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Fluent Fiction - Korean

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Fluent Fiction - Korean

Are you ready to supercharge your Korean listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Korean, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Korean and English.This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is...

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Recent Episodes of Fluent Fiction - Korean

Busan Fish Market: A Tale of Sibling Bond and Unyielding Love

Busan Fish Market: A Tale of Sibling Bond and Unyielding Love

Fluent Fiction - Korean: Busan Fish Market: A Tale of Sibling Bond and Unyielding Love
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ko: 부산의 번화한 어시장에는 생선 파는 소리와 갈매기 소리, 물이 첨벙거리는 소리로 가득 차 있다.
En: In the bustling fish market of Busan, the air is filled with the sounds of people selling fish, seagulls crying, and water splashing.

Ko: 사람들은 바쁨 속에 움직이며, 신선한 생선으로 가득한 가판대들 사이를 누빈다.
En: People move busily, weaving through the stalls piled high with fresh fish.

Ko: 그곳의 공기는 소금 냄새와 생선 냄새로 가득하다.
En: The air there is thick with the smell of salt and fish.

Ko: 여름의 무더운 날, 윤지는 어시장을 빠르게 지나갔다.
En: On a hot summer day, Yoonji hurried through the market.

Ko: 그녀는 잃어버린 동생 민석을 찾아야 했다.
En: She had to find her lost brother, Minseok.

Ko: 민석은 쉽게 돈을 벌기 위해 어시장 깡패들과 엮였을지도 몰랐다.
En: Minseo...

Episode 26 July 2024 16m and 22s

City High-Rise Chronicles: Teamwork and Trust Amid the Skyline

City High-Rise Chronicles: Teamwork and Trust Amid the Skyline

Fluent Fiction - Korean: City High-Rise Chronicles: Teamwork and Trust Amid the Skyline
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ko: 여름 오후, 현대적인 회사 빌딩의 우아한 고층 사무실에서 이야기가 시작됩니다.
En: On a summer afternoon, the story begins in an elegant high-rise office of a modern company building.

Ko: 사무실에는 투명한 유리벽과 최소한의 장식으로 꾸며져 있습니다.
En: The office is adorned with transparent glass walls and minimal decorations.

Ko: 그 가운데, 직원들이 잠시 쉬는 휴게실이 하나 있습니다.
En: In the middle of it all, there's a break room where employees can take a short rest.

Ko: 커피 머신이 구석에서 고요하게 윙윙거리며, 큰 창문은 바쁜 도심을 내려다보고 있습니다.
En: A coffee machine quietly hums in a corner, and large windows overlook the bustling city below.

Ko: 지수는 프로젝트 매니저입니다.
En: Jisoo is a project manager.

Ko: 그녀는 항상 성실하게 일하지만, 종종 일에 대한 인정을 받지 못해 속상합니다.
En: She always...

Episode 25 July 2024 17m and 30s

Student’s Kindness Saves the Day at the Pool

Student’s Kindness Saves the Day at the Pool

Fluent Fiction - Korean: Student’s Kindness Saves the Day at the Pool
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ko: 뜨거운 여름날, 미니 주택 단지 수영장 주변에는 늘 활기가 넘쳤다.
En: On a hot summer day, the area around the swimming pool in the mini housing complex was always bustling with activity.

Ko: 미니 주택 단지는 울창한 정원과 잘 가꾸어진 잔디밭으로 둘러싸여 있고, 반짝이는 파란색 수영장이 더운 여름의 중심이 되었다.
En: The mini housing complex was surrounded by lush gardens and well-manicured lawns, and the sparkling blue pool became the centerpiece of hot summer days.

Ko: 미니 주택 단지는 물놀이를 즐기기 위한 가족들로 북적거렸다.
En: The pool was crowded with families enjoying water activities.

Ko: 대학교에서 여름 아르바이트로 애완동물 돌보기를 선택한 민준은 이곳에 자주 왔다.
En: Minjun, who had chosen pet-sitting as his summer part-time job while attending university, often visited this place.

Episode 24 July 2024 16m and 54s

The Perfect Gift: Sentiment and Practicality at Incheon

The Perfect Gift: Sentiment and Practicality at Incheon

Fluent Fiction - Korean: The Perfect Gift: Sentiment and Practicality at Incheon
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ko: 여름의 뜨거운 태양이 인천 국제공항을 비추고 있었다.
En: The scorching summer sun was shining down on Incheon International Airport.

Ko: 공항 안은 여행객들로 북적였고, 면세점은 색색의 상품들과 바쁜 손님들의 소리로 가득했다.
En: Inside the airport, it was bustling with travelers, and the duty-free shops were filled with colorful products and the sounds of busy customers.

Ko: 하얀 셔츠에 캐주얼한 바지를 입은 지호는 면세점 입구에서 서성거렸다.
En: Jiho, in a white shirt and casual pants, lingered near the entrance of a duty-free shop.

Ko: 그의 옆에는 밝고 화사한 옷을 입은 민서가 있었다.
En: Next to him was Minseo, dressed in bright and cheerful clothes.

Ko: "우리 시간이 얼마 없어," 지호가 시계를 보며 말했다. "서두르자."
En: "We don't have much time," Jiho said, checking his watch. "Let's hurry."

Episode 23 July 2024 17m and 41s

Sibling Quest: The Summer Journey to Save Their Father

Sibling Quest: The Summer Journey to Save Their Father

Fluent Fiction - Korean: Sibling Quest: The Summer Journey to Save Their Father
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ko: 지호와 미나는 언덕 마을에 살고 있었습니다.
En: Jiho and Mina lived in a hillside village.

Ko: 여름이 깊어가고, 아버지가 점점 더 아파지기 시작했습니다.
En: As summer deepened, their father started becoming increasingly ill.

Ko: 지호는 아버지를 살리기 위해 희귀한 약초를 찾아야 했습니다.
En: Jiho needed to find a rare herb to save his father.

Ko: 미나는 무섭지만 오빠를 돕기로 결심했습니다.
En: Mina, though scared, decided to help her brother.

Ko: "우리 아버지를 살리려면 그 약초가 꼭 필요해," 지호가 미나에게 말했습니다.
En: "We need that herb to save our father," Jiho said to Mina.

Ko: "알겠어요, 오빠. 같이 갈게요," 미나는 대답했습니다.
En: "Okay, brother. I'll go with you," Mina replied.

Ko: 그들은 언덕을 향해 걸었습니다.
En: They walked toward the hill.

Ko: 먼 길이었지만 서...

Episode 22 July 2024 16m and 19s

The Hidden Message: Finding Connections in a Co-working Space

The Hidden Message: Finding Connections in a Co-working Space

Fluent Fiction - Korean: The Hidden Message: Finding Connections in a Co-working Space
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ko: 서울의 햇빛이 가득한 날, 프리랜서의 집(Freelancer's Home)에는 조용한 흥분이 감돌고 있었다.
En: On a sunny day in Seoul, a quiet excitement filled Freelancer's Home.

Ko: 소진은 그녀의 마음이 안정되는 곳인 이 코워킹 스페이스를 사랑했다.
En: Sojin loved this co-working space where she found her peace of mind.

Ko: 여기서 그녀는 그래픽 디자인 작업을 하며 하루를 보냈다.
En: Here, she spent her days working on graphic design projects.

Ko: 소진이 항상 앉던 테이블은 창가 옆에 있었다.
En: Sojin always sat at a table by the window.

Ko: 그 날도 소진은 그 테이블에 앉아 노트북을 펼치고 디자인 작업을 시작하려 했다.
En: That day, she sat at the same table, opened her laptop, and began her design work.

Ko: 하지만 무엇인가 이상했다.
En: But something was...

Episode 21 July 2024 19m and 29s

A New Beginning: Healing Family Bonds at Seoul's Art Museum

A New Beginning: Healing Family Bonds at Seoul's Art Museum

Fluent Fiction - Korean: A New Beginning: Healing Family Bonds at Seoul's Art Museum
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ko: 서울의 국립현대미술관에 햇살이 가득 찬 여름날이었다.
En: It was a summer day filled with sunshine at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul.

Ko: 지수는 두 아이, 민호와 하늘과 함께 미술관을 방문했다.
En: Jisoo visited the museum with her two children, Minho and Haneul.

Ko: 지수는 이혼 후, 아이들과 다시 연결되길 원했다.
En: After her divorce, Jisoo wanted to reconnect with her children.

Ko: 특히, 민호와의 관계가 매우 어려웠다.
En: Her relationship with Minho, in particular, was very challenging.

Ko: "오늘 무슨 전시를 볼까?" 지수가 물었다.
En: "What exhibition should we see today?" Jisoo asked.

Ko: 하늘은 작은 손을 흔들며 "그림 보는...

Episode 20 July 2024 17m and 8s

Namsan Tower Heist: The Artifact's Mystical Journey

Namsan Tower Heist: The Artifact's Mystical Journey

Fluent Fiction - Korean: Namsan Tower Heist: The Artifact's Mystical Journey
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ko: Namsan 타워가 서울 위로 높이 솟아있었다.
En: Namsan Tower soared high above Seoul.

Ko: 여름 날씨는 따뜻했고, 탑 주변은 관광객들로 붐볐다.
En: The summer weather was warm, and the area around the tower was bustling with tourists.

Ko: 그날은 특별한 날이었다.
En: That day was a special day.

Ko: 아주 중요한 유물 전시회가 열렸다.
En: A very important artifact exhibition was being held.

Ko: Joon은 역사에 열정적인 학생이었다.
En: Joon was a passionate student of history.

Ko: 그의 꿈은 훌륭한 탐정이 되는 것이었다.
En: His dream was to become an excellent detective.

Ko: Joon은 전시회장에서 일어난 일을 예리하게 관찰하고 있었다...

Episode 19 July 2024 17m and 6s

A Twist of Fate: Finding Friendship at the Summer Festival

A Twist of Fate: Finding Friendship at the Summer Festival

Fluent Fiction - Korean: A Twist of Fate: Finding Friendship at the Summer Festival
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ko: 푸른 하늘 아래 고등학교 운동장은 여름 축제로 활기가 넘쳤다.
En: Under the blue sky, the high school sports field was bustling with life due to the summer festival.

Ko: 여러 색깔의 천막이 줄지어 서 있고, 학생들은 행복한 웃음소리를 내며 축제를 즐기고 있었다.
En: Rows of colorful tents were set up, and students were enjoying the festival with happy laughter.

Ko: 지수가 친구들과 함께 셀프 사진 부스를 찾고 있을 때였다.
En: Jisoo and her friends were on their way to find a photo booth when it happened.

Ko: 갑자기 지수는 뭔가가 잘못된 것을 느꼈다.
En: Suddenly, Jisoo felt something was wrong.

Ko: "아악!" 그녀는 무언가에 발목을 삐끗하고 말았다.
En: "Ouch!" She twisted her ankle.

Episode 18 July 2024 15m and 24s

Finding Courage: Jisoo's Transformative Summer at Han River Park

Finding Courage: Jisoo's Transformative Summer at Han River Park

Fluent Fiction - Korean: Finding Courage: Jisoo's Transformative Summer at Han River Park
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ko: 한강 공원은 여름 주말마다 생동감 넘치는 장소입니다.
En: The Han River Park is a vibrant place every summer weekend.

Ko: 한낮의 더운 햇볕이 나뭇잎 사이로 스며들며, 따뜻한 바람이 부드럽게 불어옵니다.
En: The hot midday sun filters through the leaves, and a warm breeze blows gently.

Ko: 장터에서 신선한 과일과 채소 향이 코를 간지럽힙니다.
En: The scent of fresh fruits and vegetables from the marketplace tickles one's nose.

Ko: 여기저기서 아이들의 웃음소리와 어른들의 대화소리가 들립니다.
En: The sounds of children's laughter and adults' conversations can be heard all around.

Ko: 지수는 마음이 무겁습니다.
En: Jisoo feels heavy-hearted.

Ko: 친구 민서가 오늘 한강 공원으로 데려왔지만, 그녀는 여전히 사람들과의 만남이 두렵습니다.
En: Her friend Minseo brought her to the Han River...

Episode 17 July 2024 17m and 30s

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