Skill Piper

NER Kids

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NER Kids

專為3至8歲兒童打造的雙語節目,秉持「英語放輕鬆 5分鐘馬上通」讓孩子打開耳朵自然而然學習,節目匯集瘋英語、小小世界通、你說我說大家說和麻吉同學會不會等系列,透過簡單實用的生活句型、各地文化風情、國際禮儀、自然科學及學校趣事等,用雙語輕鬆有趣的解析,強化孩子英語聽說的能力。【每周六日固定更新】 Powered by Firstory Hosting

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Recent Episodes of NER Kids

兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會:圖書館借書實用句~

兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會:圖書館借書實用句~

ibrary圖書館librarian 圖書館員I'm looking for + 找的書類/書名What can I find ….? 我可以在哪找到....(書)This book can be found in the ….section. 這本書可以在...區找到Can I have these books please?我可以借這些書嗎?Do you have a library card? 你有借書證嗎?

借書除了用borrow 還可以用check out (the books)~
A: How long can I keep.borrow/check out these books for?我能借書多久?
B: Up to … days. 最多...天

book renewal 延期,續借書You can request a book renewal twice. 妳可以要求延長借閱期限兩次Are there any fees for returning books late? 逾期還書要還錢嗎?overdue 逾期You will be charged $1 for every day a book is overdue. 每本書逾期一天,你就會被要求付1元

How can I return the books to you?

搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

Episode 13 6 September 2024 5m and 22s

兒童英語童謠 充電5分鐘|童話小森林:I'm a little teapot. 我是支小茶壺~

兒童英語童謠 充電5分鐘|童話小森林:I'm a little teapot. 我是支小茶壺~

I'm a little teapot, short and stout.
Here's my handle,
Here's my spout.
When the tea is ready,
Hear me shout,
Pick me up and pour me out!

搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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Episode 12 31 August 2024 5m and 22s

兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會:旅遊狀況求助英文!

兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會:旅遊狀況求助英文!

We seem to be lost. Where’s the nearest train station?
我們好像迷路了 最近的火車站在哪呢?
At which bus stop should I get off to go to the museum?
Is this bus going to the zoo? 這班公車是去動物園嗎?
How can I get to Disneyland? = What’s the best way to get to Disneyland?
我要怎麼樣去迪士尼樂園? 最快的方式?
Could you recommend some tourist spots? 可以推薦一些景點嗎?

Can we have a table for two? 有兩人的位子嗎?
allergic to….對...過敏
I’m allergic to seafood. 我對海鮮過敏
Can we have the check/bill, please? 我們要結帳,帳單謝謝~~

(In case of emergency)
Call the police! 快報警! 
pickpockets 扒手
Help! I need an ambulance! 救命 我需要叫救護車
I need to go to the hospital! 我需要去醫院!!!


Episode 11 30 August 2024 5m and 22s

兒童英語童謠 充電5分鐘|童話小森林:Rain on the green grass.雨落在綠色的草地上

兒童英語童謠 充電5分鐘|童話小森林:Rain on the green grass.雨落在綠色的草地上

Rain on the green grass,
And rain on the tree.
Rain on the housetop,
But not on me!
Rain on the green grass,
And rain on the tree.
Rain on the housetop,
But not on me!

搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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Episode 10 24 August 2024 5m and 21s

兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會:超實用旅遊英文

兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會:超實用旅遊英文

air sick 暈機
motion sickness pill 暈機藥
I feel air sick. Do you have any motion sickness pills?

我暈機 有暈機藥嗎
I have a headache. Do you have any aspirin?我頭痛有阿斯匹靈嗎?
What’s the difference between …and …?…和...時差是多少?
How long does it take to get to Australia? 到澳洲還要多久

到了當地 發現行李不見,可以這樣說...

My luggage is lost.My luggage didn’t arrive!

搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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Episode 9 23 August 2024 5m and 22s

兒童進階英語 充電5分鐘|給你5英棒:購物去囉~關於Shopping的用語

兒童進階英語 充電5分鐘|給你5英棒:購物去囉~關於Shopping的用語

Theme: Shopping購物的英語用語(英文老師 施雅菱Britney主講)
Opening times
What times are you open? 你們有哪幾天開門?
What time do you close? 你們什麼時候關門?
Are you open on _____? 你們___開門嗎?
店員:Can I help you? 有什麼需要幫忙的嗎?
客人: I’m just browsing/ shopping around, thanks. 我只是看看而已,謝謝。
: yes, I’m looking for______. 有的,我在找___。
: yes, Where can I find the_______? 有的,我可以在哪裡找到___。
: yes, Do you have ______ in stock? 有的,___還有貨嗎?
客人: Is there anywhere I can try this on? 我可以在哪裡試穿?
: Where is the dressing room/ fitting room? 請問更衣室在哪裡?
: Do you have a larger/ smaller size? 你們有大一點/小一點的尺寸嗎?
: Do you have a refund policy? 你們有退貨的政策嗎?
: Where can I get a refund? 我可以去哪裡退貨?
: I’d like to return this. It doesn’t suits me. 這件服裝款式不適合我,我想要退貨。
: I’d like to change this for a different size. It doesn’t fit me. 這件服裝尺寸不適合我,我想要換尺寸。
店員:Sorry, we don’t sell them. 抱歉,我們沒有賣這個。
: Sorry, we don’t have any left. 抱歉,我們賣完了。

Episode 8 17 August 2024 5m and

兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會:消暑好方法~

兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會:消暑好方法~


穿寬鬆衣服 wear loose clothes喝冰涼的水 drink lots of cold water含糖飲料會使中暑更嚴重 avoid drinks with sugar! They make heatstroke worse!不要在炎熱的車內逗留太久 don’t stay in a hot car for more than a few minutes尤其嬰兒 孩子 寵物都不要放在熱熱的車內!!! Never leave babies, children or pets in hot cars.一天最熱的時段(如中午)也不要在戶外活動try to avoid playing sports or do a lot of activities during the hottest times of the day (noon)

搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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Episode 7 16 August 2024 5m and 22s

兒童進階英語 充電5分鐘|給你5英棒: 飯店的英文日常用語

兒童進階英語 充電5分鐘|給你5英棒: 飯店的英文日常用語

2024/09/03 音檔更新喔~
主題--飯店的日常用語(英文老師 施雅菱Britney主講)
Theme: Hotel

Accommodation: 住宿
Hotel/ Inn 飯店
Motel 汽車旅館
Hostel 青旅
B&B (Bed and breakfast)
All inclusive: a big resort(度假村) that includes everything so you are not required to leave the property
Room types: 房間類型
Suite 套房
Deluxe 豪華
Adjoining rooms 連接房
Amenity 需求:local facilities such as stores and restaurants e.g. Wi-Fi, Swimming pool, gym
Basic amenities 基本需求: e.g. water and food
Book a room 訂房 / cancel the reservation 取消預約
BUT! If the room is booked means there’s no vacancies/ fully booked(無空房/訂滿)
Reception/ front desk: where you check-in and check-out 接待處/ 前台
: Do you allow early check-in? 你們接受提早check-in嗎?
: What...

Episode 6 10 August 2024 5m and 49s

兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會:中暑是什麼!?

兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會:中暑是什麼!?

猜一猜 以下哪些不會導致中暑?
Which of the following would NOT cause heatstroke?
中暑 heatstroke

Drinking hot drinks on a very cold day.在寒冷的天氣喝熱飲Exercising outside on a hot day.在炎熱的天氣在戶外運動Staying inside a car with no air conditioning in 30 degrees C weather.在攝氏30度的天氣待在沒有空調的車內

air conditioning 空調
It happens when your body’s temperature goes up to 40 degrees C or higher.中暑發生在妳的體溫升高至攝氏40度或更高時
But it’s different from a fever!不過他和fever發高燒是不同
所以中暑只會在炎熱 高溫下產生 因此剛剛A的選項,天氣冷的時候是不會中暑的!

搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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Episode 5 9 August 2024 5m and 22s

兒童進階英語 充電5分鐘|給你5英棒:出國篇 機場的英文用語

兒童進階英語 充電5分鐘|給你5英棒:出國篇 機場的英文用語

Theme: airport 機場日常用語(英文老師 施雅菱Britney主講)
Taking the taxi (搭計程車時)
: Can u drop us off near the entrance? (你可以把我們載到入口附近嗎?)
After arriving at the airport(到達機場後)
Terminal: arrival/ departure(航廈:入境/出境)
Check-in counter(報到櫃檯)
E.g. Excuse me, where is ____ airline’s check-in counter? (不好意思,請問一下某某航空公司的報到櫃檯在哪裡?)
Boarding pass(登機證)
Carry-on luggage/ bags(隨身行李)
Pat-down(搜身): whole body check (randomly chosen in US)
Overhead compartment/ Overhead bin(頭頂行李箱)
Baggage claim(領行李處)
E.g. Excuse me, where is the baggage claim?(不好意思,請問一下領行李的地方在哪裡?)
Immigration/ Passport control(移民局/海關)
Questions asked at the Immigration (passport control):
海關提問:What is your purpose of the visit?(此行的目的是什麼?)
Business or pleasure? (商務旅行還是來玩的?)
回答: Just visiting./ Pleasure(只是來玩的)
海關提問:How long will you be staying? (你會待在這裡待多久?)
Can I see your return ticket please?(可以看一下你的回程機票嗎?)
Enjoy your stay!(祝你旅遊愉快!)
Thanks, have a nice day!(謝謝,祝你有美好的一天!)


Episode 4 3 August 2024 5m and 47s

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