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The Sabrina Zohar Show

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The Sabrina Zohar Show

A podcast on dating, anxiety, and doing the work to heal with @Sabrina.zohar ( . Instagram- @thesabrinazoharshow ( TikTok- @sabrina.zohar (

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Recent Episodes of The Sabrina Zohar Show

88: The Spark, Closure, and Debunking Dating Myths With Britt Frank

88: The Spark, Closure, and Debunking Dating Myths With Britt Frank

In a discussion debunking dating myths, neuropsychotherapist Britt Frank and host Sabrina explore how the brain is involved with these false ideas. They challenge the myth that knowing why someone behaves a certain way will fix a relationship, emphasizing the importance of personal emotional responses over external explanations. They also address the misconception that triggers are others' responsibilities, suggesting that personal reactions need self-examination. The idea that being single will solve problems is debunked, encouraging curiosity about triggers instead. The duo highlights that texting doesn’t necessarily indicate relationship intentions, stressing the need for contextual understanding and balanced brain chemistry in...

Episode 88 26 July 2024 1h, 2m and 2s

87: Performance Anxiety and Navigating Mental Health With Victoria Garrick Browne

87: Performance Anxiety and Navigating Mental Health With Victoria Garrick Browne

Join Sabrina as she delves into a powerful conversation with Victoria Garrick Browne, a former college athlete turned mental health advocate and podcast host. Victoria shares her journey of struggling with mental health during her athletic career, including how she initially ignored her feelings and gaslit herself to push through. It wasn't until a teammate encouraged her to seek counseling that she began to understand and address her depression. They discuss the importance of authenticity and the challenges of maintaining mental health, emphasizing that it is a continuous effort. Sabrina and Victoria talk about how they have learned to navigate...

Episode 87 19 July 2024 59m and 32s

86: Boundaries vs. Jealousy: Navigating Trust and Insecurity With Therapy Jeff

86: Boundaries vs. Jealousy: Navigating Trust and Insecurity With Therapy Jeff

Jeff Gunther, known on social media as Therapy Jeff, joins Sabrina to discuss themes of jealousy in dating relationships, drawing from insights in his new book on how to show up authentically in relationships. They explore retroactive jealousy—obsessing over a partner's past relationships—and share personal experiences, highlighting that such jealousy often stems from personal insecurities and lack of self-worth. Jeff advises imagining trust in your partner and addressing insecurities openly rather than projecting them. They discuss the importance of distinguishing between boundaries and jealousy, noting that boundaries should come from a healthy place. Communication and self-compassion are key to m...

Episode 86 16 July 2024 1h, 38s

85: Why You're Hung Up On Someone Who Doesn't Want To Be With You

85: Why You're Hung Up On Someone Who Doesn't Want To Be With You

On the first episode of The Sabrina Zohar Show, your host, Sabrina, explores the reasons we sometimes pursue people who don’t want us and emphasizes the necessity of healing and self-empowerment. Rejection is painful, but it’s crucial to understand that it’s not a reflection of our worth. Sabrina explains how love that isn’t reciprocated sparks neurochemical changes, causing excitement and a dopamine rush, while breakups lead to cortisol spikes and emotional lows. To counteract this, she suggests activities like walking, journaling, and spending time with friends. She delves into attachment styles, noting that secure individuals can handle b...

Episode 85 12 July 2024 52m and 33s

84: From Anxious to Secure: Building Secure Relationships with Dr. Morgan Anderson

84: From Anxious to Secure: Building Secure Relationships with Dr. Morgan Anderson

Sitting down in the studio today, Sabrina and Dr. Morgan Anderson, a psychologist specializing in attachment theory, share their stories growing from an anxious to a secure attachment in their relationships. After experiencing an emotionally abusive relationship, Dr. Morgan committed to healing and understanding attachment theory. She emphasizes the importance of working through childhood wounds and learning to respond rather than react. Dr. Morgan and Sabrina discuss the significance of secure attachment in both dating and friendships, stressing that healing requires effort and self-compassion. They highlight that a healthy relationship enhances self-worth, and anxiety must be managed to maintain a...

Episode 84 5 July 2024 1h, 5m and 54s

83: How To Rewire Your Brain With Nicole Neuroscience

83: How To Rewire Your Brain With Nicole Neuroscience

From across the world, Nicole Vignola (aka Nicole Neuroscience), neuroscientist, organizational consultant, and author, is in the studio to talk with Sabrina about the impact of neuroplasticity on daily life, particularly in the context of dating and relationships. Neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to form new connections, is reinforced by consistency and can help change unproductive patterns learned in childhood. For instance, frequent texting early in a relationship can create anxiety and a dopamine-driven expectation that meeting in person often fails to meet. This mismatch occurs because the brain anticipates rewards from predictable behaviors like texting, but prefers the unpredictability that...

Episode 83 28 June 2024 1h, 10m and 28s

82: Differences in Dating

82: Differences in Dating

Flying solo today, Sabrina sits down to chat about handling differences in dating, which involves open communication and understanding personal boundaries. Sabrina emphasizes the importance of discussing key topics early on, such as beliefs, future goals, and financial habits. She shares personal experiences to highlight that relationships often end due to incompatible needs rather than lack of love. It's crucial to focus on finding a partner whose core values align with yours rather than trying to change someone. Sabrina advises discussing lifestyle choices, like diet and alcohol, as well as family dynamics to ensure compatibility. By being true to yourself...

Episode 82 21 June 2024 56m and 20s

81: Debunking Healing Myths: Why Healing Requires Struggle with Masha Kay

81: Debunking Healing Myths: Why Healing Requires Struggle with Masha Kay

In this episode, Sabrina and Masha Kay delve into the topic of perfectionism and debunking healing myths. They discuss the misconception that healing means never experiencing negative emotions or challenges. The conversation highlights the importance of embracing the full spectrum of emotions and learning to move through challenges rather than avoiding them. Sabrina shares personal experiences of growth and healing, emphasizing the significance of surrendering and allowing things to fail in order to discover one's true strength. The episode emphasizes the journey of healing as a process of facing obstacles, setbacks, and challenges to ultimately find clarity and self-trust. Through...

Episode 81 14 June 2024 1h, 9m and 51s

80: Texting in Dating Pt. 2

80: Texting in Dating Pt. 2

Flying solo today for this special episode, Sabrina is talking about texting while dating. Sabrina's personal experience highlights that the anxiety around texting persists even when trying to disconnect, but it's how you handle these feelings that matter. Texting can trigger black-and-white thinking, where unmet expectations validate negative core beliefs, leading to anxiety. Understanding that people have different texting habits and showing up authentically in relationships is crucial. Focusing on overall relationship dynamics is important rather than just texting patterns. Building security and confidence helps alleviate anxiety. Compromise is key, especially when texting habits differ between partners. Effective communication, setting...

Episode 80 11 June 2024 53m and 33s

79: Beyond "Yes": Breaking the Cycle of People-Pleasing as a Trauma Response with Matthias Barker

79: Beyond "Yes": Breaking the Cycle of People-Pleasing as a Trauma Response with Matthias Barker

Sabrina sits down with Matthias Barker for a second time to dive into the detrimental effects of people-pleasing, a common trauma response where individuals regulate others to feel safe themselves. Unlike genuine empathy, people-pleasing stems from fear and often involves manipulation. Barker emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and confronting dysfunction rather than avoiding it, as true safety doesn't come from constant monitoring out of fear. He advises distinguishing between needs and anxiety, advocating for acceptance and mutual attunement in relationships. Personal experiences shared by both Sabrina and Barker highlight the necessity of building a solid relationship foundation, addressing big emotions...

Episode 79 7 June 2024 1h, 4s

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