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Fluent Fiction - Italian

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Fluent Fiction - Italian

Are you ready to supercharge your Italian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Italian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Italian and English.This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is...

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Recent Episodes of Fluent Fiction - Italian

Sibling Revelations: A Season of Change in Verona

Sibling Revelations: A Season of Change in Verona

Fluent Fiction - Italian: Sibling Revelations: A Season of Change in Verona
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

It: Nella modesta casa di Verona, l'aria fresca dell'autunno entra dalle finestre aperte.
En: In the modest house in Verona, the fresh autumn air flows through the open windows.

It: Giulia si prepara per il suo primo giorno di scuola dopo le vacanze estive.
En: Giulia prepares for her first day of school after the summer holidays.

It: È nervosa.

Episode 7 September 2024 16m and 24s

Rainy Encounters: Discovering Connection at the Aquarium

Rainy Encounters: Discovering Connection at the Aquarium

Fluent Fiction - Italian: Rainy Encounters: Discovering Connection at the Aquarium
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

It: Sotto un cielo grigio e piovoso, Luca camminava veloce verso l'Acquario di Genova.
En: Under a gray and rainy sky, Luca walked quickly toward the Genoa Aquarium.

It: La pioggia d'autunno scendeva forte, ma lui non se ne curava.
En: The autumn rain was pouring down heavily, but he didn't care.

It: Aveva una lezione importante di fronte a lui...

Episode 6 September 2024 16m and 29s

Sips of Change: How Coffee Brewed Dreams in Roman Autumn

Sips of Change: How Coffee Brewed Dreams in Roman Autumn

Fluent Fiction - Italian: Sips of Change: How Coffee Brewed Dreams in Roman Autumn
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

It: Nel cuore dell'autunno romano, un profumo goloso riempiva l'aria della torrefazione di caffè.
En: In the heart of the Roman autumn, a delicious aroma filled the air of the coffee roastery.

It: I raggi del sole filtravano attraverso le alte finestre, baciando i tavoli di legno rustici e le sedie sparse in modo accogliente.
En: Sunlight filtered through the t...

Episode 5 September 2024 17m and 53s

Finding Peace in Assisi: A Lost Luggage Journey

Finding Peace in Assisi: A Lost Luggage Journey

Fluent Fiction - Italian: Finding Peace in Assisi: A Lost Luggage Journey
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

It: Nel cuore dell'autunno, le colline di Assisi brillavano sotto i colori caldi delle foglie cadenti.
En: In the heart of autumn, the hills of Assisi glowed with the warm colors of falling leaves.

It: Il sole mattutino filtrava attraverso gli alberi d'olivo, creando un'atmosfera di pace e serenità.
En: The morning sun filtered through the olive trees, creating an atmosphere of p...

Episode 4 September 2024 18m and 23s

Unspoken Bonds: A Journey Along the Amalfi Coast

Unspoken Bonds: A Journey Along the Amalfi Coast

Fluent Fiction - Italian: Unspoken Bonds: A Journey Along the Amalfi Coast
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

It: L'auto sfrecciava lungo la strada costiera dell'Amalfi.
En: The car sped along the Amalfi coast road.

It: Il mare era di un blu intenso e il sole splendeva alto nel cielo.
En: The sea was a deep blue, and the sun shone high in the sky.

It: Luca, al volante, sorrideva.
En: Luca, at the wheel, was smiling.<...

Episode 3 September 2024 17m and 35s

Unexpected Photobomb: A Day at the Colosseum in Rome

Unexpected Photobomb: A Day at the Colosseum in Rome

Fluent Fiction - Italian: Unexpected Photobomb: A Day at the Colosseum in Rome
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

It: Il sole splendeva alto nel cielo sopra Roma, baciando con luce dorata le antiche pietre del Colosseo.
En: The sun shone high in the sky above Rome, bathing the ancient stones of the Colosseum in golden light.

It: Luca, Sofia e Marco erano lì, pronti a immortalare quel momento speciale con un selfie di gruppo.
En: Luca, Sofia, and Marco w...

Episode 2 September 2024 15m and 14s

When Engineering Met Art: A Stormy Night's Collaboration

When Engineering Met Art: A Stormy Night's Collaboration

Fluent Fiction - Italian: When Engineering Met Art: A Stormy Night's Collaboration
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

It: Le foglie dorate danzavano nel vento d'autunno mentre coprivano il sentiero verso una piccola baita nei monti Dolomiti.
En: The golden leaves danced in the autumn wind as they covered the path to a small cabin in the Dolomite Mountains.

It: Dentro la baita, il profumo della legna bruciata riempiva l'aria, offrendo un caldo abbraccio a Luca e Valentina.
En: Inside...

Episode 1 September 2024 17m and 30s

Hidden Legends of Amalfi: A Treasure Quest Under the Sun

Hidden Legends of Amalfi: A Treasure Quest Under the Sun

Fluent Fiction - Italian: Hidden Legends of Amalfi: A Treasure Quest Under the Sun
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

It: Sotto il sole caldo dell'estate, la Costa d'Amalfi splendeva come un gioiello.
En: Under the hot summer sun, the Amalfi Coast shone like a jewel.

It: I turisti passeggiavano lungo la riva, ma Lorenzo e Bianca erano altrove.
En: Tourists strolled along the shore, but Lorenzo and Bianca were elsewhere.

It: Un'antica leggenda aveva messo in moto...

Episode 31 August 2024 16m and 1s

Venice's Viral Gondolier: A Race of Chaos and Charm

Venice's Viral Gondolier: A Race of Chaos and Charm

Fluent Fiction - Italian: Venice's Viral Gondolier: A Race of Chaos and Charm
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

It: Le acque di Venezia brillavano sotto il sole estivo.
En: The waters of Venice shimmered under the summer sun.

It: Era il giorno della grande gara di gondole.
En: It was the day of the great gondola race.

It: Luca, un giovane gondoliere competitivo, era pronto per vincere.
En: Luca, a young competitive gondolier, was ready to...

Episode 30 August 2024 16m and 43s

Colors of Compassion: A Med Student's Journey to Self-Discovery

Colors of Compassion: A Med Student's Journey to Self-Discovery

Fluent Fiction - Italian: Colors of Compassion: A Med Student's Journey to Self-Discovery
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

It: Il sole splendeva alto, illuminando il bianco abbagliante delle pareti dell'ospedale.
En: The sun shone high, illuminating the blinding white of the hospital walls.

It: Alessandro camminava per i corridoi, il cuore un po' pesante.
En: Alessandro walked through the corridors, his heart a bit heavy.

It: Era il suo primo mese di tirocinio alla scuola di medicina...

Episode 29 August 2024 16m and 44s

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