Skill Piper

The AI and Digital Transformation Podcast

Brought to you by, G.M.S.C. Consulting

The AI and Digital Transformation Podcast

Stop feeling left behind as we show how artificial intelligence can be a useful and practical tool to implement digital transformation solutions for your company be it of any size and scope. Welcome to the AI & Digital Transformation Podcast by G.M.S.C. Consulting. Every month we talk to AI professionals from around the globe and unpack with them successful AI use cases they worked on in all sorts of sectors. With our podcast, we'll help you prepare for your business's AI and digital transformation journey. Learn more about setting up AI in your business at https://www.gmscconsulting...

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Recent Episodes of The AI and Digital Transformation Podcast

Increase your computer vision project’s reliability using an AI copilot | Alexander Berkovich

Increase your computer vision project’s reliability using an AI copilot | Alexander Berkovich

Does your business need an AI computer vision co-pilot?

You might need it, especially if you’re working on a high-stake AI project that requires precision or accuracy.

In this episode, Akridata’s AI engineer Alexander Berkovich tells us more about it as he covers the different use cases that have used Akridata’s computer vision co-pilot. To name a few are corrosion detection, autonomous vehicles, railroad inspection, and industrial maintenance.

You can learn more about good data management and deployment practices to ensure a less biased operating AI model for your computer vision...

Episode 13 30 May 2024 48m and 35s

Building an all-purpose AI search engine for your business: Will it end up being a horrible Frankenstein or a perfectly running Swiss knife? | Duarte Carmo

Building an all-purpose AI search engine for your business: Will it end up being a horrible Frankenstein or a perfectly running Swiss knife? | Duarte Carmo

Do you want to build the ultimate search engine that works perfectly for your business?

A multimodal system processes all types of information like images, videos, audio, and text. It can end up either as a Frankenstein or a Swiss knife depending on how clunky or how smoothly these models communicate with one another.

In this episode of the AI and Digital Transformation Podcast by G.M.S.C. Consulting, we had a chat with Duarte Carmo about building a customized multimodal search engine. We learned about his experience on building a multimodal search engine...

Episode 11 27 February 2024 42m and 16s

Stop wasting marketing money using AI with Aleksander Molak

Stop wasting marketing money using AI with Aleksander Molak

How many times did you lose customers because you address them with your marketing campaign?

You sent so many freebies and promotions that they actually got annoyed and leave.

And how many times did you actually waste money in freebies and promos on customers that would have bought from you anyway?

The answer usually is a lot, but there is an answer to this problem, and this answer is called uplift modeling,an innovative machine learning technique that relies heavily on causal learning and causal inference, an innovative AI concept that leverages causal...

Episode 6 26 January 2024 54m and 35s

Building a secure ChatGPT for your business with Frederico Comério

Building a secure ChatGPT for your business with Frederico Comério

How can you use ChatGPT in business without risking your clients’ privacy? 

In this episode of the AI and Digital Transformation Podcast by G.M.S.C. Consulting, we sit down with Frederico Comério, the CTO and Head of AI in Intelliway.

We are going to chat about the  potentials, and risks of generative AI, and how we can make it safe for businesses.

Keep listening, and learn how to build a private, powerful and secure version of ChatGPT for your own company.

Who is Frederico Coméiro?<...

Episode 7 26 January 2024 27m and 57s

Say goodbye to blackbox AI: Solve complex high-risk problems like drug discovery using symbolic AI | Casper Wilstrup

Say goodbye to blackbox AI: Solve complex high-risk problems like drug discovery using symbolic AI | Casper Wilstrup

If you asked AI to solve a Rubik’s cube, wouldn’t it be nice to understand all the steps it took to achieve the goal?

In this episode of the AI and Digital Transformation Podcast by G.M.S.C. Consulting, you will meet the other half of  AI: symbolic AI. It gives a step-by-step procedure that leads to its final answer. As pointed out by Abzu’s founder and CEO, Casper Wilstrup, symbolic AI helps pharmaceutical, financial, manufacturing, and logistical companies solve hard problems with confidence. 

Listen to this episode if you’re interested...

Episode 11 26 January 2024 59m and 8s

LLMs are not magic: Finding ways to make AI generate trustworthy content | Tim Leers

LLMs are not magic: Finding ways to make AI generate trustworthy content | Tim Leers

Can we rely on LLMs to repurpose our content in social media?

To end our first season of the AI and Digital Transformation Podcast, we talked to dataroots R&D engineer Tim Leers about two very popular topics in 2023: LLMs, and content creation.

In this age of content creation and social media, journalists now have an extra role to fill: sharing their work and the news using their social media accounts. Given the popular use of ChatGPT and Midjourney, people ask LLMs to repurpose their news content for social media purposes.

This comes...

Episode 10 26 January 2024 1h, 1m and 41s

Attending to your customers’ needs at a fraction of a cost using AI with Oz Brown

Attending to your customers’ needs at a fraction of a cost using AI with Oz Brown

Do you struggle to keep your business afloat as you juggle between your client requests, complaints, and lead generation?

Small and medium businesses don’t have the financial resources to hire a bunch of call center agents or sales specialists to answer their clients’ queries or generate leads. 

AI can help you thrive and let you focus on what matters: making your products or services worth a great deal to your clients.

In this episode of the AI and Digital Transformation Podcast by G.M.S.C. Consulting, we talk with Oz Brown, Tech...

Episode 9 21 November 2023 53m and 45s

Make your business supply chain disruptive proof using AI with Hugues Foltz

Make your business supply chain disruptive proof using AI with Hugues Foltz

How do you make your supply chain resilient to crisis and market changes?

Small or medium business owners have a hard time adapting to demand spikes or supply chain shortages.

AI can turn these challenges into opportunities and give your company a competitive advantage.  

In this episode of the AI and Digital Transformation Podcast by G.M.S.C. Consulting, we talk with Hugues Foltz, the Executive VP of Vooban, on how they helped a major Canadian stove family business thrive despite the pandemic and the Ukrainian war using AI. 

Listen to...

Episode 8 5 October 2023 46m and 39s

Optimizing the port supply chain using predictive maintenance with Tom Pennington

Optimizing the port supply chain using predictive maintenance with Tom Pennington

Saving money in business operations is an effective and consolidated application of machine learning and AI called predictive maintenance. 

In this episode of the AI and Digital Transformation Podcast by G.M.S.C. Consulting, together with Tom Pennington from VROC, we show you how predictive maintenance can lower both your warehouse cost and your asset's downtime, but only if good practices are followed.

Listen to our full episode, or check our chapter list below to make sure that you know everything you need to know to make your predictive maintenance project successful, with AI, o...

Episode 5 27 June 2023 43m and 21s

Optimizing call center activities using AI with Swati Sharma

Optimizing call center activities using AI with Swati Sharma

There are some problems that just cannot be solved without the help of AI.

Like the one that we are discussing in today’s episode: Call Centers Monitoring and Optimization.

The problem is simple: 

How do you know if your Customer Assistance call center is  solving the problems of your customers?

And if it isn’t, how do you know what to improve ? 

Answering those simple questions in a traditional fashion would require some people from your company listening to hundreds of thousands of hours of conversation. It’s just craz...

Episode 4 26 May 2023 44m and 56s

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