Skill Piper

Position of Neutrality

Brought to you by, Joe McDonald

Position of Neutrality

PON is a study of the manner of living suggested by the founders of AA which was recorded in the book: Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of how Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered From Alcoholism.

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Recent Episodes of Position of Neutrality

Position of Neutrality: Embrace AA’s 12 Steps for True Recovery – Step by Step Guide

Position of Neutrality: Embrace AA’s 12 Steps for True Recovery – Step by Step Guide

He may rebel at the thought of a drastic house cleaning which requires discussion with other people. Do not contradict such views. Tell him that you once felt as he does but you doubt whether you’d have made much progress had you not taken action. On your first visit, tell him about the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. If he shows any interest, then lend him a copy of your book.

The Big Book shows that AA, CA, and other groups follow the original 12 steps. Adapt this manner of living to become a better fellow in...

Episode 1 August 2024 55s

Position of Neutrality: Show How AA’s Spiritual Tools Transformed My Life – Step by Step Guide

Position of Neutrality: Show How AA’s Spiritual Tools Transformed My Life – Step by Step Guide

Let us warn you in advance though we’re liable to be perceived by you a little differently than other meetings of twelve-step fellowships you may have attended. The primary reason is that we intend for you to have a different experience here. What we do is take a look at the suggested instruction for a step or so a week directly out of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. The process described by the authors of this book has been proven to work for addicts of the hopeless variety, addicts to alcohol and other substances. ‘Faith without works is d...

Episode 31 July 2024 45s

Position of Neutrality: Transform Your Life – Step by Step Recovery Guide for Hopeless Addicts Step 12

Position of Neutrality: Transform Your Life – Step by Step Recovery Guide for Hopeless Addicts Step 12

Let us warn you in advance though we’re liable to be perceived by you a little differently than other meetings of twelve-step fellowships you may have attended. The primary reason is that we intend for you to have a different experience here. What we do is take a look at the suggested instruction for a step or so a week directly out of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. The process described by the authors of this book has been proven to work for addicts of the hopeless variety, addicts to alcohol and other substances. ‘Faith without works is d...

Episode 31 July 2024 53s

Position of Neutrality: Addressing Different Beliefs in Recovery – Step 12

Position of Neutrality: Addressing Different Beliefs in Recovery – Step 12

In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, it acknowledges that some people are religious and believe they have sinned beyond redemption, while others are atheists or agnostics assuming the power to do better is within them. It’s important to address these groups separately. For those who are religious, it’s about understanding that we don’t rely solely on our own understanding, as the Bible says, ‘lean not on your own understanding.’ For atheists and agnostics, the power needed to do better is indeed within you, but it is not of you. Anyone know what I’m talking about? Join...

Episode 31 July 2024 54s

Position of Neutrality: Learning from Jim the Car Guy – Step 12

Position of Neutrality: Learning from Jim the Car Guy – Step 12

In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, we read about Jim the car guy. Jim didn’t even start drinking until he was middle-aged and found he was good at it—so good that he lost the car dealership he owned because of his drinking. When we pick up on Jim’s story, he’s having to work for the dealership he once owned. The authors describe how Jim felt a little agitated on his way to work. How many of you have had to go to a diminished job because of your behavior and addiction and felt a little a...

Episode 30 July 2024 59s

Position of Neutrality: Sharing Experiences and Guiding Others – Step 12

Position of Neutrality: Sharing Experiences and Guiding Others – Step 12

In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, it says, ‘So that’s the experience we want to share with them.’ Just because I think I’m doing this, knowing my history, doesn’t mean I’m free from the insanity of the first drink. When they talk about the insanity of the first one, I’m certifiable at the point I take one, knowing my history. So, at this stage, don’t refer to this book unless he has seen it or wishes to discuss it, and be careful not to brand him as an alcoholic. Let him draw his own conclusi...

Episode 30 July 2024 37s

Position of Neutrality: The Reward of Lifting Others – Step 12

Position of Neutrality: The Reward of Lifting Others – Step 12

In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, it says, ‘Helping others is the foundation stone of your recovery.’ My sponsor once told me those were the twelve-step promises, but he didn’t tell me it was a job description. He said, ‘That’s the best you got coming, son, the way you live.’ Fact is, it is the best I had coming. The most rewarding experiences of my life are lifting somebody up out of deplorable conditions and watching them sail. It also states, ‘Practical experience shows that nothing will so much ensure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alc...

Episode 30 July 2024 27s

Position of Neutrality: Lifting Others and Offering a Way of Life – Step 12

Position of Neutrality: Lifting Others and Offering a Way of Life – Step 12

In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, it says, ‘We seldom allow an alcoholic to live in our homes for long at a time. It’s not good for him and sometimes creates serious complications in the family.’ The most rewarding experiences of my life are lifting somebody up out of deplorable conditions and watching them sail. Though an alcoholic does not respond, there’s no reason why you should neglect their family. You should continue to be friendly to them and offer your way of life. I must be in a way of life to offer it, but I can le...

Episode 29 July 2024 49s

Position of Neutrality: Understanding the Alcoholic – Step 12

Position of Neutrality: Understanding the Alcoholic – Step 12

In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, it recounts another trip to the asylum for Jim. Any of you relate to thinking it would be harmless to oops? The other guy they talk about—well, we don’t need to get into it. Do you relate to those things? If he’s alcoholic, he’ll understand you at once. So the good news is we’re communicating. The bad news is you just caught alcoholism. But there is a solution. Join us as we explore the transformative power of Step 12, focusing on understanding the alcoholic and the solution offered in recover...

Episode 29 July 2024 35s

Position of Neutrality: Admitting Traits of an Alcoholic – Step 12

Position of Neutrality: Admitting Traits of an Alcoholic – Step 12

In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, it says, ‘You will soon have your friend admitting he has many if not all the traits of an alcoholic.’ If I’m properly armed with the facts about myself, I can match your experiences if you want to match them. If you don’t, if you’re just finding the differences, then we just aren’t ready, or I’m not a competent enough messenger. I can admit my incompetence for the sake of your life, but I won’t be so afraid of what you’ll think of me because I delivered the tr...

Episode 29 July 2024 34s

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