Skill Piper

Sheep Get Sheared

Brought to you by, Austin Creed

Sheep Get Sheared

Self-Improvement, Relationships, and Life Advice with a healthy dose of Political/Cultural Commentary. Stop getting sheared and start succeeding!

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Recent Episodes of Sheep Get Sheared

How to Set Up a Rotation the Right Way: A Realist’s Guide for Brave Men

How to Set Up a Rotation the Right Way: A Realist’s Guide for Brave Men

In this episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we dive into a candid conversation about setting up and managing a rotation—a topic that often gets avoided in spiritual or religious circles but is increasingly relevant for many men today. This episode isn’t for the Puritans; it's for the realist who understands the complexities of modern relationships and wants to navigate them with clarity and intention.

Key points covered include:

Understanding the Concept of a Rotation: We start by breaking down what a rotation really is—how it’s not just about juggling multiple partners...

Episode 535 5 September 2024 20m and 5s

What Christians Get Wrong About Relationships

What Christians Get Wrong About Relationships

In this episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we delve into a critical analysis of how modern Christian relationships have strayed from their original foundations. We explore how the contemporary church has increasingly aligned itself with new age and cultural trends, drifting far from its roots in Judaism and deviating from the principles that once set it apart from the broader society.

Key points covered include:

The Drift from Tradition: We discuss how the Christian church has moved away from its foundational roots, particularly its deep connections to Judaism, and how this shift has impacted...

Episode 534 2 September 2024 19m and 25s

How to Navigate a Friends with Benefits Relationship

How to Navigate a Friends with Benefits Relationship

In this episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we tackle the often tricky dynamics of Friends with Benefits (FWB) relationships. While these arrangements can seem straightforward, they often lead to complications, many of which arise from miscommunications that could easily be avoided. We dive deep into how men can navigate these relationships with respect and clarity, ensuring that both parties are on the same page.

Key points covered include:

Understanding the FWB Dynamic: We break down the fundamental aspects of a Friends with Benefits relationship and discuss why clear communication is crucial from the outset...

Episode 533 30 August 2024 16m and 47s

The Husband Hustle: Why Good Men Get Shortchanged in Marriage

The Husband Hustle: Why Good Men Get Shortchanged in Marriage

In this eye-opening episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we delve into the unfortunate reality that many husbands face today—a scenario where they invest heavily in their marriages, yet often receive far less in return. We explore how good men, who enter marriage with the best intentions, frequently find themselves hustled by a system that seems to take more than it gives.

Key points of discussion include:

The Unbalanced Investment: We discuss how husbands often pay top dollar—emotionally, financially, and mentally—only to receive a fraction of the return they expect. We examine the fa...

Episode 532 28 August 2024 17m and 37s

Is Hope a Hazard? The Double-Edged Sword of the Human Psyche

Is Hope a Hazard? The Double-Edged Sword of the Human Psyche

In this thought-provoking episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we delve into the complex and often misunderstood concept of hope. Is hope a powerful motivator that drives us toward our goals, or is it a dangerous illusion that leads us astray? We explore the dual nature of hope and its profound impact on the human psyche, likening it to a potent drug that can either heal or harm, depending on how it’s used.

Throughout history, hope has been celebrated as a source of strength and resilience, inspiring people to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. However, like an...

Episode 531 26 August 2024 17m and 39s

Serenity in the Storm: Finding Beauty Amidst a Chaotic World

Serenity in the Storm: Finding Beauty Amidst a Chaotic World

In this reflective episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we explore the delicate balance between appreciating the beauty of nature and navigating the overwhelming chaos and cynicism that seem to define our modern world. Through personal stories of travel and deep contemplation, we seek to find moments of peace and clarity in a world that often feels out of control.

We discuss how life’s most meaningful experiences—like witnessing a best friend’s marriage or discovering hidden gems in places both familiar and new—can provide perspective and tranquility. These moments remind us that, despite the turm...

Episode 530 23 August 2024 17m and 20s

Turning Pain Into Productivity: Mastering the Art of Transmutation

Turning Pain Into Productivity: Mastering the Art of Transmutation

In this episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we dive into the powerful concept of transmuting pain into productivity. Pain, in its many forms—emotional, physical, or psychological—can be a destructive force, but it can also be a catalyst for profound creativity and productivity. It’s all about how you choose to channel that energy.

We explore the idea that pain is not just a part of life but a fundamental driver behind some of the greatest achievements in art, innovation, and personal growth. From the struggles of history’s greatest creators to the challenges faced by...

Episode 529 22 August 2024 15m and 32s

Stop Looking for Unicorns: Why the Perfect Woman Doesn’t Exist

Stop Looking for Unicorns: Why the Perfect Woman Doesn’t Exist

In this episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we tackle a myth that keeps too many men chasing an illusion: the idea of finding a “unicorn” woman. The term unicorn has become a metaphor for the perfect woman—a rare, almost mythical figure who embodies all the traditional values of the past while fitting seamlessly into the modern world. But let’s face it, unicorns don’t exist.

We dive deep into why this concept is not only unrealistic but also harmful. Men are often led to believe that if they search hard enough, they’ll find that on...

Episode 528 20 August 2024 18m and 50s

Combating Gaslighting and Misinformation: A Guide to Staying Grounded in Facts

Combating Gaslighting and Misinformation: A Guide to Staying Grounded in Facts

In this episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we tackle a critical issue facing many today: the prevalence of gaslighting and misinformation in our society. As the world becomes more polarized and narratives increasingly driven by emotions rather than facts, it’s essential to develop the tools to navigate this landscape effectively.

We begin by discussing the nature of gaslighting—how individuals, and even entire groups, attempt to manipulate others into questioning their perception of reality. This tactic is often used to force conformity to societal fantasies and myths, making it crucial for informed individuals to stay...

Episode 527 18 August 2024 15m and 45s

Mastering the Art of Vetting Women: The Key to Smart Relationship Choices

Mastering the Art of Vetting Women: The Key to Smart Relationship Choices

In this episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we delve into one of the most crucial decisions you'll ever make: choosing the right woman to share your time, energy, and possibly your life with. Besides your religious beliefs or the absence of them, your choice of a partner can have the most significant impact on your life. This isn’t just about romance—it's about making decisions that will affect your happiness, stability, and long-term success.

We begin by discussing the importance of understanding that, while monk mode—where you focus entirely on self-improvement and avoid distra...

Episode 526 15 August 2024 19m and 34s

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