Skill Piper

The 5Cs

Brought to you by, Charlene Norman

The 5Cs

Healing the globe can take many different paths. Imagine if most businesses took the lead in healing the planet and helping the people. Imagine the profit; imagine the impact. Imagine if it worked beyond our wildest dreams! Practical insights, provocative points of view. Simultaneously inspiring and educational. Join Charlene Norman every Saturday at 6 a.m. EST for this 2.1 version of Exploring Compassionate Capitalism.

...see more


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Recent Episodes of The 5Cs

Degrowth Part 2: Rethinking Growth for a Sustainable Future

Degrowth Part 2: Rethinking Growth for a Sustainable Future

With guest Richard Muscat of Radical, we uncover an exploration of the degrowth movement, its historical context, and its relevance in today's world. 

Understanding Degrowth: Historical Context and Modern Relevance

Although the term "degrowth" is relatively new, the ideas behind it have been around since at least 1972, when researchers first published work on the limits to growth. This seminal work highlighted the unsustainable nature of continuous economic expansion and the finite resources of our planet.

In today's society, the relevance of degrowth is more pronounced than ever. The traditional metrics of success, such a...

Episode 256 14 September 2024 15m and 16s

The Financial Benefits of Sustainability: What Data Centers Can't Afford to Ignore

The Financial Benefits of Sustainability: What Data Centers Can't Afford to Ignore

The energy consumption conversation continues with James Chalmers, a prominent sustainability investor with years of experience in the field and the founder of BaseCamp Capital, a leading firm in sustainable energy investments.  

In the first episode of this series, we covered the massive waste of energy propagated by data centers.  In the second episode, we uncovered the additional energy consumption demands of  AI.  In this episode, we dig into the brilliant solution James has invested in, known as NovoPower.

James shares with us NovoPower, and it's

Core TechnologyIntellectual Property and PrototypesMarket Potential and Competitive Lands...

Episode 255 7 September 2024 18m and 34s

AI: The Energy Vampire We Didn't See Coming!

AI: The Energy Vampire We Didn't See Coming!

The energy consumption conversation continues with James Chalmers, a prominent sustainability investor and the founder of BaseCamp Capital.  

In the first episode of this series, we covered the huge waste of energy propagated by data centers.  In this episode, we uncover the additional energy consumption demanded by AI (Artificial Intelligence). Specifically,

The Energy Demands of AIInefficiencies in AI UsageThe Importance of Effective PromptsSustainability Challenges in the Tech SectorStrategies for Reducing Energy Strain

and James leaves us with 

Actionable Tips for AI Users

Craft Effective Prompts: Users should invest time in learning how to c...

Episode 254 31 August 2024 15m and 52s

Powering the Future: How Technology is Reshaping Our Energy Landscape

Powering the Future: How Technology is Reshaping Our Energy Landscape

In this new series about technology and electricity, Charlene talks with James Chalmers, a prominent sustainability investor and the founder of BaseCamp Capital. 

This first of three episodes marks the beginning of exploring the intersection of energy consumption and technological advancements, with a particular focus on data centers and artificial intelligence (AI). In this episode, we explore and discuss

Data Centers and Their EvolutionThe Two Types of Data CentersThe Energy Consumption ChallengesThe Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Energy UsageRaising Awareness about Energy UsageAn Optimism for Change

James leaves us with 

Actionable Tips to Con...

Episode 253 24 August 2024 13m and 3s

The Price of Sustainability: Why Cheap Isn’t Always Better

The Price of Sustainability: Why Cheap Isn’t Always Better

With the founder of  ecowiser, we continue the discussion about what is needed to ensure we all make a positive impact with our purchasing decisions.  It starts with awareness, mindful consumption and holding brands accountable.  Three ways to do this are:

Empower Yourself: Equip yourself with knowledge and tools to make informed choices.Engage with Community: Participate in discussions and initiatives that promote sustainability.Hold Brands Accountable: Demand transparency and ethical practices from the companies you support.


Would you like to join the partee for the listeners of the 5Cs podcast?  Register here for the Septem...

Episode 252 17 August 2024 15m and 20s

Can You Tell if Your Eco-Friendly Product is Just a Green Lie?

Can You Tell if Your Eco-Friendly Product is Just a Green Lie?

There are so many challenges facing consumers and business buyers who are trying to navigate the minefield of sustainability claims.  Marketing messages are not reliable barometers, nor are the ususal Corporate ESG reports.  Where to source reliable information?

With the founder of  ecowiser, we uncover the ways he is trying to empower consumers to make informed choices while supporting brands that are genuinely committed to sustainable practices. Our conversation underscores the need for ongoing dialogue and collaboration in the pursuit of a more sustainable future. Because  ultimately, by understanding the complexities of sustainability and utilizing resources like ecow...

Episode 251 10 August 2024 16m and 31s

Litigation or Liberation? The Indigenous Conundrum

Litigation or Liberation? The Indigenous Conundrum

Navigating Indigenous Rights and Legal Challenges: Insights from the Five Seas Podcast

In this final episode of the series we cover naviagting the indgenous rights and legal challenges and end up full circle from where we began.  With lawyer turned social activist Leslie Anne St. Amour, a member of the Montclair Algonquin First Nation and the Campaigns Director for the non-profit group Raven. 

This episode delves into the intricate process of deciding whether to litigate, finding and funding litigation, and the myriad challenges faced by Indigenous communities in pursuing legal action. 

Deciding Whether to...

Episode 250 3 August 2024 19m and 11s

Are Indigenous Rights Truly Being Upheld?

Are Indigenous Rights Truly Being Upheld?

We continue our series about Indigenous rights  with Leslie Anne St. Amour, a Bonnechere Algonquin First Nation member and the Campaigns Director for Raven. Here are the key points we discussed :

1. Disparity in Wealth Distribution

Key Points:

Indigenous communities receive funding for basic needs such as housing, healthcare, infrastructure, and education.Canada profits from Indigenous lands through activities like mining and logging, but indigenous people do not benefit from these profits.

In-Depth Analysis:

Indigenous communities in Canada are often funded similarly to municipalities, receiving allocations for essential services. However, the wealth g...

Episode 249 27 July 2024 19m and 15s

Why are Indigenous Perspectives Overlooked?

Why are Indigenous Perspectives Overlooked?

We continue to dive into the critical topic of Indigenous rights and issues they face with Leslie Anne St. Amour, a Bonnechere Algonquin First Nation member and the Campaigns Director for Raven. This episode offers a profound exploration of the historical and contemporary challenges faced by Indigenous communities, emphasizing the importance of understanding and addressing systemic injustices.  Specifically,

The Impact of Laws and Treaties

Leslie Anne provides a detailed account of how historical laws and treaties have adversely affected Indigenous communities. One poignant example is the creation of Algonquin Park. Initially intended to protect trees f...

Episode 248 20 July 2024 13m and 44s

Colonial Deceptions; Indigenous Injustices

Colonial Deceptions; Indigenous Injustices

With Leslie Anne St. Amour, a lawyer, champion of Indigenous rights, a social activist and the Campaigns Director of Raven, we get up close and personal in trying to understand the Indigenous perspective.   Because, despite the critical role Indigenous communities can play in environmental stewardship, there is a noticeable reluctance to integrate their voices. This reluctance can be attributed to several factors:

Historical Marginalization: Indigenous communities have been historically marginalized and excluded from decision-making processes.

Lack of Awareness: There is a general lack of awareness about the depth of indigenous knowledge and its relevance to c...

Episode 247 13 July 2024 14m and 41s

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