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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian

Are you ready to supercharge your Norwegian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Norwegian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Norwegian and English.This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is...

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Recent Episodes of Fluent Fiction - Norwegian

From Safe Routes to Hidden Paths: A Journey in Unity

From Safe Routes to Hidden Paths: A Journey in Unity

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: From Safe Routes to Hidden Paths: A Journey in Unity
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Nb: Sola skinte gjennom trærne som omringet de velstelte hagene i den rolige gatede community.
En: The sun shone through the trees surrounding the well-maintained gardens in the quiet gated community.

Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Sigrid sto ved bilen, klare til å dra til sommerhytta i fjellene.
En: Lars, Ingrid, and Sigrid were standing by the car, ready to head to...

Episode 24 July 2024 16m and 14s

From Anxiety to Confidence: Lars's Journey at Oslo Airport

From Anxiety to Confidence: Lars's Journey at Oslo Airport

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: From Anxiety to Confidence: Lars's Journey at Oslo Airport
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Nb: Lars sto ved vinduet på Oslo International Airport.
En: Lars stood by the window at Oslo International Airport.

Nb: Han kikket ut på flyplassen.
En: He looked out at the airport.

Nb: Solen skinte sterkt.
En: The sun was shining brightly.

Nb: Det var sommer og varmt.
En: It was summer and warm.

Episode 23 July 2024 16m and 56s

Unearthed Bonds: Trust and Treasures in Roman Ruins

Unearthed Bonds: Trust and Treasures in Roman Ruins

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Unearthed Bonds: Trust and Treasures in Roman Ruins
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Nb: Solen glødet over de gamle romerske ruinene.
En: The sun glowed over the ancient Roman ruins.

Nb: Steinsøylene kastet lange skygger, og luften var tørr med en duft av støv og historie.
En: The stone columns cast long shadows, and the air was dry with a scent of dust and history.

Nb: Sigrid sto ved kant...

Episode 22 July 2024 16m and 55s

Missing Statue Mystery: Secrets of Geirangerfjord

Missing Statue Mystery: Secrets of Geirangerfjord

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Missing Statue Mystery: Secrets of Geirangerfjord
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Nb: Lyden av glade stemmer og latter fylte luften mens solen steg opp over Geirangerfjorden.
En: The sound of joyous voices and laughter filled the air as the sun rose over the Geirangerfjord.

Nb: Det var midsommerfestival, og bygda var pyntet med fargede vimpler og blomsterkranser.
En: It was the midsummer festival, and the village was decorated with colorful pennants and flower garlands.

Episode 21 July 2024 16m and 53s

Healing Hearts: Sibling Bond through Midsummer's Tears

Healing Hearts: Sibling Bond through Midsummer's Tears

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Healing Hearts: Sibling Bond through Midsummer's Tears
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Nb: Solen skinte klart på himmelen over Vigeland Sculpture Park i Oslo.
En: The sun shone brightly in the sky over Vigeland Sculpture Park in Oslo.

Nb: Det var midtsommer, og parken var full av mennesker som feiret.
En: It was midsummer, and the park was full of people celebrating.

Nb: Blant dem var Eirik og Ingrid, søsken med tunge hj...

Episode 20 July 2024 14m and 38s

Secrets and Starlight: Sigrid's Unforgettable Performance

Secrets and Starlight: Sigrid's Unforgettable Performance

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Secrets and Starlight: Sigrid's Unforgettable Performance
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Nb: Lysene flommet over Oslo Opera House, som stor majestetisk i den varme sommerkvelden.
En: The lights flooded over the Oslo Opera House, which stood majestically in the warm summer evening.

Nb: Vinduene fanget det siste dagslyset, og speilet vannet som glitret like ved.
En: The windows captured the last daylight, reflecting the shimmering water nearby.

Nb: Inne var folk fylt med...

Episode 19 July 2024 15m and 24s

Mismatched Shoes & Unexpected Bravery: Eirik's Confidence Lesson

Mismatched Shoes & Unexpected Bravery: Eirik's Confidence Lesson

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Mismatched Shoes & Unexpected Bravery: Eirik's Confidence Lesson
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Nb: Sola skinte inn gjennom vinduene i klasserommet.
En: The sun shone through the windows of the classroom.

Nb: Det var en varm sommerdag, og alle elevene gledet seg til ferien.
En: It was a warm summer day, and all the students were looking forward to the vacation.

Nb: På tavlen stod det store bokstaver: "PRESENTASJONER I DAG."
En: On t...

Episode 18 July 2024 16m and 17s

Fish Market Encounters: Unlikely Allies in Art and Cooking

Fish Market Encounters: Unlikely Allies in Art and Cooking

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Fish Market Encounters: Unlikely Allies in Art and Cooking
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Nb: Lyden av måker og lukten av fersk fisk fylte luften ved Fisketorget i Bergen.
En: The sound of seagulls and the smell of fresh fish filled the air at the Fish Market in Bergen.

Nb: Folk samlet seg rundt bodene, nysgjerrige på dagens fangst.
En: People gathered around the stalls, curious about the day’s catch.

Nb: Det...

Episode 17 July 2024 15m and 26s

Crafting Memories: A Heartfelt Journal and a Friendship's Bond

Crafting Memories: A Heartfelt Journal and a Friendship's Bond

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Crafting Memories: A Heartfelt Journal and a Friendship's Bond
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Nb: In hjørnet av Lillehammers historiske sentrum, lå en koselig kafé.
En: In the corner of Lillehammer's historic center, there was a cozy café.

Nb: Kaféen var kjent for sin nybryggede kaffe og hjemmelagde bakverk.
En: The café was renowned for its freshly brewed coffee and homemade pastries.

Nb: Den varme og innbydende atmosfæren gjorde det til et...

Episode 16 July 2024 16m and 59s

Rekindling Tradition: A Market Quest for Mother's Summer Salad

Rekindling Tradition: A Market Quest for Mother's Summer Salad

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Rekindling Tradition: A Market Quest for Mother's Summer Salad
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Nb: Solen skinte sterkt over det brosteinsbelagte torget i Bergen.
En: The sun shone brightly over the cobblestone market square in Bergen.

Nb: Astrid gikk langs de fargerike bodene, omfavnet av duften av fersk sjømat og sommerbær.
En: Astrid walked along the colorful stalls, enveloped by the scent of fresh seafood and summer berries.

Nb: Lydene av ma...

Episode 15 July 2024 14m and 31s

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