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Shameless Popery

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Shameless Popery

Shameless Popery is a witty, entertaining podcast that informs you about your Catholic faith and equips you to better explain Catholicism especially to Protestant or atheist friends.

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Recent Episodes of Shameless Popery

#102 Why Did God Create Judas? - Joe Heschmeyer

#102 Why Did God Create Judas? - Joe Heschmeyer

Joe Heschmeyer explores the complex theological implications of Judas’ betrayal, examining whether Jesus’ choice of Judas suggests a deeper, potentially troubling divine plan. Transcription: Joe: Welcome back to Shameless Popery; I’m Joe Heschmeyer and today I want to look at the problem of Judas. What do I mean by that? At the last supper, Jesus says of Judas, the son of man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the son of man is betrayed. It would’ve been better for that man if he’d never been born and we might object her...

Episode 5 September 2024

#101 A Virgin Womb and a Virgin Tomb - Joe Heschmeyer

#101 A Virgin Womb and a Virgin Tomb - Joe Heschmeyer

Joe Heschmeyer discusses objections to Mary’s perpetual virginity, offering a unique perspective on this Catholic Doctrine in light of Christ’s virgin tomb and the biblical meaning of “holiness.” Transcription: Joe: Welcome back to Shamus Popery. I’m Joe Hess Meyer and today I want to explore the perpetual virginity of Mary. This idea Catholics and Orthodox have that Mary remained a virgin her entire life, even after Jesus was born and which sounds to many Protestant ears like a totally unbiblical and even anti-biblical kind of belief. Now, my point today is not t…

Episode 3 September 2024

#100 What the Apostle Judas Reveals About the Church - Joe Heschmeyer

#100 What the Apostle Judas Reveals About the Church - Joe Heschmeyer

Joe Heschmeyer explores the unique mystery of the Church revealed by Judas, the apostle who betrayed Christ. Transcription: Joe: Welcome back to Shameless Popery; I’m Joe Heschmeyer and today I want to talk about the church because I can’t tell you the number of times Protestants have told me some variation of the idea that when scripture speaks of the church, they don’t mean anything visible, but instead that they mean an invisible collection of the saved or those who have a living relationship with Jesus Christ or the predestined or the elect. Depending on the theology, you…

Episode 29 August 2024

#99 Mike Gendron’s Anti-Catholic Lies [EXPOSED] - Joe Heschmeyer

#99 Mike Gendron’s Anti-Catholic Lies [EXPOSED] - Joe Heschmeyer

Joe Heschmeyer responds to Mike Gendron’s recent appearance on Allie Beth Stuckey’s podcast “Relatable,” addressing his numerous lies about the Roman Catholic Church. Transcription: Joe: Welcome back to Shameless Popery; I’m Joe Heschmeyer. Last week, Mike Gendron will an Ellie best show to talk as an ex-Catholic about what the Catholic church really believes. Now that’s a sketchy premise in general. It’s like calling somebody to find out what their ex is like as a way of finding out the truth about them, but it’s particularly a problem in the ca…

Episode 27 August 2024

#98 Does this Prophecy Prove the Catholic Church’s Indestructibility? - Joe Heschmeyer

#98 Does this Prophecy Prove the Catholic Church’s Indestructibility? - Joe Heschmeyer

Joe Heschmeyer addresses misinterpretations of the prophecy in Danial 2, while presenting a balanced view of it’s relationship to the Catholic Church. Transcription: Joe: Welcome back to Shameless Popery; I’m Joe Heschmeyer. If you were to ask Christians whether or not the Catholic church makes an appearance in the Bible, you’re probably going to get two answers. non-Catholic Christians like Protestants are going to say no. The Catholic church didn’t exist at the time of the New Testament. So either we don’t see any appearances of the Catholic church in the Bible,…

Episode 22 August 2024

#97 Does This Verse Disprove the Eucharist? - Joe Heschmeyer

#97 Does This Verse Disprove the Eucharist? - Joe Heschmeyer

Joe Heschmeyer addresses one of the most common verses cited in arguments against the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Transcription: Welcome back to Shameless Popery; I’m Joe Heschmeyer. At the end of the Bread of Life Discourse. Jesus says, it is the spirit that gives life. The flesh is of no avail. The words that I’ve spoken to you are spirit and life. Okay? Does that mean that everything Jesus had just said about eating his flesh and drinking his blood is just a metaphor? In this episode, I’m going to show that readin...

Episode 20 August 2024

#96 Protestants Are Wrong About Mary’s Assumption. Here’s Why: - Joe Heschmeyer

#96 Protestants Are Wrong About Mary’s Assumption. Here’s Why: - Joe Heschmeyer

Joe Heschmeyer addresses common objections to the Assumption of Mary, showing why they ultimately fail. Transcription: Joe: Welcome back to Shameless Popery; I’m Joe Heschmeyer. So the assumption of Mary, that Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven was not declared a dog bomb the Catholic church until 1950. Some of you watching or listening to this were literally alive when that happened. So I completely understand when Protestants are dubious and say, I don’t think there’s a good biblical or historical case for that dogma. What I want to do today is explore what I think …

Episode 15 August 2024

#95 The Puzzle of Christ’s Parables: Why Jesus’ Teachings Aren’t Always Clear - Joe Heschmeyer

#95 The Puzzle of Christ’s Parables: Why Jesus’ Teachings Aren’t Always Clear - Joe Heschmeyer

Joe Heschmeyer addresses Christ’s use of parables in the Gospels and the contention around apparent biblical ambiguities as they relate to Protestants, Catholics, and non-Christians. Transcription: Welcome back to Shameless Popery. I’m Joe Heschmeyer. I was recently asked a really interesting question, why wasn’t Jesus clearer? And the person who asked me, I don’t actually know their faith background. So I can imagine two versions of this question. One would be the non-Christian or the non-believer of whatever Stripe who says, why doesn’t God manifest himself a …

Episode 13 August 2024

#94 Men and Women are Different (And That’s A Good Thing) - Joe Heschmeyer

#94 Men and Women are Different (And That’s A Good Thing) - Joe Heschmeyer

Joe Heschmeyer tackles wide ranging errors about the differences between men and women, revealing the authentic, Catholic view of male/female difference. Transcription: Speaker 1: Despite the fact that well-formed common sense tells us that men and women are different and that this is good. Our world is boiling over with polarized viewpoints on this topic ranging from neuroscientists to gender theorists, from trans activists to Andrew Tate. The subject of male and female difference is hot in the public arena right now, and people are arguing either that men and women aren’t really differ…

Episode 10 August 2024

#93 Yes, It’s Really Jesus. - Joe Heschmeyer

#93 Yes, It’s Really Jesus. - Joe Heschmeyer

Joe Heschmeyer examines the Old and New Testaments and the biblical proof for Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist. Transcription: Joe: Welcome back to Shameless Popery. I’m Joe, HES Meyer. I want to explore a pretty straightforward biblical connection. What connection is there, if any, between the Old Testament manna and the Eucharist in the New Testament? Because this is a question on which the Bible seems to speak a lot, but is surprisingly controversial among Catholics and Protestants. So in John six, for instance, Jesus says, I’m the bread of life. Your fathers ate th…

Episode 6 August 2024

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