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Sasquatch Odyssey

Brought to you by, Sasquatch Odyssey-Bigfoot Encounters

Sasquatch Odyssey

In each episode, we bring you riveting interviews with individuals who have had encounters with the elusive Sasquatch. Each one of these stories will leave you wanting more. But that's not all. We go beyond the encounters and explore the realm of Bigfoot research from a critical thinking perspective. We bring you interviews with field researchers who dedicate their lives to unraveling the mysteries surrounding Sasquatch. These dedicated individuals use hard science and rigorous methodologies to investigate the existence of this legendary creature. Through thought-provoking discussions, we aim to shed light on the truth behind the Sasquatch phenomenon.Our show...

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Recent Episodes of Sasquatch Odyssey

SO EP:488 Bigfoot At Bradshaw Ranch Pt.1

SO EP:488 Bigfoot At Bradshaw Ranch Pt.1

In this episode, host Brian welcomes guests Ron and Alan to discuss their fascinating journey into the realms of Bigfoot and the paranormal. Ron, a filmmaker, shares insights from his series 'Chasing Bigfoot,' shedding light on his hypotheses about Bigfoot's possible non-physical nature. Alan, a BFRO investigator, recounts his transition from viewing Bigfoot as a flesh-and-blood creature to exploring its metaphysical aspects. They delve into their various experiences, encounters, and a new perspective toward researching Bigfoot. Additionally, they touch upon peculiar interactions with cameras and electronic equipment, and share details about their latest film project, 'The Mysteries of Bigfoot...

Episode 26 July 2024 53m and 3s

SO EP:487 The Hairy Man and The Little People

SO EP:487 The Hairy Man and The Little People

In this episode, Mike shares captivating stories and personal experiences from a remote island in Alaska. He recounts eerie tales learned from his grandfather about 'hairy men' and their encounters with children, as well as his own spine-chilling experiences with mysterious beings and unexplained phenomena over the years. Mike also discusses various encounters with 'little people' who exhibit both threatening and benevolent behaviors. This episode offers a glimpse into the rich oral history and supernatural lore of Alaska, emphasizing the importance of respect and caution when dealing with these mysterious entities.

We finish out the episode with Fred...

Episode 24 July 2024 51m and 55s

SO EP:486 Wood Apes In Area X Part Five

SO EP:486 Wood Apes In Area X Part Five

This episode delves into the activities and insights from the North American Wood Ape Conservancy's annual retreat. Prominent figures like Chairman Elton Higgins, Field Coordinator Daryl Collier, and Vice Chairman Paul Bowman share their summer experiences and observations, despite not capturing a wood ape. The discussion highlights potential ape sightings, strategic field operations, conservation persistence, and the concept of X refugia—isolated habitats for these creatures. The episode also covers the fragmentation of wood ape populations following European colonization, emphasizing the importance of habitat protection and a call to action for conservation efforts through organizations such as the National Wildlife Fe...

Episode 21 July 2024 1h, 8m and 47s

SO EP:485 Wood Apes In Area X Part Four

SO EP:485 Wood Apes In Area X Part Four

In this episode, the hosts delve into the challenges and skepticisms faced by Bigfoot researchers. They discuss common criticisms about the motives of the Texas Bigfoot Research Center (TBRC), the difficulties of capturing photographic evidence, and new behaviors like debris 'rain.' An extensive 90-day field study in an area named 'X' is highlighted, where numerous sightings and activities thought to be Bigfoot were documented, challenging the authenticity of potential hoaxes. The episode also explores the complexities of validating Sasquatch-like fossils, the significance of physical evidence, and includes a Q&A session on various Bigfoot-related topics and future investigative logistics. 

Episode 19 July 2024 1h, 30m and 2s

SO EP:484 Wood Apes In Area X Part Three

SO EP:484 Wood Apes In Area X Part Three

Experiences from Operation Persistence and Area X In this comprehensive episode, Brian delves into the  world of wood apes by bringing to light the experiences of the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy (TBRC) members during their three-month field study, Operation Persistence. With captivating discussions featuring Alton Higgins, Paul Bowman, and Daryl Collier, the episode uncovers life-changing encounters and groundbreaking discoveries, including rock wars, wood knocks, and visual sightings. Additionally, Travis reveals his intriguing encounters in Area X, detailing mysterious creatures with glowing eyes and growls. The episode concludes with a reflection on the significance of these findings and a call for c...

Episode 17 July 2024 1h, 14m and 10s

SO EP:483 Wood Apes In Area X Part Two

SO EP:483 Wood Apes In Area X Part Two

This episode, titled 'Further Adventures in the Land Called X,' explores the North American Wood Ape Conservancy's (NAWAC) investigations in the Washington Mountain Range. It features in-depth interviews with NAWAC members as they discuss their efforts to gather definitive evidence of Bigfoot through extensive field operations. Highlights include detailed accounts of data collection, challenges with surveillance technology, and intense encounters during Overwatch operations. A notable segment details a close encounter in Area X where a large heat signature was seen near a tent, leading to a tense moment involving a potential sighting of Bigfoot. The episode captures the group's...

Episode 14 July 2024 1h, 34m and

SO EP:482 Wood Apes In Area X Part One

SO EP:482 Wood Apes In Area X Part One

In this episode the North American Wood Ape Conservancy (NAWAC) shares their long-term research endeavors at Area X in Eastern Oklahoma. Hosted by NAWAC Chairman Alton Higgins and field anthropologist Kathy Strain, the episode explores firsthand observations and experiences, including rock-throwing, vocalizations, tree manipulations, and potential sightings of wood apes. Listeners get insights into the behavioral patterns and social structures of these elusive creatures, drawing comparisons to other primates. The discussion highlights the scientific approach and meticulous documentation by the NAWAC team, emphasizing the need for conservation efforts to protect the apes’ habitat.


Episode 12 July 2024 1h, 47m and 44s

SO EP:481 Bigfoot PhD

SO EP:481 Bigfoot PhD

Tonight Brian and Wayne welcome Dr. Hogan Sherrow to the show. They engage in an in-depth conversation with Dr. Sherrow an expert in primatology, and self described skeptic about the existence of Bigfoot. They discuss various aspects of the Bigfoot phenomenon, including government cover-ups, influences from media on public perceptions, and the scientific approach to researching Sasquatch.

The conversation also touches upon behaviors and physical characteristics attributed to Sasquatches, comparisons with known ape species, and the potential ecological impact if Bigfoot were proven real. 

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Episode 10 July 2024 58m and 46s

SO EP:480 Bigfoot In The Mist

SO EP:480 Bigfoot In The Mist

Fred from Alaska recounts unsettling encounters experienced by two separate groups. The first story, shared by Jack and his friend Eric, details their eerie caribou hunting trip along the McLaren River and Tyrone Creek. They experience unnerving quiet, strange movements in the fog, and haunting grunts, culminating in an apparent sighting of a 'hairy man' or Sasquatch. The second tale follows Chad, a cyclist, on his journey north of Trapper's Creek. Chad faces mysterious movements, destroyed camping gear, and a terrifying encounter with a large, shadowy figure. Both stories emphasize the growing fear and inexplicable experiences in the remote Alaskan...

Episode 7 July 2024 43m and 39s

SO EP:479 Indiana Dogman

SO EP:479 Indiana Dogman

In this episode, Brian welcomes Brandon from Indiana, who shares his chilling 2007 encounter with a bipedal canine that later morphed into an eerie dog-like creature and subsequent supernatural events. Brandon recounts driving home late at night when he noticed strange behavior from the car ahead and soon encountered a mysterious figure without a head or arms walking on two legs. This experience led him down a rabbit hole of cryptid lore, questioning reality, and dealing with unexplained events at home, including ghostly presences and phantom teeth. Brandon's quest for answers resulted in his own podcast, exploring similar experiences from others.<...

Episode 5 July 2024 58m and 46s

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