Skill Piper

The Outthinking Investor

Brought to you by, PGIM

The Outthinking Investor

In this environment of uncertainty, it's more important than ever for investors to think outside the box. Welcome to The Outthinking Investor, an award-winning podcast from PGIM that examines past events, present-day opportunities, and future possibilities across global capital markets. In Season 4, hosted by Toby Ricketts, experts from PGIM and the investment world bring unique perspectives as we explore a fast-changing landscape of investment opportunities and risks. Join us as we take a deep dive into the portfolio implications of a changing world.

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Recent Episodes of The Outthinking Investor

Retirement at Risk: New Ideas for an Uncertain Future

Retirement at Risk: New Ideas for an Uncertain Future

In the middle of the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt spearheaded the creation of Social Security, forever changing the US retirement system and how Americans think about long-term savings. Only a few pensions existed at the time, and Social Security was the first government-backed program to provide for the basic welfare of all seniors. The retirement landscape in the US—and around the world—has no doubt undergone massive change since the days of FDR. DC plans have significantly improved the retirement outlook, and an estimated 54.3% of American families now participate in some form of retirement plan such as a 40...

Episode 7 9 July 2024 29m and 36s

The Paradox of Diversification: The 60-40 Portfolio’s Future

The Paradox of Diversification: The 60-40 Portfolio’s Future

Harry Markowitz, the legendary economist and father of modern portfolio theory, has been credited with saying that diversification is the only free lunch in investing. However, his work on the efficient frontier shows that investors give up expected returns to lower expected risk. This may make diversification even more compelling. With uncertainty becoming a prevailing theme in financial markets and the global economy, focusing on the benefits on diversification could prove valuable for investors. The 60-40 portfolio may have lost its luster in the broad market selloff of 2022, but allocating across a diverse mix of assets is crucial in...

Episode 6 11 June 2024 25m and 44s

A Pension Comeback? The Future of Retirement in a Higher-For-Longer Regime

A Pension Comeback? The Future of Retirement in a Higher-For-Longer Regime

Millions of college students across the US graduate each spring and enter the workforce. When today’s retirees entered the workforce in the early 1980s, pension plans and Social Security benefits were two of the main sources of retirement income. Just a couple decades later, defined benefit (DB) plans were overtaken by defined contribution (DC) plans such as 401(k)s, and an aging population was slowly depleting the Social Security Trust Fund. This was a massive shift in a relatively short period of time, and it forever changed one of the most important and challenging aspects of personal finance.


Episode 5 7 May 2024 25m and 45s

Minding Your Blind Spots: Investment Strategies for a New Regime

Minding Your Blind Spots: Investment Strategies for a New Regime

The stock market crash of 1929 was a pivotal event that rippled across the globe. The Great Crash rocked financial markets, not to mention the world economy, and proved to be a precursor to the Great Depression. The sudden selloff wiped out the fortunes of investors who were ill prepared to ride out a bear market. Today, investors must heed the lessons from volatile markets of the past and take stock of hidden risks that may reveal themselves as current market conditions evolve. What strategies can investors employ to mitigate downside risks in their portfolios?

This episode of...

Episode 4 9 April 2024 24m and 55s

Healthy Returns: Identifying Future Winners Amid Rapid Medical Innovation

Healthy Returns: Identifying Future Winners Amid Rapid Medical Innovation

Some medical breakthroughs come from unexpected sources. The origins of new weight-loss drugs such as Ozempic—known in the industry as GLP-1s—can be traced back to 2005, when they were introduced as a treatment for diabetes. Two decades later, these drugs have seemingly burst onto the medical scene, gaining notoriety for their ability to help people lose weight and the potential implications for a variety of other business sectors.

This “Ozempic effect” serves as an important lesson for investors: Healthcare innovations often have a cascading impact on the economy and their portfolios. With the healthcare industry working...

Episode 3 19 March 2024 23m and 49s

Forever in Your Debt: Investment Risks in an Era of Big Spending

Forever in Your Debt: Investment Risks in an Era of Big Spending

A storm may be brewing off the coast. It is not a new concern for investors, but its intensity has grown. The US federal government owes more than $34 trillion—and counting. This level of debt has the potential to wreak havoc, even for the world’s largest economy. Government debt has grown in other parts of the globe as well, and debt held by consumers and businesses can also pose economic risks. With a tsunami of debt lurking in the distance, investors must take stock of the potential ramifications if it ever crashes onto the shore.

This epis...

Episode 2 13 February 2024 24m and 7s

Industrial Policy’s Rebirth Is Reshaping the Economy

Industrial Policy’s Rebirth Is Reshaping the Economy

Industrial policy is making a comeback in the West. The US, Europe and other governments have introduced new incentives to the private sector in hopes of bringing supply chains closer to home, boosting domestic industries, and building strategic advantages in key technologies such as semiconductors and EVs. But success is not guaranteed. Can governments pick winners and losers? Do the potential benefits of industrial spending, such as driving innovation and economic growth, outweigh the consequences of higher debt and interest rates?

This episode of The OUTThinking Investor gathered insights from three experts on economics and fiscal policy...

Episode 1 9 January 2024 27m and 33s

S4 Trailer: The Outthinking Investor

S4 Trailer: The Outthinking Investor

In this environment of uncertainty, it's more important than ever for investors to think outside the box. Welcome to The Outthinking Investor, an award-winning podcast from PGIM that examines past events, present-day opportunities, and future possibilities across global capital markets. In Season 4, hosted by Toby Ricketts, experts from PGIM and the investment world bring unique perspectives as we explore a fast-changing landscape of investment opportunities and risks. Join us as we take a deep dive into the portfolio implications of a changing world.

Episode 22 December 2023 1m and 26s

Help Wanted: Four Forces Transforming Labor Markets

Help Wanted: Four Forces Transforming Labor Markets

The invention of the spinning jenny in 1764 upended the textile industry—and the women who earned a living weaving cotton and preparing fabrics in their homes. Suddenly, these jobs became obsolete. Just as the industrial revolution had a profound impact on how people worked and lived, structural forces are transforming global labor markets today, from slowing globalization to the advent of generative AI. The evolution of labor markets is poised to reshape the macro landscape in the years to come, posing broad implications across the investment portfolio.

In this episode of PGIM’s The OUTThinking Investor, we talk...

Episode 9 27 November 2023 28m and 13s

Risky Business: Taking a Long-Term View on Market Shocks

Risky Business: Taking a Long-Term View on Market Shocks

In one of Rembrandt’s famous paintings, Storm on the Sea of Galilee, a ship’s crew struggles to navigate through an epic storm thrashing the ship. But toward the stern, Jesus sits calmly. This image graced the cover of Peter Bernstein’s classic book, Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk. So what can investors take away from a classic piece of Renaissance art? Market shocks can emerge suddenly and in unexpected ways. Mitigating the impact of these risks is no doubt challenging when they are difficult to predict. Still, investors need a gameplan.

This episod...

Episode 8 9 October 2023 23m and 4s

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