Skill Piper

Confidence After Cancer

Brought to you by, Gabrielle Mottershead

Confidence After Cancer

Do you want to know one of the biggest secrets that cancer survivors have? It’s that life after cancer treatment ends can sometimes be even more tough than the disease itself. No one understands that like another cancer survivor. Gabby has been there – when the Get Well cards come down and you are alone with your fears, it can be scary, overwhelming– and lonely. Gabby knew she had to change her life and develop healthy habits to go from cancer survivor to Thriver. But working out what to do was confusing and exhausting. Gabby Mottershead, is now a 16 year Inflam...

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Recent Episodes of Confidence After Cancer

Staying Young While Growing Old

Staying Young While Growing Old

Today’s episode explores the intriguing concept of staying young while growing old. Inspired by my mentor’s experience and the enlightening book "Ikigai," I delve into the Japanese secret to a long and happy life.

Join me as I discuss how we can redefine success to include not just longevity but vibrant and joyous living.

I’ll share insights on how adopting specific lifestyle choices, like those found in the world's Blue Zones, can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling old age.

Tune in to learn how to embrace life with vitali...

Episode 83 23 July 2024 16m and 13s

Tips For Coping With Brain Fog

Tips For Coping With Brain Fog

Today, I'm delving into a topic that resonates deeply with many cancer survivors: brain fog, or 'chemo brain.' It's a common yet distressing side effect of chemotherapy that impacts focus and mental clarity.

In this episode, I'll share personal insights and practical tips that have helped both myself and others navigate this challenging condition. Remember, these tips are from lived experiences and are not a substitute for professional medical advice.

Join me as we explore ways to enhance mental clarity and manage the effects of chemo brain effectively.

Here are the highlights:<...

Episode 82 16 July 2024 11m and 29s

The Joy Of Dancing

The Joy Of Dancing

This week, I'm excited to share a delightful experience from my recent outing to a 'Disco for Grownups' event. It wasn't just a night of nostalgia and dance; it reminded me of the profound benefits that dancing can offer to anyone, regardless of the type of music you love.

Join me as I explore the physical benefits of staying active through dance, the emotional uplift that comes with moving to music, and the invaluable social connections it reinforces.

Whether it's a solo dance in your kitchen or a night out with friends, dancing can significantly...

Episode 81 9 July 2024 11m and 10s

Radical Self-Care

Radical Self-Care

Welcome to this week's episode, where I explore the essential theme of radical self-care.

If you've ever felt that self-care is indulgent, or you've struggled with putting yourself first, this discussion is for you.

I'll share insights from my personal journey and from those I've coached, underlining why self-care is crucial for happiness and health.

We'll dive into practical steps for beginners and discuss how to transform self-care from a foreign concept into a vital part of your wellness routine.

Join me as we learn to turn that critical inner voice...

Episode 80 2 July 2024 11m and 35s

How to Sleep Well & Not Let Worries Take Over

How to Sleep Well & Not Let Worries Take Over

This week, we're tackling a common challenge many of us face—getting a good night's sleep.

I'll share three key strategies that have worked for myself and those I coach. First, how morning routines set the stage for restful nights. Second, the importance of a calming bedroom environment. And third, managing those intrusive night-time thoughts, especially fears of cancer recurrence.

Whether it's setting up your day for success, optimising your sleep space, or calming your mind, these insights aim to help you rest easier.

Tune in for practical tips and heartfelt advice on nu...

Episode 79 25 June 2024 13m and 1s

Birthday Reflections

Birthday Reflections

I'm thrilled to be here today on my 61st birthday! Birthdays are a perfect time for reflection and gratitude, and today, I'm embracing the privilege of ageing—something not afforded to everyone, especially after a cancer diagnosis.

Inspired by Helen Mirren's candid advice, I explore the importance of being true to yourself and the liberating process of caring less about others' opinions as we grow older.

Join me as I delve into personal growth and self-assurance, sharing lessons on setting boundaries and maintaining integrity.

Whether you're struggling with life's pressures or celebrating your tr...

Episode 78 18 June 2024 10m and 22s

10 Things I Learned From "Just One Thing" by Doctor Michael Mosley

10 Things I Learned From "Just One Thing" by Doctor Michael Mosley

This week, I reflect on the remarkable life and contributions of Dr. Michael Mosley.

Known for his pioneering work on intermittent fasting and his influence on health and nutrition, Dr. Mosley's insights have transformed many lives.

In this episode, I delve into his popular book, "Just One Thing," discussing practical, science-backed daily actions that can significantly enhance our health.

Whether you're familiar with his work or hearing about him for the first time, this episode offers valuable takeaways on making incremental changes for a healthier life.

Remember, life is precious, and...

Episode 77 11 June 2024 10m and 40s

Do You Miss the Woman That You Used to be?

Do You Miss the Woman That You Used to be?

This week, we’ll delve into a common sentiment among those who have experienced significant life changes, especially after cancer treatment—the longing for the person they once were.

Many of us mourn for our past selves, believing our best years might be behind us. I'll share my personal journey through cancer and how I learned to find joy and love life again.

We'll explore practical steps to start embracing and loving your life post-challenge, whether it's dealing with the aftermath of cancer or other significant life changes.

Tune in to discover how to r...

Episode 76 4 June 2024 11m and 13s

Survivor 2 Thriver

Survivor 2 Thriver

In this week's episode, we talk about the difference between being a survivor and being a thriver.

Whether you've dealt with cancer or other tough situations, this episode is for you. I'll share three tips that helped me move from feeling drained to feeling joyful and full of life.

Learn how to pick the right friends, ask for help when you need it, and make choices that make your life better.

Here are the highlights:

(0:34) Moving from surviving to thriving after difficult experiences.

(1:14) Be careful choosing who you spend...

Episode 75 28 May 2024 11m and 31s

Stop the Fear of Cancer Recurrence

Stop the Fear of Cancer Recurrence

This week we’re tackling a prevalent concern for many survivors: the fear of cancer recurrence.

I'll share three effective strategies to help you manage and eliminate these fears, empowering you to live a more positive and inspired life.

We'll discuss the importance of having a structured recovery plan, reshaping your mental approach, and the significance of surrounding yourself with a supportive community.

Tune in to discover how to regain control of your life and embrace a future filled with hope and positivity.

Here are the highlights:

(0:44) Managing fear of...

Episode 74 21 May 2024 10m and 4s

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