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The Candace Cameron Bure Podcast

Brought to you by, AccessMore & Candy Rock

The Candace Cameron Bure Podcast

Fund conversations that matter: Life can be a rollercoaster. We all have good days and bad days, but I believe we are better when we go through it together! Join me and special guests for real conversations about living with kindness, class and purpose. Best known as 'D.J Tanner' in the hit television series "Full House" and Netflix's "Fuller House," and as the actor and director who takes over your television around Christmas time, Candace is also a New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, and CEO of Candy Rock Entertainment. Candace has been interviewed many times...

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Recent Episodes of The Candace Cameron Bure Podcast

Free to Feel

Free to Feel

Candace + Jennie are wrapping up Season 6 with a special episode all about YOU - our listeners! They are answering several listener questions about emotions, connecting with those in a different generation than you, navigating burnout and finding JOY again, and more. 

As they reflect on their conversations from this season, they want to encourage you once more in your journey towards emotional health. 

Living life tangled up emotionally is not really living at all. And although the enemy wants to attack you with hopelessness, You are never helpless or hopeless. Through Jesus, you have authority ov...

Episode 13 28 May 2024 33m and 13s

What Will You Choose?

What Will You Choose?

Every day you are faced with a choice. As you experience different emotions, what will you do with them? How will you respond to them? You name them, but now what? 

Whether we realize it or not, we are all doing something with our feelings - addressing them and growing through them, or ignoring them and letting them control us. But what if our emotions draw us closer to God and lead us to connection with others? 

What will you choose? Listen in as Candace and Jennie talk about how they choose daily to embrace + gr...

Episode 12 21 May 2024 25m and 30s

Begin with the Body

Begin with the Body

There is a connection between your emotional health and your body. Just think about what you feel physically when you experience different emotions: 

When you feel joy, where in your body do you feel it?
When you feel sadness, how do you express it physically?
When you feel fear or worry, how does your body respond? 

Our bodies feel our emotions, they are connected. And often the feelings we are struggling with are exacerbated by how we are treating (or mistreating) our bodies. 

In this episode, Candace and Jennie are talking abo...

Episode 11 14 May 2024 39m and 39s

Connection is the Goal

Connection is the Goal

What is your favorite memory from your childhood? What makes those memories good memories? 

In this episode, Candace and Jennie are focusing on emotions and parenting. The truth is that we all need to know that we are seen, soothed, and safe in our emotions – especially kids. We aren’t alone in our emotions, and neither are our children. We get to be there for them emotionally, so does Jesus. Feelings don’t heal when we ignore them; they heal when we are wrapped up by the people we love in the middle of them. 

Listen i...

Episode 10 7 May 2024 37m and 54s

Better Together

Better Together

Two words can push emotions to a deeper place … “I feel.” Do you have community that you can safely share your emotions with? That you can vulnerably say … “I feel” without fear or shame? 

Emotions are best healed in community – to be truly seen, soothed, safe, and not alone in pain heals you in ways you cannot believe unless you feel it. Candace and Jennie sit down to talk about friendship + how God calls us to “bear one another’s burdens.” If you are looking for encouragement around: 

What makes friendships stick long-term

How to show up well fo...

Episode 9 30 April 2024 47m and 25s

Helen Smallbone

Helen Smallbone

“Did you ever think your life would be made into a movie?” A question that Helen Smallbone likely never thought she would be asked. But that is exactly what has happened – her family’s story of resilience and adventure has come to life in Unsung Hero. 

Candace sits down for a final conversation with the Smallbones – this time with Helen Smallbone, fearless mum of the family. In this episode, they talk about how her relationship with her husband began, connecting with your spouse once your kids leave the house, finding purpose when you feel like you are just existi...

Episode 26 April 2024 51m and 4s

Get Unstuck

Get Unstuck

What are ways your emotional health impacts your marriage? Is one of you more emotionally responsive, and the other naturally stoic? Or do you see emotions showing up in different ways? 

In this week’s episode, Candace and Jennie dive into how your emotional health plays a role in your relationship with your spouse. Listen in as they reflect on their own marriages, talk about practical things they do to stay connected to their husbands emotionally, how they resolve conflict, and the deep value intentional counseling has had on them. 

“What if my spouse doesn’t want t...

Episode 8 23 April 2024 44m and 21s

Joel Smallbone

Joel Smallbone

Are you loving these conversations with the Smallbone family? Their story is such an inspiration and we can’t wait for you to see the whole story unfold! 

This week, Joel Smallbone is in the studio with Candace to talk about their friendship and answer several listener questions about emotions, experiencing burnout, discovering purpose, and navigating conflict in friendship. They unpack what it was like for Joel to play the role of his dad in Unsung Hero, how the film came to life, and parts of his family’s story he wished made it into the film (but d...

Episode 6 19 April 2024 49m and 38s

Family Matters

Family Matters

Family brings joy, but family can also be the source of so much pain. How has your family shaped the way you think about and process emotions? 

This week, Candace and Jennie are talking about how your emotional health relates to the family you grew up in. Listen as they share what they’ve learned about emotions from their families growing up, how that has impacted their lives, and ways we can heal from emotional wounds. Healing your relationships may not always be possible, but you can grow + heal the wounds. 

Have you grabbed this seas...

Episode 7 16 April 2024 48m and 16s

Luke Smallbone

Luke Smallbone

We are back with another conversation featuring the Smallbone Family – a family whose life story will be shared with the world in just a few weeks through the movie, Unsung Hero. 

This week Candace is sitting down with Luke to talk about the upcoming film, his family dynamics, and how they first met. Spoiler alter: The Smallbone brothers are in a band called King and Country, and they surprised Candace on live TV singing alongside Natasha for her 4oth Birthday!  

Candace and Luke also answer a few listener questions from YOU! From ways they enjoy spend...

Episode 12 April 2024 45m and 54s

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