Skill Piper

The Profitable Tradie Podcast

Brought to you by, Tony Fraser-Jones

The Profitable Tradie Podcast

Are you the owner of a Plumbing, Electrical, or similar service business and looking to increase your profits and regain your freedom? If you answered yes to any of the above then follow/subscribe now, this is the podcast for you! Presented by Tony Fraser-Jones and Phil Smith from Profitable Tradie. We dive into what it takes to build a profitable trades business that gives you the time and freedom you deserve. We touch on topics like... - How to hire decent tradespeople. - What to do when clients don't pay their invoice. - How to get around people beating...

...see more


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Recent Episodes of The Profitable Tradie Podcast

What Is A Fair Market Salary? (And Why You Need It)

What Is A Fair Market Salary? (And Why You Need It)

Do you pay yourself a salary?  

How about a fair market salary? 

Maybe you’re not quite sure what that is?  

Many trades and contracting business owners don’t know either. 

They just make up a number that seems right. 

And continue working 60+ hour weeks, effectively getting paid below minimum wage... 

Others pay themselves whatever’s left over at the end of the month. 

Basically, just taking the scraps to cover bare minimum expenses... 

Or worse, they take money out of drawings whenever they need it. <...

Episode 131 23 July 2024 31m and 56s

How Your Friends Impact Your Business Success

How Your Friends Impact Your Business Success

In 1954, Roger Bannister ran a mile in under 4 minutes. 

Before him, nobody thought that was possible. 

Today, more than a thousand runners have done it. 

Bannister showed how far the bar could be raised, inspiring his peers to reach further. 

Do your friends inspire you to take your business to new heights?

Do they stretch you?  

Seeing their achievements inspires you to reach further... 

Challenge you?  

To be serious about your business and do the hard work to improve it... 

Set an exampl...

Episode 130 16 July 2024 28m and 11s

How to Win Work from Builders & General Contractors w/ Adam Ballinger

How to Win Work from Builders & General Contractors w/ Adam Ballinger

Builders & General Contractors are tricky, right? 


They can be super unorganized, which can mess you around and kill your profits.  


If you’re not careful, they can also use you like a bank...  


On the other hand, they can bring in a lot of work opportunities.  


So, how can we work with Builders and General Contractors in a productive way? And what’s the key to ensuring they call you the next time they need a job done?  


On this week’s The Profita...

Episode 129 9 July 2024 34m and 49s

How to Maintain Your Marriage as a Business Owner

How to Maintain Your Marriage as a Business Owner

Do you ever get to the end of a long week and think to yourself...

“What’s the point of it all?” 

Despite working 50+ hours, you’re still left... 

Scrambling to meet unreasonable demands from your customers. 

Fixing team mistakes and answering the constant barrage of questions. 

Stressed about getting paid and how you’re going to keep the team busy. 

And for all of that, you’re probably getting paid less than your top tradesmen.  

But that’s not the worst part... 

The stress starts to c...

Episode 128 2 July 2024 32m and 22s

This Hiring Mistake Could Hurt Your Business

This Hiring Mistake Could Hurt Your Business

"I need to hire an [INSERT TITLE HERE], let me promote [INSERT EMPLOYEE NAME HERE] Because he’s my best worker” 

Here’s the critical mistake. 

A move from a tradesman to operation manager or similar role is not a promotion. 

It’s a career change. 

You should absolutely reward your best worker in any way you can 

But it’s important to understand the different skills required for on the tools and in the office. 

You can’t pick your Opps manager off merit and loyalty unfortunately. 

Episode 127 25 June 2024 32m and 12s

What To Do With Family & Friend Discounts

What To Do With Family & Friend Discounts

Family & Friend Discounts. 

There’s something about it that makes us feel good.  

Especially when we use the skills our business offers to give them a valuable service. 

There are so many business owners who sacrifice a little bit of monthly profit to help their family and friends out. 

I just wish more of them knew the real cost... 

Because it’s not just the job profit you’re sacrificing.  

Everybody knows there’s a cost for doing this type of work. 

But It’s scary how few know...

Episode 126 18 June 2024 23m and 33s

Why Your Business Feels Bottlenecked

Why Your Business Feels Bottlenecked

Do you have issues in your business but just haven’t had the time to fix them? 

Let's say your system for tracking your numbers. 

You know if you get it sorted, your profit will improve. 

You might even have a plan about how you’re going to do it 

But to this day the issue is still there... 

It's probably because you just don’t have the time to make these changes to your business. 

But unfortunately, the more you put it off the more urgent these fixes...

Episode 125 11 June 2024 30m and 42s

How To Win Large Jobs or Projects

How To Win Large Jobs or Projects

If there’s one thing I miss from my days as an employee, it's the certainty.  

Getting home at the same time every day and being able to enjoy time with friends & family. 

Don't get me wrong, being a business owner is much better than being an employee... 

But having a guaranteed income does have its advantages. 

That's why landing large jobs is appealing. 

They give you 6-12 months' work that's worth decent money. 

And instead of constantly finding, pricing, completing and invoicing lots of little jobs 

Big j...

Episode 124 4 June 2024 49m and 31s

How Much Should You Pay A Tradesman?

How Much Should You Pay A Tradesman?

How much should you pay your employees? 

It’s not actually all that complicated. 

But let’s get one thing clear. 

There is no golden number. 

For example, I could say that you should pay a new employee $41 per hour.  

But that number is one I made up and more than likely isn’t the right figure for you. 

But here’s the good news.  

It’s not rocket science. 

Every position for every business has that golden number. 

A number which is high enough...

Episode 123 28 May 2024 27m and 46s

How To Stop Rollercoaster Income

How To Stop Rollercoaster Income

Is your work flow up and down? 

One month it feels like you’re two employees short and the next it feels like you have too many. 

Phil & I have noticed more and more businesses suffering from this setback. 

So we recorded a training on what it is and how to avoid it. 


The tools to achieve consistent workflow from month to month Understand what Marketing lag is and how it can effect your workload Urgency to reach out to clients to ke...

Episode 122 21 May 2024 26m and 10s

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