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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese

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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese

Are you ready to supercharge your Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Mandarin Chinese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Mandarin Chinese and English.This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language...

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Recent Episodes of Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese

High Stakes and Inner Turmoil: A Night of Poker in Shanghai

High Stakes and Inner Turmoil: A Night of Poker in Shanghai

Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: High Stakes and Inner Turmoil: A Night of Poker in Shanghai
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 在上海的夏夜,一间灯光昏暗的高级俱乐部里,空气中弥漫着烟雾和低语声。
En: On a summer night in Shanghai, in a dimly lit upscale club, the air was filled with smoke and whispers.

Zh: 玻璃杯的碰撞声和扑克牌的洗牌声让气氛更加紧张。
En: The clinking of glasses and the shuffling of playing cards heightened the tense atmosphere.

Zh: 李伟是个精明而雄心勃勃的商人。
En: Li Wei was a shrewd and ambitious businessman.

Zh: 他喜欢冒险,但内心深处却对自己的社会地位感到不安,害怕失去一切。
En: He enjoyed taking risks but deep down felt uneasy about his social status, fearing the loss of everything.

Zh: 这晚,他来到这里是为了参加一场高风险的扑克比赛。
En: That night, he came to participate in a high-stakes poker game...

Episode 26 July 2024 15m and 6s

Li Wei's Bold Step: Turning Hard Work into Opportunity

Li Wei's Bold Step: Turning Hard Work into Opportunity

Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Li Wei's Bold Step: Turning Hard Work into Opportunity
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Story Transcript:

Zh: 夏天的中午,烈日当头。
En: At midday in the summer, the sun was blazing overhead.

Zh: 李伟坐在办公室的窗边,热浪透过大玻璃窗扑面而来,令他感到一丝不安。
En: Li Wei sat by the office window, heat waves coming through the large glass spread across his face, causing him some unease.

Zh: 今天是季度业绩评估的日子。
En: Today was the day for the quarterly performance review.

Zh: 会议室里,空气中弥漫着紧张的气氛。
En: In the meeting room, the air was thick with a tense atmosphere.

Zh: 会议桌上摆满了报表和文件,数字在屏幕上不停地跳动。
En: The table was filled with reports and documents, and number...

Episode 25 July 2024 17m and 14s

From Plans to Joy: How a Neighborhood BBQ United Us All

From Plans to Joy: How a Neighborhood BBQ United Us All

Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: From Plans to Joy: How a Neighborhood BBQ United Us All
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Story Transcript:

Zh: 夏天的一个早晨,阳光明媚,鸟儿在歌唱,
En: One summer morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing.

Zh: 北京的一个高档社区里,细致的夏雨正在计划一场完美的烧烤活动。
En: In an upscale neighborhood in Beijing, meticulous Xia Yu was planning a perfect barbecue event.

Zh: 她希望通过这场烧烤让邻居们更加团结和睦。
En: She hoped this barbecue would bring the neighbors closer together.

Zh: 夏雨喜欢把事情安排得井井有条。
En: Xia Yu liked to organize things meticulously.

Zh: 她早早列出了购物清单,列出了肉类、海鲜、蔬菜和调味品的细节。
En: She had made a shopping list early, detailing the meats, seafood, vegetables, and condiments she ne...

Episode 24 July 2024 16m and 5s

Airport Encounter: A Heartwarming Tale of Gifts and Gratitude

Airport Encounter: A Heartwarming Tale of Gifts and Gratitude

Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Airport Encounter: A Heartwarming Tale of Gifts and Gratitude
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Story Transcript:

Zh: 在北京首都国际机场的免税店,夏天的阳光透过大窗户照进来,照亮了店里的每一个角落。
En: At the duty-free shop of Beijing Capital International Airport, the summer sunlight streamed through the large windows, illuminating every corner of the store.

Zh: 拥挤的人群中,明和佳都在为各自的重要任务而忙碌。
En: Amid the bustling crowd, Ming and Jia were busy with their respective important tasks.

Zh: 明是一个35岁的商人,他经常出差,这次他要回家。
En: Ming, a 35-year-old businessman, traveled frequently and was on his way home this time.

Zh: 明的女儿喜欢各种漂亮的小东西,所以他决定在免税店给她买一件特别的礼物。
En: His daughter loved all kinds of beautiful little things, so he decided to buy her a special gift from the duty-f...

Episode 23 July 2024 14m and 50s

Forbidden City Shenanigans: Summer's Ultimate TikTok Adventure

Forbidden City Shenanigans: Summer's Ultimate TikTok Adventure

Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Forbidden City Shenanigans: Summer's Ultimate TikTok Adventure
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 紫禁城的夏天, 天空湛蓝,阳光灿烂。
En: The summer at the Forbidden City featured a clear blue sky and brilliant sunshine.

Zh: 美、欣和晨,三个表兄妹并肩走在宫殿间,假扮成普通游客。
En: Mei, Xin, and Chen, three cousins, walked side by side among the palaces, pretending to be ordinary tourists.

Zh: 美是个冒险的女孩,总是寻求刺激。
En: Mei was an adventurous girl, always seeking thrills.

Zh: 这次,她的目标是一个私人区域,完成抖音挑战。
En: This time, her target was a restricted area to complete a TikTok challenge.

Zh: 欣是个谨慎的人,总想保护大家,但也想证明自己可以很有趣。
En: Xin was a cautious person who always wanted to protect everyone but also want...

Episode 22 July 2024 14m and 23s

Finding Balance: A Tale of Friendship and Exam Stress Relief

Finding Balance: A Tale of Friendship and Exam Stress Relief

Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Finding Balance: A Tale of Friendship and Exam Stress Relief
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 盛夏的一个午后,阳光透过咖啡馆的大窗洒进来,温暖了房间的每一个角落。
En: One midsummer afternoon, sunlight streamed through the large windows of the café, warming every corner of the room.

Zh: 自由人咖啡馆是名和美最喜欢的地方,这里不仅安静,还有免费的Wi-Fi。
En: The Free Spirit Café was the favorite spot for Ming and Mei, not only because it was quiet, but also because it had free Wi-Fi.

Zh: 名是一个勤奋的学生,为了保持他的奖学金,他一直在拼命地学习。
En: Ming was a diligent student who was working hard to maintain his scholarship.

Zh: 今天,他在一个角落里坐着,桌上堆满了教材、笔记和考卷。
En: Today, he sat in a corner, with textbooks, notes, and exam papers piled high on the table.

Episode 21 July 2024 19m and 38s

Brushstrokes of Beijing: A Summer of Artistic Inspiration

Brushstrokes of Beijing: A Summer of Artistic Inspiration

Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Brushstrokes of Beijing: A Summer of Artistic Inspiration
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Story Transcript:

Zh: 北京的夏天,天气炎热。
En: In the summer of Beijing, the weather is scorching.

Zh: 阳光透过玻璃窗洒进北京美术馆,展厅里都是现代艺术品。
En: Sunlight pours through the glass windows into the Beijing Art Museum, where the exhibition halls are filled with modern art.

Zh: 每件艺术品都充满了色彩和生命。
En: Each piece of art is brimming with color and life.

Zh: 贾是一名年轻的艺术家,她来到这里寻找灵感。
En: Jia, a young artist, came here seeking inspiration.

Zh: “我需要一些新的想法,”贾心中想着。
En: "I need some new ideas," Jia thought to herself.

Zh: 她希望能创作出一幅体现当代中国文化的画作。
En: She hope...

Episode 20 July 2024 15m and 40s

Climbing The Tall Quiet: A Summer Tale of Ambition and Change

Climbing The Tall Quiet: A Summer Tale of Ambition and Change

Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Climbing The Tall Quiet: A Summer Tale of Ambition and Change
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 夏天,北京市中心,高楼林立。
En: Summer in downtown Beijing, skyscrapers stand tall.

Zh: 在其中一座摩天大楼的第三十层,一间充满高科技设备的办公室里,琳娜和陈正在忙碌地合作。
En: On the 30th floor of one of these towering buildings, inside an office filled with high-tech equipment, Lina and Chen are busily collaborating.

Zh: 琳娜刚刚升职为项目经理。
En: Lina has just been promoted to project manager.

Zh: 她非常努力,也很有野心,但在内心深处,她担心自己是否能应对高压的工作。
En: She works very hard and is very ambitious, but deep down, she worries whether she can handle the high-pressure job.

Zh: 她想证明自己,确保这个大项目的成功。
En: She wants to prove herself and ensure the success of this big project.

Episode 19 July 2024 17m and 49s

Mei's Library Event Transforms Her High School Experience

Mei's Library Event Transforms Her High School Experience

Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Mei's Library Event Transforms Her High School Experience
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 高中图书馆里,书架林立,学习桌散布其间,空调在夏日的炎热中发出轻柔的嗡嗡声。
En: In the high school library, rows of bookshelves stood tall, study tables scattered among them, and the air conditioner emitted a gentle hum in the summer heat.

Zh: 梅,一个勤奋却感觉被低估的女孩,在图书馆里找了一份暑期工。
En: Mei, a diligent but undervalued girl, had found a summer job in the library.

Zh: 这是她高中生活中的一个重要阶段,她希望借此机会证明自己的价值。
En: This was an important phase of her high school life, and she hoped to take this opportunity to prove her worth.

Zh: 梅的任务是帮忙整理书籍,回答来访学生的问题,以及确保图书馆的整洁。
En: Mei’s tasks included organizing books, answering questions from visiting students...

Episode 18 July 2024 15m and 3s

The Herbalist's Quest: Unveiling Secrets at Qixi Festival Market

The Herbalist's Quest: Unveiling Secrets at Qixi Festival Market

Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: The Herbalist's Quest: Unveiling Secrets at Qixi Festival Market
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 在古老的庙会市场,华灯初上,夏日的晚风中飘着节日的香气。
En: In the ancient temple fair market, as the lanterns were first lit, the scent of the festival drifted on the summer evening breeze.

Zh: 市场热闹非凡,四处是各色摊贩和挑选商品的顾客。
En: The market was bustling, filled with a variety of vendors and customers selecting goods.

Zh: 今天是七夕节,市场上挂满了五彩缤纷的灯笼,洋溢着欢乐的气氛。
En: Today was the Qixi Festival, and the market was adorned with multicolored lanterns, radiating a joyful atmosphere.

Zh: 心仪,一个勤奋的草药师,正在市场中寻找稀有的草药。
En: Xinyi, a diligent herbalist, was searching for rare herbs in the market.

Zh: 她走过...

Episode 17 July 2024 15m and 46s

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