Skill Piper

Online Marketing Podcast

Brought to you by, Paul Pruitt

Online Marketing Podcast

Welcome to the Online Marketing Podcast, where we help Course Creators, Membership Owners & Coaches market and sell their offers. You get results for your students, members, and students and are confident that your offers work. Now you just have to market and sell them to bring the right people into your world! Each episode of the podcast we do a deep dive into strategies and mindset that high earners take action on for themselves (and we pull back the curtain on our 6 Figure Online Business as well!) Brought to you by Paul & Melissa Pruitt, husband & wife and business partners who...

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Recent Episodes of Online Marketing Podcast

Work Less, Earn More: The Easy Strategy

Work Less, Earn More: The Easy Strategy

It does take a lot of effort to get one single client.

And that's often the hardest lift, but then once you get that client in your world, then it is up to us to give them more opportunities for them to work with us.

In this episode, we discuss how you can create more than just one transaction per client by adding touchpoints to your current programs and offerings to give them different opportunities to work with you.

Find the full show notes here:


Episode 16 September 2024 12m and 34s

Mastermind Series: How To Strategically Use Facebook Events In Your Promotions

Mastermind Series: How To Strategically Use Facebook Events In Your Promotions

In this episode of our Mastermind Series, we discuss how you can make the most out of your Facebook events by strategically inviting and targeting people to drive interest and traffic and creating audiences for your future ads. 


Adaptive Inner Circle - The Adaptive Inner Circle with Paul & Melissa Pruitt is an epic 12-month experience for online business owners, coaches, course creators, and membership site owners who aspire to create financial freedom and a lifestyle they want for themselves and their family and also create a positive impact in their community and the wor...

Episode 15 September 2024 7m and 32s

Nugget: Focus on Deeper Connections, Not Bigger Networks

Nugget: Focus on Deeper Connections, Not Bigger Networks

We need to know what our customers are talking about, what they're thinking about where they are in their own journey so that we can align our offers, align our messaging, and attract the right people into our world.

The way to get that is to give people the time. Listen and connect.

Stop treating everybody like a number.

Don't scale to fail. Don’t build your list, instead build your connections. Who are you going deeper with?

You can probably achieve all the goals th...

Episode 14 September 2024 3m and 37s

Nugget: The Key to an Efficient Marketing Funnel

Nugget: The Key to an Efficient Marketing Funnel

A lot of times when people do marketing and they're testing things out, they change a lot of elements all at one time.

They might change a photo or a headline or the body copy, whether it's for a paid ad, whether for it's an organic post or a sales page, and then when you get a really great result, which is awesome, you're not exactly sure how you got there.

That isn’t going to work. You can't replicate it; you can't duplicate it. You can’t use that information moving forw...

Episode 13 September 2024 1m and 49s

Nugget: How Your Unique Skills Make a Difference

Nugget: How Your Unique Skills Make a Difference

A lot of times when I am coaching entrepreneurs and business owners, and they’re putting together their thoughts and ideas for there offer, they stop themselves before they even get started because they say, “someone’s done that already” or “so and so, has a product that’s just like that, I can’t compare myself to that”, and they freeze and they don’t go further with that idea, and that’s an awful shame!

Because yes, there is a lot of noise out there, there’s a lot of competition out there, and I’m sure for every single...

Episode 12 September 2024 2m and 13s

How to Write Headlines That Hook Readers

How to Write Headlines That Hook Readers

In this episode, we discuss how to grab and keep your audience’s attention with your headlines and get them excited about your offers. 

Find the full show notes here:


50 High Converting Headlines Templates - Grab your 50 High Converting Headlines Templates to customize and use on your own marketing campaigns

Adaptive Inner Circle - The Adaptive Inner Circle with Paul & Melissa Pruitt is an epic 12-month experience for online business owners, coaches, course creators, and membership site owners who aspire to create financial freed...

Episode 11 September 2024 6m and 52s

Nugget: How Memberships Benefit Business Owners and Clients Alike

Nugget: How Memberships Benefit Business Owners and Clients Alike

Guess what! Now is the absolute best time for you to start a membership. Here's why…

With a membership, it really allows you to give your audience an awesome, ongoing experience. It allows you to support them, it allows you to give them an experience where they could receive something on a regular basis from you. It allows them to have many touch points along the way and allows you to see the transformation that they're making too.

Plus, as a business owner, it's going to give you that recurring income, give you that stability so...

Episode 10 September 2024 1m and 47s

The Biggest Mistakes in Creating Offers

The Biggest Mistakes in Creating Offers

When it comes to making the actual offer, the final step in the entire marketing and sales process, many of us make mistakes that sabotage all the hard work we’ve put into nurturing our audience and creating momentum.


In this episode, we are discussing the most common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Find the full show notes here:


Anatomy of a High Converting Offer - the key pieces of a high converting offer that


Episode 9 September 2024 11m and 21s

Mastermind Series: How To Promote Your Launch When You Don’t Have Social Proof

Mastermind Series: How To Promote Your Launch When You Don’t Have Social Proof

Not having any testimonials for social proof, can stop many marketers from launching their membership.

In this episode of our Summer Remix Series, we are discussing why that should not hold you back and how you can create desire for your membership by speaking to your audience’s pain points and the solution that you are offering in a way that truly resonates with your future customers.


Adaptive Inner Circle - Adaptive Inner Circle is an epic 12-month experience for online business owners, coaches, course creators, and membership site owners who aspire to cr...

Episode 8 September 2024 8m and 52s

Nugget: Why You Shouldn’t Give Everything Away for Free

Nugget: Why You Shouldn’t Give Everything Away for Free

Oh, my goodness, here comes the controversy... You do not have to give all the good stuff away for free!

Often in marketing circles, you’ll hear people say that you need to give your good stuff away for free in order to lead people in. And I want to put a little asterisk right there beside that statement.

I'm going to have you sit back and think about this...

Of course, we want to attract and bring people to our offer, our coaching program, our course, our membership, or wh...

Episode 7 September 2024 4m and 27s

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