Skill Piper

Sowing Prosperity

Brought to you by, Logan Duvall

Sowing Prosperity

A podcast focused on promoting prosperity and creating awareness on things like food, health, agriculture, small business, and community. Sowing Prosperity’s basis is founded on Galatians 6:7, “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”

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Recent Episodes of Sowing Prosperity

#111 Foundations of Health | Dr Jack Kruse Influence with Dr. Alexis Cowan

#111 Foundations of Health | Dr Jack Kruse Influence with Dr. Alexis Cowan

Foundations of Health | Dr Jack Kruse Influence with Dr. Alexis Cowan Dr. Alexis Cowan discusses the importance of light, circadian biology, and metabolism in optimizing performance and health. She emphasizes that athletes are humans first and that many athletes are successful despite doing the wrong things because of their genetic advantages. She highlights the importance of dialing in the basics, such as light exposure, circadian alignment, and grounding, for athletes to optimize their performance. Dr. Cowan also explains how soft tissue injuries can be attributed to tissue dehydration and the role of collagen, light, and mitochondrial function in injury...

Episode 26 July 2024 1h, 2m and 37s

#110 Heal Naturally! | Structured Water | Chronic Illness | Mitochondrial Health Dr Stephen Hussey

#110 Heal Naturally! | Structured Water | Chronic Illness | Mitochondrial Health Dr Stephen Hussey

Heal Your Body Naturally! | Structured Water | Chronic Illness | Mitochondrial Health Tired of chronic illness holding you back? Dr. Hussey's journey to overcome his own health struggles will inspire you to explore natural healing methods. This video dives deep into the power of structured water, a unique form of water with potential benefits for cellular health. You'll learn how structured water can play a role in managing chronic conditions. But it's not just about water! We'll also explore the critical role of your mitochondria. These tiny powerhouses inside your cells are responsible for producing energy, and Dr. Hussey will explain...

Episode 25 July 2024 1h, 1m and 48s

#109 Boost Your Energy: Minerals, Microbes and Mitochondrial Health with Morley Robbins and Martha Carlin

#109 Boost Your Energy: Minerals, Microbes and Mitochondrial Health with Morley Robbins and Martha Carlin

Unleash Your Energy: The Hidden Role of Minerals | Microbes and Energy | Mitochondrial Health The conversation explores the interconnectedness of minerals, microbes, and mitochondria in relation to energy production and overall health. The analogy of blindfolded individuals describing different parts of an elephant is used to illustrate how different perspectives contribute to our understanding of complex systems. The importance of minerals, such as copper, magnesium, and retinol, in energy production is emphasized. The role of microbes in providing energy and maintaining tissue integrity is discussed, as well as the significance of melanin and its connection to Parkinson's disease. The impact...

Episode 23 July 2024 1h, 24m and 6s

#108 Can Gut Bacteria Cause Parkinson's?  Breakthrough Microbiome Connection with Martha Carlin

#108 Can Gut Bacteria Cause Parkinson's? Breakthrough Microbiome Connection with Martha Carlin

Can Gut Bacteria Cause Parkinson's? Breakthrough: Parkinson's Disease | Microbiome Connection Uncover the groundbreaking research on how gut bacteria may be linked to Parkinson's disease. This video explores the fascinating connection between the microbiome and Parkinson's, delving into the potential impact of food, water, and antibiotics. Join Martha Carlin on a journey of discovery as she explores her unique perspective on Parkinson's as a systems problem. We'll investigate the potential link between glyphosate exposure and mycobacteria to Parkinson's disease. Discover the potential of probiotics like Sugar Shift and its impact on diabetes and gut health. Learn how the immune system...

Episode 21 July 2024 58m and 27s

#107 Your Meat's Missing Nutrients | Regenerative Agriculture | Phytonutrients with Allen Williams

#107 Your Meat's Missing Nutrients | Regenerative Agriculture | Phytonutrients with Allen Williams

Your Meat's Missing Nutrients | Regenerative Agriculture | Phytonutrients Are you getting everything you need from your meat? This video dives into the surprising truth behind the nutrient content of your meat. We've all heard of "grass-fed" and "organic," but there's a whole new level of food production gaining momentum: regenerative agriculture. Dr. Allen Williams, a leading expert in the field, reveals the shocking truth about what animals are missing in their diet, and how it directly impacts the nutrient density of the meat we consume. The secret lies in a concept called phytonutrients. These powerful plant compounds are essential for...

Episode 18 July 2024 54m and 27s

#106 Bird Flu in Dairies | Raw Milk vs Pasteurized Milk | Food Freedom with Mark McAfee

#106 Bird Flu in Dairies | Raw Milk vs Pasteurized Milk | Food Freedom with Mark McAfee

Bird Flu in Dairies | Raw Milk vs Pasteurized Milk | Food Freedom Are you struggling with gut health issues like bloating, gas, or constipation? You might be surprised to learn that what you drink could be playing a role. This video dives deep into the world of raw milk and explores its potential benefits for your gut health. We'll start by comparing raw milk and pasteurized milk. Pasteurization is a heat treatment that kills harmful bacteria in milk, making it safer to consume. However, some proponents of raw milk believe that this process also destroys beneficial bacteria and enzymes that...

Episode 16 July 2024 32m and 49s

#105 Childhood Cancer? Now What? Cancer Treatment & Nutrition with Season Johnson

#105 Childhood Cancer? Now What? Cancer Treatment & Nutrition with Season Johnson

Natural Weapon Against Cancer? Conventional Cancer Treatment | Cancer Treatment & Nutrition Diagnosed with cancer? You're not alone. In this powerful talk, Season Johnson, a passionate advocate, shares her experience navigating the complexities of cancer treatment. We'll explore the potential of nutrition and gut health as a natural weapon against cancer, alongside conventional treatment options. Is conventional medicine missing a key piece of the puzzle? Season dives into the gap in conventional cancer treatment and the importance of addressing environmental factors that contribute to the disease. Discover: How nutritional deficiencies can hinder recovery The surprising role of magnesium and organ meats...

Episode 14 July 2024 52m and 24s

#104 Unleash Your Pet's Natural Healing | Raw Food Diet | Fights Cancer - Dr. Judy Jasek

#104 Unleash Your Pet's Natural Healing | Raw Food Diet | Fights Cancer - Dr. Judy Jasek

Unleash Your Pet's Natural Healing | Raw Food Diet | Fights Cancer Is conventional cancer treatment leaving your dog behind? Discover the power of raw food to fight cancer naturally! Dr. Jasek, a holistic vet with 35+ years of experience, reveals how a raw diet can unleash your pet's inner healer. Learn: How a raw food diet boosts the immune system to combat cancer. The hidden toxins in pet food hinder healing. Why conventional medicine might miss the root cause of cancer. Simple steps to create a natural, healing environment for your furry friend. Give your dog a fighting chance. Watch now...

Episode 9 July 2024 42m and 35s

#103 Dr Jalal Khan Unveiling the Magic | Quantum Biology, Babies & Beyond | Health, Light, Melanin

#103 Dr Jalal Khan Unveiling the Magic | Quantum Biology, Babies & Beyond | Health, Light, Melanin

Unveiling the Magic | Quantum Biology, Babies & Beyond | Health, Light, Melanin Dr. Jalal embarks on a captivating exploration of health, diving into the fascinating realms of quantum biology and circadian rhythms. He sheds light (pun intended!) on the critical factors for setting babies up for success, emphasizing the importance of sleep, breathing, and vitamin D. But that's not all! Dr. Jalal unveils the magic of melanin, its significance beyond skin color, and the ongoing scientific quest to understand its movement within the body. We delve into the science behind deuterium's detrimental effects on ATP synthesis and explore the beautiful interplay...

Episode 7 July 2024 1h, 5m and 53s

#102 Melanin: Beyond Skin Color | Health, Light & Dark Morley Robbins

#102 Melanin: Beyond Skin Color | Health, Light & Dark Morley Robbins

Melanin: Beyond Skin Color | Health, Light & Dark Secrets Revealed Unveil the hidden world of melanin and discover its profound impact on your health, energy, and connection to the world around you. This episode goes beyond just skin color, diving deep into the fascinating science of melanin. We'll explore: Melanin's Crucial Role in Health: Learn how melanin impacts your energy production, immune function, and even disease prevention. Light vs. Dark: The Melanin Connection: Discover the symbolic and spiritual significance of light and dark, as mirrored by melanin, and how it sheds light on overall well-being. Copper Metabolism & Melanin's Superpower: We'll...

Episode 4 July 2024 1h, 23m and 7s

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