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Talks by Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee

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Talks by Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee

This is a series of newly digitized talks by spiritual teacher, Lola McDowell Lee, spanning two decades—from the early Seventies through the Nineties.Lola was a Zen Roshi whose Rinzai lineage included Doctor Henry Platov and renowned Zen master, Shigetsu Sasaki. Lola was a religious scholar as well as an ordained Christian minister.While the talks are focused mainly on Zen and Buddhism, Lola drew on many spiritual traditions—including those of Jesus, Plato, Lao-Tzu, the Hindu Vedas, Meister Eckhart and Gurdjieff.If you find Lola’s talks valuable, more will be posted in days to come. RSSVERIFY

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Recent Episodes of Talks by Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee

The depth in saying “I don’t know.”  Mystica Theologica.  Lola Jul 22, 1985

The depth in saying “I don’t know.” Mystica Theologica. Lola Jul 22, 1985

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, discusses Mystica Theologica by St Dionysias. He said religious experience can’t be described. Like music: as much as you might name notes, no description is adequate to explain what music really is. So it is with religious experience. Dionysias called it “agnosia” or unknowing. There is a depth in saying “I don’t know.” Even Socrates said the only thing he knows is that he knows nothing. The atheist who says he knows there is no God… does not speak from experience. He really does not know. Both the theist and atheist make wrong assumpti...

Episode 19 3 September 2024 48m and 52s

Zen masters never tell the truth. July 15, 1985

Zen masters never tell the truth. July 15, 1985

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, recounts the tale of Zen Master Hogen who studied with Keishin Zenji. Once Keishin Zenji asked him, 'Joza, where do you go?' “Hogen answered, 'I am making pilgrimage aimlessly." Lola also shares the story of the non-believer who falls off a cliff and dangles by a small twig. He begs God to help him. "But I thought you didn’t believe in me,” says God. The non-believer says, “Okay, I do now. Please save me." So God answers, “Okay, let go of the twig and I will save you.” Zen masters never tell the truth. T...

Episode 18 26 August 2024 54m and 44s

"The mind dwells in the cave of the heart. He who conquers it frees himself from slavery." May 26, 1985

"The mind dwells in the cave of the heart. He who conquers it frees himself from slavery." May 26, 1985

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, explains how you can ask questions about the meaning of life all day long. But who is the questioner? Usually we take the wrong approach to these questions. The questions and the answers are thoughts—or objects. They are not reality. If you have a deluded mind, how are you supposed to use it in meditation? You must set it aside. When silence is present, where are you? When you aren’t thinking, are you a man or a woman? Tall or short?The real question is “What is the reality of me?” Your mind is...

Episode 17 15 August 2024 59m and 57s

The mightiest fighting rooster does not crow about his might. Jun 24, 1984

The mightiest fighting rooster does not crow about his might. Jun 24, 1984

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, shares the teachings of Lao Tzu. He was not a brave man. Or a coward. Courage does not play a role in the sage. The mightiest fighting rooster does not crow about his might. True confidence does not brag. If you meet a sage on the road, how do you greet him? Meditation is like a coiled spring. You push, push, push it down… then release. Jun 24, 1984

Episode 16 13 August 2024 39m and 25s

When you’re silent, there is one mind. When you’re thinking, you are many. Jun 10, 1984

When you’re silent, there is one mind. When you’re thinking, you are many. Jun 10, 1984

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, explains how a mirror reflects everything before it. It reflects young you when you’re young. It reflects old you when you’re old. But the mirror isn’t old or young. It is uncontaminated. The same consciousness is watching from inside you when you’re young, when you’re middle aged and when you’re old. But that Witness isn’t young or middle aged or old. Just like the mirror, your consciousness doesn’t change. Just the content is different. We all have heard teachings about being good. Buddha said “if you cleanse your heart...

Episode 15 6 August 2024 51m and 19s

Examine your past so it doesn’t govern you. The past is dead. Stop living it. Oct 30, 1983

Examine your past so it doesn’t govern you. The past is dead. Stop living it. Oct 30, 1983

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, explains how when you’re happy, sad, pleased, unpleased—it’s all in your periphery. It is not really you. When you’re happy, sad, pleased, displeased—it’s all in your periphery. It is not really you. Do not deceive yourself with your own attitudes. Plastic flowers do not grow. Plastic personas do not grow. But you can. Your appearances give you respectability but they do not give you contentment. Examine your past so it doesn’t govern you. The past is dead. Stop living it. Whenever you taste the ocean, it always tastes like sa...

Episode 14 30 July 2024 52m and 17s

What must wake up in you for you to be awake? Oct 29, 1989

What must wake up in you for you to be awake? Oct 29, 1989

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, explores the wisdom of Zen Master Ikkyu. What must wake up in you for you to be awake? Where do you go when you’re in a deep sleep? Buddhism is a religion of the individual. We become individually free. Teaching about awakened self is like selling water by the river. We spend our lives trying to make our fantasies a reality. Assuming responsibility for one’s spiritual life. Who owns your karma? Oct 29, 1989

Episode 13 25 July 2024 51m and 37s

Once we understand we are not the masters of our thoughts—but victims—we can stop cooperating. Lola Mar 17, 1985

Once we understand we are not the masters of our thoughts—but victims—we can stop cooperating. Lola Mar 17, 1985

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, recounts tales of Master Fugai. Lola gives a detailed explanation of meditation. How the word meditation, historically, has been thought to mean thinking, pondering. But in Zen it’s just the opposite. In Zen meditation you sit, and can watch your thoughts go by, but you do not get swept up by them. If you observe closely you’ll start to see that your thoughts create a circular pattern… over and over, and at the center of this circle is a point with which you are identified: anger, or greed or some other kind of sel...

Episode 12 15 July 2024 58m and 13s

The tale of the visitor who asked Zen master Bankei what miracles he could perform. Aug 6, 1989

The tale of the visitor who asked Zen master Bankei what miracles he could perform. Aug 6, 1989

Zen Roshi, Lola McDowell Lee, discusses how we’re all waiting for the most extraordinary teacher. We want only the best. The tale of the visitor who asked Zen master Bankei what miracles he could perform. His answer is lovely Zen. Lola lso, understanding the concept of “don’t know.” It’s very difficult. We all prefer to be clever, which obscures our original mind. If you recognize the original mind, will you reincarnate? Bunka says it won’t matter to you. That is the interest of the ego. Listen to the teacher with no inner commentary. The unconditioned is pure cons...

Episode 11 11 July 2024 58m and 42s

Easter of 1985 - What Zen practitioners can learn from the story of Christ's Resurrection. Apr 7, 1985

Easter of 1985 - What Zen practitioners can learn from the story of Christ's Resurrection. Apr 7, 1985

Zen Roshi and ordained Christian minister, Lola McDowell Lee, gives this talk during Easter of 1985. She explores the Resurrection of Christ. You can experience the Resurrection yourself. Your deathless existence is within you. It is the Godseed. The tale of the king who leaves his three sons each a bag of seed and asks them to best preserve them in his absence. The seed must die in order to grow. The tale of a man walking peacefully among the throngs racing through Pompeii during the volcanic eruption. Also, how during our practices we grope inside ourselves. At first what...

Episode 10 2 July 2024 50m and 50s

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