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Fluent Fiction - Catalan

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan

Are you ready to supercharge your Catalan listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Catalan, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Catalan and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is...

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Recent Episodes of Fluent Fiction - Catalan

Surprise Party: When a Mistaken Meeting Turns into Office Fun

Surprise Party: When a Mistaken Meeting Turns into Office Fun

Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Surprise Party: When a Mistaken Meeting Turns into Office Fun
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ca: El sol de l'estiu entrava per les grans finestres de l'oficina, il·luminant les taules i les pantalles d'ordinador.
En: The summer sun poured through the large office windows, illuminating the desks and computer screens.

Ca: Martí, amb el seu vestit impecable, estava assegut a la seva taula esperant l'arribada del gran dia.
En: Martí, with his impeccable suit, sat...

Episode 25 July 2024 18m and 9s

Healing Waves: Sibling Bonding in Times of Turmoil

Healing Waves: Sibling Bonding in Times of Turmoil

Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Healing Waves: Sibling Bonding in Times of Turmoil
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ca: Els raigs del sol jugaven sobre l’aigua cristal·lina de la platja de Llafranc, creant milers de lluentors com diamants.
En: The sunbeams danced over the crystal-clear water at Llafranc beach, creating thousands of sparkles like diamonds.

Ca: Mariona i el seu germà petit, Pere, estaven asseguts a la sorra.
En: Mariona and her little brother, Pere, sat on the sand...

Episode 24 July 2024 17m and 16s

Life-Saving Moments: Courage and Compassion at Barcelona Airport

Life-Saving Moments: Courage and Compassion at Barcelona Airport

Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Life-Saving Moments: Courage and Compassion at Barcelona Airport
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ca: L’estiu era abrasador, i l'interior de l'aeroport internacional de Barcelona era un formiguer de gent movent-se d’un lloc a l’altre.
En: The summer was scorching, and the interior of Barcelona's international airport was a beehive of people moving from one place to another.

Ca: Els terres brillants reflectien la llum del sol que entrava pels grans finestrals.
En: The sh...

Episode 23 July 2024 19m and 51s

Unexpected Chariot Adrenaline: A Modern Woman's Roman Adventure

Unexpected Chariot Adrenaline: A Modern Woman's Roman Adventure

Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Unexpected Chariot Adrenaline: A Modern Woman's Roman Adventure
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ca: El sol estiuenc es reflectia en les pedres blanques del Fòrum Romà, inundant amb llum cada cantonada del mercat bulliciós.
En: The summer sun reflected off the white stones of the Roman Forum, flooding every corner of the bustling market with light.

Ca: Ariadna es movia amb curiositat entre les parades, intentant imaginar la vida quotidiana de fa tants segles.

Episode 22 July 2024 17m and 50s

Sparks in Sant Antoni: A Summer Market Encounter

Sparks in Sant Antoni: A Summer Market Encounter

Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Sparks in Sant Antoni: A Summer Market Encounter
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ca: Un matí d'estiu, el sol brilla intensament al Mercat de Sant Antoni.
En: One summer morning, the sun shines brightly at the Sant Antoni Market.

Ca: Els colors dels estands criden l'atenció amb fruites fresques, pa acabat de forn, i llibres vells amb pàgines groguenques.
En: The colors of the stalls catch the eye with fresh fruits, newly baked bread, and...

Episode 21 July 2024 17m and 58s

Unveiling Secrets: Laia's Journey at Barcelona's Picasso Museum

Unveiling Secrets: Laia's Journey at Barcelona's Picasso Museum

Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Unveiling Secrets: Laia's Journey at Barcelona's Picasso Museum
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ca: El museu Picasso a Barcelona brillava sota la llum suau de l’estiu.
En: The Picasso Museum in Barcelona glowed under the soft summer light.

Ca: La gent caminava pels passadissos, admirant les obres d'art.
En: People walked through the corridors, admiring the artworks.

Ca: Laia, una jove historiadora, es trobava davant un quadre en particular.
En: Laia, a...

Episode 20 July 2024 18m and 16s

Decoding Destiny: A Night in Barcelona's Enigmatic Glow

Decoding Destiny: A Night in Barcelona's Enigmatic Glow

Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Decoding Destiny: A Night in Barcelona's Enigmatic Glow
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ca: La nit d'estiu cobria Barcelona amb una manta de llums daurades.
En: The summer night covered Barcelona with a blanket of golden lights.

Ca: La Torre Agbar, amb els seus colors vibrants, dominava l'horitzó.
En: The Torre Agbar, with its vibrant colors, dominated the skyline.

Ca: A l'últim pis d'aquesta icònica torre, Andreu, un enginyer de software, mir...

Episode 19 July 2024 16m and 9s

Finding Courage: A Journey from Doubt to Artistic Triumph

Finding Courage: A Journey from Doubt to Artistic Triumph

Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Finding Courage: A Journey from Doubt to Artistic Triumph
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ca: El sol de l'estiu brillava intensament al cel de Barcelona.
En: The summer sun was shining intensely in the sky over Barcelona.

Ca: En un petit carreró, hi havia una tenda de te molt acollidora.
En: In a small alley, there was a very cozy tea shop.

Ca: El lloc estava ple de llum càlida i mobles de...

Episode 16 July 2024 18m and 18s

Seagull Shenanigans at the Luminous Market: A Culinary Adventure

Seagull Shenanigans at the Luminous Market: A Culinary Adventure

Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Seagull Shenanigans at the Luminous Market: A Culinary Adventure
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ca: El sol brillava intensament sobre el Mercat Lluminós, un lloc viu i ple de colors.
En: The sun shone brightly over the Luminous Market, a lively and colorful place.

Ca: Oriol, un home simpàtic però una mica despistat, passejava entre les paradetes amb un somriure.
En: Oriol, a friendly but somewhat absent-minded man, strolled between the stalls with a s...

Episode 15 July 2024 16m and 55s

Hidden Histories: Connections in Barcelona's Gothic Quarter

Hidden Histories: Connections in Barcelona's Gothic Quarter

Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Hidden Histories: Connections in Barcelona's Gothic Quarter
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Ca: Una brisa càlida recorria els carrers estrets del Barri Gòtic de Barcelona.
En: A warm breeze swept through the narrow streets of the Gothic Quarter in Barcelona.

Ca: Era un matí d'estiu, i el sol brillant omplia la ciutat de llum.
En: It was a summer morning, and the bright sun filled the city with light.

Ca: Mireia, una...

Episode 14 July 2024 20m and 43s

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