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Fluent Fiction - German

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Fluent Fiction - German

Are you ready to supercharge your German listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in German, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between German and English.This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is...

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Recent Episodes of Fluent Fiction - German

Mending Ties at Oktoberfest: Lukas' Journey of Reconciliation

Mending Ties at Oktoberfest: Lukas' Journey of Reconciliation

Fluent Fiction - German: Mending Ties at Oktoberfest: Lukas' Journey of Reconciliation
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

De: Der goldene Herbstwind wehte durch die Straßen von München und brachte eine besondere Stimmung mit sich.
En: The golden autumn wind blew through the streets of Munich, bringing a special atmosphere with it.

De: Es war Oktoberfest, und die ganze Stadt war voller Leben.
En: It was Oktoberfest, and the whole city was full of life.

De: Lu...

Episode 7 September 2024 18m and 9s

A Spicy Connection: Love and Craft at Berlin's Farmers' Market

A Spicy Connection: Love and Craft at Berlin's Farmers' Market

Fluent Fiction - German: A Spicy Connection: Love and Craft at Berlin's Farmers' Market
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

De: Der Herbstwind wehte durch die Straßen Berlins und brachte den Duft von frisch gebackenem Brot und würzigen Käsesorten mit sich.
En: The autumn wind blew through the streets of Berlin, carrying the scent of freshly baked bread and spicy cheeses.

De: Auf dem traditionellen Bauernmarkt herrschte lebhaftes Treiben.
En: The traditional farmers' market was buzzing with act...

Episode 6 September 2024 16m and 24s

Finding Creativity in Imperfection: Lukas's Journey

Finding Creativity in Imperfection: Lukas's Journey

Fluent Fiction - German: Finding Creativity in Imperfection: Lukas's Journey
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

De: Lukas saß still an seinem Schreibtisch.
En: Lukas sat quietly at his desk.

De: Draußen tanzten die Herbstblätter im Wind.
En: Outside, the autumn leaves danced in the wind.

De: Müde legte er den Bleistift nieder und schaute auf sein unfertiges Architekturprojekt.
En: Weary, he put down his pencil and looked at his unfinished architecture project.

Episode 5 September 2024 17m and 3s

Souvenirs of the Soul: A Journey of Trust and Friendship

Souvenirs of the Soul: A Journey of Trust and Friendship

Fluent Fiction - German: Souvenirs of the Soul: A Journey of Trust and Friendship
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

De: Klaus und Ingrid gingen entlang eines schmalen Waldweges.
En: Klaus and Ingrid walked along a narrow forest path.

De: Der Himmel war klar, und die Sonne schien sanft durch die Blätter.
En: The sky was clear, and the sun gently shone through the leaves.

De: Die Luft war frisch und voller Ruhe.
En: The air w...

Episode 4 September 2024 14m and 57s

The Great Sausage Standoff: A Day to Remember at Oktoberfest

The Great Sausage Standoff: A Day to Remember at Oktoberfest

Fluent Fiction - German: The Great Sausage Standoff: A Day to Remember at Oktoberfest
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

De: Die Sonne strahlte über München und tauchte das Oktoberfest in ein warmes Licht.
En: The sun shone over Munich, casting a warm light on the Oktoberfest.

De: Die Luft war erfüllt von der Musik der Blaskapellen, dem Lachen der Menschen und dem verführerischen Duft von gebratenen Würstchen und frisch gebackenen Brezen.
En: The air was fille...

Episode 3 September 2024 18m and

From Nervous Guide to Confident Storyteller: A Castle Tour

From Nervous Guide to Confident Storyteller: A Castle Tour

Fluent Fiction - German: From Nervous Guide to Confident Storyteller: A Castle Tour
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

De: Die kühle Herbstluft wehte durch die Bäume und färbte die Blätter um das Schloss Neuschwanstein in leuchtende Rot- und Goldtöne.
En: The cool autumn air rustled through the trees, painting the leaves around Neuschwanstein Castle in brilliant shades of red and gold.

De: Eine Gruppe von Touristen stand erwartungsvoll am Eingang des märchenhaften Schlosses.
En: A...

Episode 2 September 2024 16m and 12s

New Beginnings: Where Friendship Blossoms in Autumn

New Beginnings: Where Friendship Blossoms in Autumn

Fluent Fiction - German: New Beginnings: Where Friendship Blossoms in Autumn
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

De: Die Sonne warf einen sanften, goldenen Schimmer durch die bunten Blätter der Bäume, die rund um die gemütliche Hütte standen.
En: The sun cast a gentle, golden glow through the colorful leaves of the trees surrounding the cozy cabin.

De: Es war der erste Schultag.
En: It was the first day of school.

De: Der kühle H...

Episode 1 September 2024 18m and 26s

Sailing Through Storms: Finding Clarity in Hamburg's Harbor

Sailing Through Storms: Finding Clarity in Hamburg's Harbor

Fluent Fiction - German: Sailing Through Storms: Finding Clarity in Hamburg's Harbor
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

De: Die Sonne schien hell über dem Hamburger Hafen.
En: The sun shone brightly over the Hamburg harbor.

De: Die Möwen kreischten und stahlen die Aufmerksamkeit der Besucher.
En: Seagulls screeched, capturing the attention of visitors.

De: Es war Spätsommer und die Luft war angenehm warm.
En: It was late summer, and the air was pleasantly warm.

Episode 31 August 2024 18m and 49s

From Berlin to High-Tech City: Lars's Big AI Leap

From Berlin to High-Tech City: Lars's Big AI Leap

Fluent Fiction - German: From Berlin to High-Tech City: Lars's Big AI Leap
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

De: Lars stand am Fenster seines Hotelzimmers in High-Tech City.
En: Lars stood at the window of his hotel room in High-Tech City.

De: Die Sonne strahlte durch die großen Glasfronten der glänzenden Gebäude.
En: The sun shone through the large glass facades of the gleaming buildings.

De: Es war Sommer und die Stadt war voller Leb...

Episode 30 August 2024 16m and 8s

Finding Bright Blooms: A Brother's Heartfelt Gesture

Finding Bright Blooms: A Brother's Heartfelt Gesture

Fluent Fiction - German: Finding Bright Blooms: A Brother's Heartfelt Gesture
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

De: Lukas seufzt tief.
En: Lukas sighs deeply.

De: Die Klinik ist groß, und der Geruch von Kaffee erfüllt die Cafeteria.
En: The clinic is large, and the smell of coffee fills the cafeteria.

De: Ärzte und Krankenschwestern holen sich eine kurze Pause.
En: Doctors and nurses are taking a short break.

De: Geräusche von klapperndem Gesc...

Episode 29 August 2024 15m and 29s

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