Skill Piper

Worlds Beyond Number

Brought to you by, Fortunate Horse, Worlds Beyond Number

Worlds Beyond Number

Brennan Lee Mulligan, Erika Ishii, Aabria Iyengar, and Lou Wilson hang out together and use games to make up stories. It's pretty good.

...see more


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Recent Episodes of Worlds Beyond Number

WWW #34: Something to Remember You By

WWW #34: Something to Remember You By

The arc is now over and it's time to part ways. You've got a long trip ahead of you, why don't you take one for the road? A memento of our time together in the North. Now that the accounts are settled and the elders have a new project to keep them busy, collect your parting gifts, consolation prizes, gift bags, powerful arcane devices, your phone charger and the doggie bag, and then a wandering we will go. Be careful out there, the weather can get rough.

Thanks for coming along with us on our journey to...

Episode 27 August 2024 1h, 57m and 7s

WWW #33: The Witness

WWW #33: The Witness

REUPLOAD: Original upload was missing some fun stuff. But this one? This one's got it all, baby.

Two great big lenses, like unblinking eyes, spread out upon the table. The better to see you with, my darling. The better to catch you. The better to use you up. Don't ask which, you can't handle the truth, and honestly? Same. Someone's game is over. Someone's done messing around. Someone's time is up. But worry not, for what goes up, must come down. Strap in.

Worlds Beyond Number is:

Brennan Lee Mulligan


Episode 13 August 2024 1h, 36m and 8s

WWW #32: The Vote

WWW #32: The Vote

The defense makes its closing arguments. The pillars of Umora shake beneath the firmament. A guest speaker makes a short presentation. Weird. Feels like we've been here before.

Worlds Beyond Number is:

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

 and is produced, designed, and scored by Taylor Moore at Fortunate Horse with exquisite design and editing help from Jared Olson

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Tazer Army, Shannon, and Amanda Freberg!

Transcript of this episode coming soon! You can find transcripts of all o...

Episode 30 July 2024 1h, 38m and 33s

WWW #31: The Souvenir

WWW #31: The Souvenir

Everyone comes together in the Keep of the Woodland Green. But time keeps on slipping into the future, like a tree slips towards the sky, with hours left until Ame's judgement day, and still so many muddy rivers to cross. What wouldn't you do to save your true friend? To keep the big guys from knowing what you're up to? Would you look in a place you've never looked before? Yeah? You would? Then a wandering we will go. 

Worlds Beyond Number is:

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Episode 16 July 2024 1h, 38m and 32s

WWW #30: The Snake

WWW #30: The Snake

Aren't you thirsty, brother? Here is the well of stars. Here, the dark waters of the river. There, a bubbling spring. Drink deeply, and consider what swims and writhes beneath. For like a forked tongue flicks back and forth, like the great claw taps against the glass (To be let in? To be let out?) a clock, somewhere, tiks and toks unceasing, making what will be what is. And we are all full of snakes.

Worlds Beyond Number is:

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson


Episode 2 July 2024 1h, 19m and 28s

WWW #29: The Spy

WWW #29: The Spy

Everybody's gotta serve somebody. But who? Who exactly is calling the shots? And how can you tell who anyone else is working for? Finding out can be expensive. It takes sacrifice, subterfuge, diplomacy, a poker face, a long look in the mirror, and worst of all: networking. All this and more, we give gladly, for the sustaining and preservation of great magic.

Worlds Beyond Number is:

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

 and is produced, designed, and scored by Taylor Moore at Fortunate Horse w...

Episode 18 June 2024 1h, 19m and 32s

WWW #28: The Staff

WWW #28: The Staff

The gang splits up. The stars align and cast no shadow. In separation: terror and revelation. But it's pressure that makes the coal into diamond isn't it? And oh what stories that diamond could tell, of the phantom thread that unspools from cradle to the gory floor.  

[If you listen to the show with young children, you might wanna give this ep a listen first.]

Worlds Beyond Number is:

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

 and is produced, designed, and scored by Ta...

Episode 4 June 2024 1h, 22s

WWW #27: The Agenda

WWW #27: The Agenda

Our deliberations begin. You're probably wondering why I've called you all here today. Or maybe you're not. Maybe you already know. How could anyone tell with that mask on your face? Let's do it again, but this time: with stakes, a bird on my shoulder, my breath on your neck. Take a break, sure, but then, (if it is the right thing to do, and only then): have at me. 

Worlds Beyond Number is:

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

 and is produced, designed, an...

Episode 21 May 2024 1h, 14m and 55s

WWW #26: The Conclave of the Witches of the Coven of Elders

WWW #26: The Conclave of the Witches of the Coven of Elders

The surviving members of the Coven of Elders gather in the Palace of the Wind and Stars for their conclave. Meanwhile, the gang says goodbye to a horse. 

Worlds Beyond Number is:

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

 and is produced, designed, and scored by Taylor Moore at Fortunate Horse with exquisite design and editing help from Jared Olson

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Tazer Army, Shannon, and Amanda Freberg!

Transcript of this episode coming soon! You can find transcripts of all ou...

Episode 9 May 2024 1h, 44m and 26s

WWW #25: The Retinue

WWW #25: The Retinue

The stars at the top of the world begin to align, and the meeting of the coven draws ever nearer. Old debts are paid and new collateral is put on the line. Ame plays politics, Eursulon plays cowboy, and Suvi's not playing around, not even a little. Remember, the number one rule of hospitality and protocol is never ever tell your host that all your rowdy friends are coming over tonight. They hate that.

Worlds Beyond Number is:

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson


Episode 23 April 2024 1h, 20m and 46s

Skill Piper

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