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The Morgan Housel Podcast

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The Morgan Housel Podcast

The Morgan Housel Podcast -- timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness.

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Recent Episodes of The Morgan Housel Podcast

Cumulative vs. Cyclical Knowledge

Cumulative vs. Cyclical Knowledge

In some fields our knowledge is seamlessly passed down across generations. In others, it’s fleeting. To paraphrase investor Jim Grant: Knowledge in some fields is cumulative. In other fields it’s cyclical (at best).

Episode 49 29 August 2024 12m and 24s

Different Kinds of BS

Different Kinds of BS

Jeff Bezos once said there are different kinds of smart. Distinguishing the various flavors is important because if you think smarts comes in just one form, you’ll miss dozens of other nuanced varieties.

BS is the same. It comes in countless forms, some harder to spot than others. False modesty, projecting, double standards, hypocrisy, tugging at heartstrings – these aren’t lies; they’re subtle forms of BS which is why they’re so prevalent.

Episode 47 25 July 2024 13m and 28s

I Have A Few Questions

I Have A Few Questions

A few important money and life topics to make you ponder. 

Episode 46 1 July 2024 14m and 25s

Quiet Compounding

Quiet Compounding

"Nature is not in a hurry, yet everything is accomplished,” said Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu.

Giant sequoias, advanced organisms, towering mountains – it builds the most jaw-dropping features of the universe. And it does so silently, where growth is almost never visible right now but staggering over long periods of time.

It’s quiet compounding, and it’s a wonder to see.

I like the idea of quietly compounding your money. Just like in nature, it’s where you’ll find the most impressive results.

Episode 45 17 June 2024 7m and 34s

History's Seductive Beliefs

History's Seductive Beliefs

My deepest forecasting belief is that you can better understand the future if you focus on the behaviors that never change instead of the events that might.

And those behaviors have a common denominator: They follow the path of least resistance of people trying to simplify a complex world into a few stories that make sense and make them feel good about themselves.

Simple stories, feel-good stories. Those are some of history’s most seductive beliefs, and they always will be.

Here are a few that stick out.

Episode 44 11 June 2024 17m and 51s

Lazy Work, Good Work

Lazy Work, Good Work

The most productive work you can do often looks like the laziest -- but it can be hard to accept that because of how the workplace has changed over the last 100 years. 

Episode 43 24 May 2024 9m and 32s

The Long Run Is Just A Collection of Short Runs

The Long Run Is Just A Collection of Short Runs

Every great idea can be taken too far. 

Take the notion that investors should ignore the short run.

It's important to recognize that the long run is just a collection of short runs, and capturing long-term growth means managing the short run effectively enough to ensure you can stick around for a long time.

Episode 42 13 May 2024 8m and 59s

The Best Financial Advice I Know (What I Want My Kids To Learn)

The Best Financial Advice I Know (What I Want My Kids To Learn)

I wrote letters to both of my kids the day before they were born. 

Here's what I wanted them to know about money. 

And even if you don't have, or want, kids, I think you'll find this helpful. 

Episode 41 6 May 2024 10m and 36s

Realistic Personal Finance Hacks

Realistic Personal Finance Hacks

Hacks are hard because shortcuts rarely exist. Prizes take time and effort.

The personal finance industry – filled with advice that sounds and feels good without moving the needle – needs to recognize this.

These aren’t fun hacks, but no one said this was easy.

Episode 40 25 April 2024 10m and 3s

Lucky vs. Repeatable

Lucky vs. Repeatable

Luck plays such a big role in the world. But few people want to talk about it. If I say you got lucky, I look jealous. If I tell myself that I got lucky, I feel diminished.

Maybe a better way to frame luck is by asking: what isn’t repeatable?

And maybe better yet: The way to get luckier is to find what’s repeatable.

Episode 39 11 April 2024 8m and 38s

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