the many sparrows eating his kingdom's grain. Cleansing your mind is not a one-time effort. Because each day you gather more dust. So Lola suggests you meditate twice a day. Once to give yourself a clean start to the day. Second, at the end of the day, to cleanse the dust you’ve accumulated. As he was dying, Buddha...

Episode 7 11 June 2024 43m and 39s

Life. Death. And Love. The most important thing for you is your life. Do you ever thoroughly investigate it? Nov 20, 1983

Life. Death. And Love. The most important thing for you is your life. Do you ever thoroughly investigate it? Nov 20, 1983

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, discusses Love, Life and Death. When you are filled with love, there is nothing missing. Can you love without a lover? Some people share their loneliness and call it love. The most important thing for you is your life. Yet most of us never thoroughly investigate it. In deep meditation you can. Death is an unpopular subject All you think you are now is going to die. Face yourself—beyond time and space. When you are alone, do you lie to yourself? When you let go, where do you let go to? We too ar...

Episode 6 9 June 2024 1h, 55s

We can repeat the most profound teachings and remain stupid. What in us is orginal? May 1, 1983

We can repeat the most profound teachings and remain stupid. What in us is orginal? May 1, 1983

Understanding the noetic quality of mind, the hidden self, through meditation. That is just a matter of sitting, and being who you are. The difference between sailing on a paper boat and a real boat: How we think about what enlightenment will be. And being it firsthand. Many of us parrot what we know from things we’ve heard or read. We can repeat the most profound teachings and remain stupid. What in us is orginal? A tale of Zen Master Dokuon. May 1, 1983

Episode 5 23 May 2024 48m and 44s

Get beyond the effort of meditation and find real meditation. Jul 3, 1983

Get beyond the effort of meditation and find real meditation. Jul 3, 1983

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, asks: When you are alone… are you really alone? We treat the ego as an absolute, when, in fact, it is a gap between you and totality. Ask yourself: Who am I? And you’ll find the Buddha. What does a Zen teacher do? Beyond aloneness and togetherness is the eternal — no one going nowhere. Non-dualistic wisdom. Remain in the Witness your whole life. It’ll change things. Jul 3, 1983

Episode 4 17 May 2024 57m and 44s

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