Skill Piper

The Podmaster: podcasting growth advice and insights for people and brands

Brought to you by, The Podmaster (Neal Veglio)

The Podmaster: podcasting growth advice and insights for people and brands

I'm 'The Podmaster', here to help you with podcasting growth advice and insights, whether you're a brand or an individual who's looking to grow your podcast and attain 'podmastery'. My name is Neal Veglio and I've been in the podcasting game since 2001, when I became the first person in the UK to upload audio of my then radio show online, and generate an audience. This audience followed me throughout my radio career and engaged with my various other podcasts. But it wasn't always easy. And when I took a career break from radio for a few years in 2007, I had...

...see more


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Recent Episodes of The Podmaster: podcasting growth advice and insights for people and brands

Do you really need a video podcast in 2024?

Do you really need a video podcast in 2024?

Do you really need video to make your podcast a hit?

I'm Neal Veglio, your Podmaster, and listen, I get it – there's a narrative floating around that you can't succeed without a video component for your podcast.

Just the other day, I came across a bloke from Riverside banging on about how video is a must because YouTube is now the "top podcast app."

If you're under the impression that without video your podcast is doomed, you need to listen to this episode.

Timestamped summary

00:00 Video - necessary for po...

Episode 21 6 September 2024 11m and 56s

5 Reasons Apple Podcasts Escaping iPhone Jail Is Awesome!

5 Reasons Apple Podcasts Escaping iPhone Jail Is Awesome!

Have you heard the news? You no longer need an Apple device to get access to Apple Podcasts!

But why has this got everyone at Podknows Podcasting all fired up?

Associate Producer Amelia Knight is here to share exactly why.

Mentioned in this episode:

Podmaster Free Tips

This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

Chartable -

Episode 21 5 September 2024 2m and 46s

5 Podcast Episode Ideas for 2024 (especially for health, true crime, and news podcasts)

5 Podcast Episode Ideas for 2024 (especially for health, true crime, and news podcasts)

Welcome back to The Podmaster!

Have you ever felt stuck when it comes to brainstorming unique podcast episode ideas?

You're not alone.

So, I've got five fresh and creative podcast concepts to help you breathe new life into your recordings for 2024.

Next steps

Want to get more of a handle on your podcast strategy so you can enjoy more new ideal listeners who are actually going to enjoy what you're putting out?

Contact me!

Mentioned in this episode:<...

Episode 20 15 August 2024 3m and 57s

The 'top secret' tip for growing your podcast!

The 'top secret' tip for growing your podcast!

It's going to shock you, because it's so simple!

We're addressing a common issue many podcasters face: stagnant growth.

Despite some initial success, your podcast might have hit a plateau, and it's crucial to confront this reality.

I share exactly why this happens and explain how simple it is to solve it.

Blaming external factors won't help; the key lies in understanding and adjusting your current approach.

I'll share common misconceptions about podcast growth and highlight the need for strategic changes to achieve the results you desire.


Episode 19 8 August 2024 6m and 20s

Learn your REAL podcast global ranking - NOT your listen score!

Learn your REAL podcast global ranking - NOT your listen score!

Forget Listen Notes - this is how you learn your true ranking

It's one of the most perplexing and annoying parts of podcasting—understanding your podcast's global ranking.

Let's face it, it's a complicated mess.

You log into your host's dashboard, see some numbers, but what do they truly mean?

How do they stack up against others?

More importantly, how can you use this data to improve and maybe even monetize your show?

In this episode, I'm pulling back the curtain and showing you how to decipher yo...

Episode 18 22 July 2024 14m and 18s

THE most popular podcast microphone is hysterical! Also, Spotify adds comments and YouTube adds 'listeners'. *Feed drop episode of Podnews Weekly Review*

THE most popular podcast microphone is hysterical! Also, Spotify adds comments and YouTube adds 'listeners'. *Feed drop episode of Podnews Weekly Review*

In this special 'feed drop' episode, I, The Podmaster Neal Veglio, am co-hosting The Podnews Weekly Review with the excellent James Cridland.

During the episode, we talk about the most popular podcast microphone - and why its announcement left me needing to be picked up from the floor.

Also, Spotify adds comments on podcasts and YouTube would appear to now officially be performing 'miracles' given what kind of app it is....

Email: weekly@podnews.netTwitter: @jamescridland / @podnews and @samsethi / @joinpodfansLightning/NOSTR: ⚡ and ⚡sam@getalby.comMastodon: and @samsethi@podcastindex.socialSupport us: ...

Episode 17 17 July 2024 58m and 9s

The Asylum - LinkedIn Won't Like This - Trailer - The Asylum - Unmasking The Lunacy Inside LinkedIn

The Asylum - LinkedIn Won't Like This - Trailer - The Asylum - Unmasking The Lunacy Inside LinkedIn

Welcome to "The Asylum - LinkedIn Won't Like This", a podcast that gets messy into the depths of the world’s largest professional networking platform.

We'll be ruffling feathers and spilling the secrets behind the connections, the phony influencers, and the scammers who make up LinkedIn’s dark, creepy underbelly.

Each week, we tackle a new topic that goes beyond the polished profiles and perfect endorsements.

From scams and fake influencers to the effectiveness of networking and the point of verification or LinkedIn Premium, we're definitely not here to make friends.


Episode 28 June 2024 1m and 8s

Record Number of UK Podcast Listeners! - Official 2024 Data - Your Business Needs A Branded Podcast: podcasting for lead generation, brand growth and sales

Record Number of UK Podcast Listeners! - Official 2024 Data - Your Business Needs A Branded Podcast: podcasting for lead generation, brand growth and sales

As the UK's top podcast consultant, it's my job to keep ahead of trends in podcasting in the country.

Along with that, the latest Edison Research data has been released, revealing a significant growth in podcast listenership in the UK.

This episode addresses both aspiring and existing podcasters, highlighting the key demographics and their engagement levels.

Next steps:

Fancy working with me on launching your new podcast?

Find out all you need to know at

Episode 27 June 2024 10m and 36s

Do you know what to talk about in your episodes?

Do you know what to talk about in your episodes?

The Art of Topic Selection in Podcasting

When prepping your episodes, have you ever felt like you're throwing darts in the dark, hoping one hits the bullseye?

Recording podcast episodes can feel just like that.

You've got ideas aplenty, but understanding which will hook your listener from the get-go seems like you're playing Jenga after a can of Special Brew.

I'm here to tell you it doesn't need to be a guessing game.

In this episode of "The Podmaster", we're covering what you really should be talking about in...

Episode 16 1 May 2024 18m and 38s

How to get more listeners to your podcast (that you actually want!)

How to get more listeners to your podcast (that you actually want!)

Boosting Your Podcast Listeners - Effective Growth Strategies

If you’re wrenching your hair out over your stagnating podcast audience, parked stubbornly south of the 100-listeners per episode mark....

Give me your ears!

Not literally, keep those; you’ll need them for what you're about to hear.

The pain of the plateau

I get it; the deflation hits hard when your buffer audience wouldn’t fill a dinghy, let alone that elusive cruise liner you dream of sipping Negronis on after a good hour in the hot tub.


Episode 15 15 April 2024 10m and 3s

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