Skill Piper

Sheep Get Sheared

Brought to you by, Austin Creed

Sheep Get Sheared

Self-Improvement, Relationships, and Life Advice with a healthy dose of Political/Cultural Commentary. Stop getting sheared and start succeeding!

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Recent Episodes of Sheep Get Sheared

The World Is Out Of Control: Finding Sanity In An Insane World (Raw News Reaction)

The World Is Out Of Control: Finding Sanity In An Insane World (Raw News Reaction)

In this gripping episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we dive headfirst into the chaos engulfing the world. Join us for today's show, where we will provide unfiltered, raw reactions to the latest news, exploring the turbulent political and religious climate that seems to be spiraling out of control.

The world is crazy, and I can't take the garbage anymore. In this episode, we'll dissect the most pressing news stories of the day, offering a no-holds-barred perspective that cuts through the noise and gets to the heart of the issues. From political upheavals to religious controversies...

Episode 506 26 July 2024 29m and 21s

Avoid The Trap Of Religion: Seeking Spirituality Over Ritual

Avoid The Trap Of Religion: Seeking Spirituality Over Ritual

In this thought-provoking episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we tackle the contentious topic of organized religion and its modern pitfalls. Join us as we discuss "Avoid The Trap Of Religion," where we explore how religion has often been monetized and populated by those more interested in financial gain than in genuine spiritual growth.

Religion today is rife with frauds and charlatans who prioritize greenbacks over guiding their flock toward spiritual enlightenment. We'll delve into the ways in which religious institutions have become businesses, where the focus on expanding one's horizons and seeking the truth is...

Episode 505 25 July 2024 17m and 13s

The Truth About Testosterone: Harnessing Your Power

The Truth About Testosterone: Harnessing Your Power

In this enlightening episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we delve into the inner spiritual power of men. This episode explores the profound impact of testosterone on men's lives, highlighting its dual nature as both a potent source of strength and a potential path to self-destruction.

Testosterone is often seen as the driving force behind men's power, ambition, and vitality. We'll discuss how this hormone fuels the physical and mental attributes that define masculinity, from muscle growth and physical endurance to competitiveness and confidence. However, as with any powerful force, it must be controlled and channeled...

Episode 504 24 July 2024 15m and 19s

Have The Courage To Be Disliked: The Path to Authentic Self

Have The Courage To Be Disliked: The Path to Authentic Self

In this compelling episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we tackle a critical yet often overlooked topic: Embrace Being Disliked. It's a conversation that challenges the conventional wisdom of seeking approval and affection from others, emphasizing the importance of authenticity over acceptance.

We'll explore the transformative power of embracing the possibility of being disliked and how it can lead to a stronger, more genuine personality. In a world where many wear masks to fit in and gain approval, we argue that true self-development and individuality come from the courage to stand out and be true to...

Episode 503 24 July 2024 18m and 5s

Why Do Women Push Monogamy? Unpacking the Reality Behind the Relationship Dynamic

Why Do Women Push Monogamy? Unpacking the Reality Behind the Relationship Dynamic

In this thought-provoking episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we explore the intriguing question of why women advocate for monogamy. This topic is often overlooked, but it's time to examine it from all angles.

We'll explore the societal and psychological factors that drive women to seek monogamous relationships and why men often comply without questioning the deeper implications. While men are quick to question monopolies and restrictions when it comes to their finances, many don't apply the same scrutiny to their sexual relationships. This episode challenges you to think critically about this discrepancy and encourages you...

Episode 502 23 July 2024 19m and 35s

How To Counter Self Loathing: Winning the War Within

How To Counter Self Loathing: Winning the War Within

In this episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we tackle a subject that many of us struggle with at different points in our lives: self-loathing. This pervasive feeling can come and go, often leaving us fighting a war on two fronts – against the world and against ourselves. History shows us that battles on multiple fronts are rarely won, and this internal conflict is no different.

Today, we'll delve into the causes and effects of self-loathing, exploring how it can disrupt your life, sap your motivation, and hinder your progress. One of the most profound pieces of ad...

Episode 501 22 July 2024 17m and 23s

500th Episode Q&A Special: Secrets Revealed and Wild Stories

500th Episode Q&A Special: Secrets Revealed and Wild Stories

In this milestone 500th episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we’re celebrating with a special Q&A session where I’ll be answering your burning questions and sharing some untold wild stories. This episode is all about you, our dedicated listeners, who have supported us on this incredible journey.

Get ready to dive deep into the heart of our community as I address the questions you’ve submitted in our latest community post. From personal anecdotes to professional insights, nothing is off-limits. This is your chance to hear the candid, unfiltered responses you’ve been waiting...

Episode 500 21 July 2024 38m and 47s

 The Illusion of the Perfect Relationship: Unmasking the Truth Behind the Façade

The Illusion of the Perfect Relationship: Unmasking the Truth Behind the Façade

In this episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we dive deep into the often deceptive world of relationships, focusing on illusions. We aim to uncover the hidden realities behind seemingly perfect marriages and partnerships, especially those in their early years (1-5 years) and among young couples (18-25 years old).

It's easy to be captivated by the appearance of happiness and harmony that couples project, whether they're strolling hand-in-hand at the mall or sharing a quiet moment in a supermarket aisle. From the outside, these relationships often look flawless. However, the truth behind the curtain is often...

Episode 499 20 July 2024 25m and 37s

The Hidden Power Women Hold Over Men: Unveiling the Truth

The Hidden Power Women Hold Over Men: Unveiling the Truth

In this episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we delve into a topic that often goes unspoken yet is undeniably evident: "The Hidden Power Women Hold Over Men." Join us as we unpack the reality that women have never been powerless; in fact, they possess an immense and often underestimated influence over men.

We start by exploring the historical and social contexts that reveal how women have always wielded significant power. From the subtleties of emotional influence to the overt displays of charm and allure, women's power is multifaceted and deeply ingrained in human interactions.


Episode 498 19 July 2024 25m and 39s

Men Have Feminism All Wrong: Embracing New Routes in a Changing World

Men Have Feminism All Wrong: Embracing New Routes in a Changing World

Welcome to the latest episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast! Today, we're diving into a thought-provoking topic that challenges traditional perspectives: "Men Have Feminism All Wrong." In this episode, we explore how traditional views on men and marriage are relics of the past and discuss the revolutionary ideas of philosophers like Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that helped shape modern feminism.

We begin by examining the historical context of feminism, tracing its roots back to the works of Marx and Engels. These philosophers laid the groundwork for a movement that has drastically altered gender dynamics and...

Episode 497 18 July 2024 36m and 28s

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