Skill Piper

Todays Prepper

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Todays Prepper

"Former Navy veteran turned homesteader, mastering the art of self-sufficiency one day at a time. Let me show you how to thrive off the grid!"

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Recent Episodes of Todays Prepper

The Importance of Community in Off-Grid Living

The Importance of Community in Off-Grid Living

Imagine waking up in a home powered by the sun, surrounded by nature, far from the chaos of city life. Sounds dreamy, right? Off-grid living is catching on, with more people than ever craving self-sufficiency and a closer connection to the natural world. Yet, living off-grid doesn’t mean living alone. Building a supportive community can be the key to thriving in this lifestyle. The Survivalist Homesteader Radio:

Episode 16 7 September 2024 15m and 34s

How My Navy Skills Helped Me in Homesteading

How My Navy Skills Helped Me in Homesteading

Ever wonder how skills from the Navy translate to life on a homestead? Let me share how my military background was a surprising asset. Whether we’re talking about discipline to deal with early mornings or problem-solving when something breaks, I’ve found that these traits have helped me manage the complexities of self-sufficient living. From strategic planning to leadership, the skills I honed in service are just as valuable when tending to crops and livestock. The Survivalist Homesteader Radio:

Episode 15 6 September 2024 14m and 17s

Benefits of Composting

Benefits of Composting

Have you ever considered turning your kitchen scraps into black gold for your garden? Composting is a simple, impactful way to reduce waste and enhance soil health. In today's world, where sustainability matters more than ever, composting is an effective solution for those looking to embrace greener living. It cuts down on landfill waste, enriches soil, saves money, and reduces your carbon footprint. The Survivalist Homesteader Radio:

Episode 14 4 September 2024 11m and 54s

A Day in the Life of a Homesteader

A Day in the Life of a Homesteader

Imagine waking up to the sound of roosters crowing and the smell of fresh earth. It's a life that combines hard work with simple pleasures, one that many are exploring. Homesteading, an age-old practice of living off the land and embracing self-sufficiency, is gaining traction as people seek a more fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle. By diving into a day in the life of a homesteader, you'll discover the real challenges and rewards this path offers. The Survivalist Homesteader Radio:

Episode 13 2 September 2024 13m and 44s

Winter Prep: Get Your Homestead Ready Now!

Winter Prep: Get Your Homestead Ready Now!

Is your homestead ready to face the challenges of winter? As the temperatures drop and snow begins to blanket the ground, the importance of a well-prepared homestead can't be overstated. Winter preparation goes beyond stacking firewood, ensuring your home and animals are protected from harsh conditions and your food stores sufficiently to last through the season.

Episode 12 31 August 2024 14m and 53s

Winter Prep: Get Your Homestead Ready Now!

Winter Prep: Get Your Homestead Ready Now!

Is your homestead ready to face the challenges of winter? As the temperatures drop and snow begins to blanket the ground, the importance of a well-prepared homestead can't be overstated. Winter preparation goes beyond stacking firewood; it means ensuring your home and animals are protected from harsh conditions and your food stores sufficiently to last through the season.

Episode 13 31 August 2024 14m and 53s

Top 5 Mistakes New Homesteaders Make

Top 5 Mistakes New Homesteaders Make

Are you considering joining the growing ranks of homesteaders? With more people seeking self-sufficiency and a connection to nature, homesteading has never been more popular. However, diving into this rewarding lifestyle can be daunting, especially for newcomers. Mistakes are common, but they don’t have to be. You can set a solid foundation for your homesteading journey by identifying and avoiding the top errors. In this podcast, you'll discover the five most common pitfalls and how to steer clear, ensuring your venture starts on the right foot.

Episode 11 30 August 2024 14m and 48s

Start a Sustainable Vegetable Garden

Start a Sustainable Vegetable Garden

Ready to transform your backyard into a vibrant and sustainable vegetable garden? Not only does it bring fresh produce to your table, but it also supports the environment and strengthens community bonds. Imagine reducing your carbon footprint while enjoying the taste of homegrown veggies. We'll guide you on this journey, sharing practical tips to start quickly.

Episode 10 28 August 2024 22m and 12s

Thrilling Life of a Self-Sufficient Homesteader

Thrilling Life of a Self-Sufficient Homesteader

Have you ever wondered what it's like to live off the land and rely on yourself for all your needs? Welcome to the rewarding and challenging world of self-sufficient homesteading. Imagine waking up to chirping birds, tending to your garden, and collecting eggs from your hens. The lifestyle demands hard work and creativity, but the rewards are plentiful.

Episode 9 26 August 2024 14m and 3s

Solar-Powered Security System for Your Homestead - Weekend Edition

Solar-Powered Security System for Your Homestead - Weekend Edition

Are you looking for a way to protect your homestead while embracing sustainability? A solar-powered security system might be the perfect solution. Integrating solar technology into your security plan can offer peace of mind and cost savings as energy costs rise and environmental concerns grow. This approach ensures round-the-clock security and aligns with eco-friendly practices by reducing reliance on traditional power sources. In this podcast, you'll discover how to set up an effective solar-powered security system, its benefits, and what you need to get started.

Episode 8 24 August 2024 19m and 25s

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