Skill Piper

The UFO Rabbit Hole Podcast

Brought to you by, Kelly Chase

The UFO Rabbit Hole Podcast

The UFO Rabbit Hole Podcast is a structured, science-based deep dive into the phenomenon. Grounded enough for skeptics, accessible for newbs, and deeply researched enough for seasoned ufologists. There are no agendas and no sensationalism—just a no-nonsense overview of everything we know so far, so that you can decide what you think for yourself. New to the UFO topic and don't know where to start?This podcast was created so that you can start on episode one with no prior knowledge and get up to speed with the most seasoned researchers in the field. Hosted by Kelly Chase.Become a...

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Recent Episodes of The UFO Rabbit Hole Podcast

Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 5]: Peter Levenda: Conspiracies, Disclosure, and The Occult

Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 5]: Peter Levenda: Conspiracies, Disclosure, and The Occult

In this episode, you’re going to hear from Peter Levenda who spoke at the Inquire into Anomalous Experience and the Phenomenon conference in April of 2023. Although this talk is from a little over a year ago, I think you’ll find that it feels especially timely given everything that’s been going on in the news. It’s also well-timed with the upcoming release of the third book and final book in the Gods, Man, and War series that he authored with Tom DeLonge. War will be out in September, and I know many of us in the communit...

Episode 58 21 July 2024 54m and 46s

Inquire Anomalous [Ep 4]: Joshua Cutchin on UFOs & the Ecology of Souls

Inquire Anomalous [Ep 4]: Joshua Cutchin on UFOs & the Ecology of Souls

The podcast is still on hiatus as I work with the Ontocalypse team to wrap up production on our upcoming docuseries, The Beyond: UFOs & A New Reality. But while I’m away, I’ve teamed up with Jay Christopher King to bring you guys a series of unreleased talks from the phenomenal Inquiry into Anomalous Experience and the Phenomenon conferences.

In this talk, we hear from Joshua Cutchin. Josh is a researcher and author of several books including Thieves in the Night: A Brief History of Supernatural Child Abductions and Ecology of Souls: A New Mythology of Deat...

Episode 57 27 June 2024 50m and 33s

Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 3]: James Fox & Leslie Kean hosted by Curt Jaimungal

Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 3]: James Fox & Leslie Kean hosted by Curt Jaimungal

In the third episode of this series, we’re bring you a panel discussion from the April 2023 conference. This panel was hosted by Curt Jaimungal of Theories of Everything and features Leslie Kean and James Fox. Listening back to this discussion is especially fascinating given the timing. This was just a couple of months before the article written by Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal broke in The Debrief where the world learned about whistleblower David Grusch and his allegations about the existence of top-secret UFO crash retrieval programs. So besides being a great conversation, it’s an interesting time caps...

Episode 56 23 May 2024 52m and 43s

Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 2]: Dr. Michael P. Masters on Extratempestrials & Contact Experiences

Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 2]: Dr. Michael P. Masters on Extratempestrials & Contact Experiences

The podcast is going to be on hiatus for a few more weeks as I work with the Ontocalupse team to wrap up production on our upcoming docuseries, The Beyond: UFOs & A New Reality, which is due out this summer.

But I didn’t want to leave you hanging, so in the meantime, I’ve teamed up with Jay Christopher King to bring you guys a series of unreleased talks from the phenomenal Inquiry into Anomalous Experience and the Phenomenon conferences. In the second episode in this series, you’re going to hear what is one of my all...

Episode 55 26 April 2024 58m and 37s

Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 1]: Tim Gallaudet on USOs & Underwater Anomalies

Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 1]: Tim Gallaudet on USOs & Underwater Anomalies

Today, I’m bringing you something a little different. As most of you already know, my new media company, Ontocalypse Productions—headed up by myself, Jay Christopher King, and Jordan Flowers, is currently in the midst of completing our first docuseries due out this summer entitled The Beyond: UFOs & A New Reality.

While we’re hard at work on that, posting for the podcast will be a little bit more sporadic over the next few weeks, but rest-assured that The UFO Rabbit Hole will be back to its regularly scheduled programming in June. And you’ll still be getti...

Episode 54 3 April 2024 53m and 12s

Ep 36: An Interview with Bernardo Kastrup: UFOs, Ultraterrestrials, and Meaning In Absurdity

Ep 36: An Interview with Bernardo Kastrup: UFOs, Ultraterrestrials, and Meaning In Absurdity

In today’s episode, I had the absolute honor of speaking with one of my personal intellectual heroes, Bernardo Kastrup. 

Bernardo Kastrup is the executive director of the Essentia Foundation. His work has been leading the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy (with a focus in ontology and philosophy of mind) and another Ph.D. in computer engineering (with a focus in reconfigurable computing and artificial intelligence). As a scientist, Bernardo has worked for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Philips Res...

Episode 53 14 March 2024 1h, 6m and 21s

Ep 35: Through the Looking Glass [Pt 1]: My Initiation Into The Anomalous

Ep 35: Through the Looking Glass [Pt 1]: My Initiation Into The Anomalous

This episode is going to be different, because for the first time I’m going to talk about something that I never thought I’d talk about publicly, which is my own anomalous experience and how it changed everything about my life and directly led to me starting this podcast.

This is the story of my own highly subjective journey. I’m not asking you to believe anything that I’m saying. My own opinion about what happened to me has changed more times than I count, and I have no doubt that it will change again. My purpo...

Episode 52 1 March 2024 1h, 24m and 24s

Ep 34: The Disclosure Field Guide [Pt 2]: Black Budgets & The Secret Space Program

Ep 34: The Disclosure Field Guide [Pt 2]: Black Budgets & The Secret Space Program

Today we are going to be continuing our Disclosure Field Guide series. As the disclosure narrative continues to unfold, this series seeks to offer a roadmap for those trying to make sense of just what exactly is going on in this strange and confounding moment in our human history.

In the first episode, we talked about how to deal with the ontological shock of recognizing that the world that we live in is not what we were told, and how to get reoriented within that new paradigm. In part two, we’re going to go a step fu...

Episode 51 9 February 2024 1h, 16m and 23s

Ep 33: An Interview with Whitley Strieber: On Communion with Non-Human Intelligences

Ep 33: An Interview with Whitley Strieber: On Communion with Non-Human Intelligences

Content Warning: Sexual assault

In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with someone that I regard to be one of the best minds and brightest lights in this field, Whitley Strieber. Whitley Strieber is an author of both fiction and nonfiction books, perhaps the most famous of which is his pioneering 1987 book Communion, which detailed his experience of abduction that occurred in the winter of 1985. Since then, Whitley has made many other contributions to the field including his most recent book entitled Them, and the book Super Natural which he co-wrote with Jeffrey J...

Episode 50 3 February 2024 1h, 1m and 45s

Ep 32: A Conversation with Jay Christopher King: UFO Revolution

Ep 32: A Conversation with Jay Christopher King: UFO Revolution

In this, the first episode of 2024, I’m welcoming my dear friend, Jay Christopher King, back to the podcast. I know most of you are already familiar with Jay and his work, but for anyone who’s new here, Jay is the director of The Experiencer Group and the co-founder of the phenomenal Inquire Anomalous conference series in NYC.

More recently, Jay and I have teamed up with our friend Jordan Flowers to found a new media company called Ontocalypse Productions. Under that banner we have already started production on our first docuseries called The Beyond: UFOs & A Ne...

Episode 49 15 January 2024 1h, 18m and 34s

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